[Opinion] Li Keqi from Aijia Media: Coordinating resources with routes to promote the upgrading of the self-driving travel industry

With the upgrading of tourism consumption, traditional scenic spot sightseeing can no longer match the current market demand. People are full of demands for self- driving tours . However, in the face of the blowout demand for self-driving tours, supply-side resources are fragmented, and infrastructure and product services are not enough to support the current development boom of self-driving tours.

[Opinion] Li Keqi from Aijia Media: Coordinating resources with routes to promote the upgrading of the self-driving travel industry

(Li Keqi, founder of Aijia Media)

Self -driving tours are not about using private cars to replace tourist buses, but they emphasize freedom, individuality and roads. Self-driving tours cannot copy the guiding ideas of traditional tourism. However, at present, many participants are still doing simple resource accumulation work, crude and wasteful development, and have not given full play to the characteristics of tourism resources. For self-driving drivers, the entire set of food, accommodation, travel, entertainment and shopping can be easily solved by relying on the Internet. An obvious question is ” Why should I accept your service?”

If you want to meet the needs of self-driving drivers, you need to start with safety. The so-called safety has three meanings, one is personal safety , including road rescue, medical rescue and risk monitoring, etc .; Mainly the quality and quantity of commercial services such as accommodation and shopping. To achieve this kind of experience, high-quality natural resources, good infrastructure, and creativity in culture, art and other aspects are required, which puts high demands on the ability to integrate resources.

[Opinion] Li Keqi from Aijia Media: Coordinating resources with routes to promote the upgrading of the self-driving travel industry

In this context, we initiated the selection of China’s self-driving tour routes, and created 36 annual must-drive routes to guide and coordinate national self-driving tour-related resources. For users, such a self-driving tour route provides them with a self-driving solution centered on creativity and guided by routes. At the same time, use the route selection as a platform to unite self-driving travel industry partners, gather resources, create products, jointly create and share the value of the self-driving travel industry, and promote the healthy development of the self-driving travel industry.

For the industry, the self-driving tour route is the starting point for linking user needs with government and industrial resources. With the route, it is possible to integrate various resources required by users, from resources to products that users need. The platform for route selection is also to guide and coordinate the relevant resources of self-driving tours across the country, to create supply and improve the structure based on user needs and experience, and to promote the development and prosperity of China’s self-driving tour industry.