[Opinion] Off-road e-family Li Xin: Off-roaders should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ecology

Now when we talk about the rise of self-driving tours, we no longer only point to traditional self-driving tours, but also include light field crossings and extreme off-road adventures. Leaving aside all kinds of professional auto and motorcycle races, there are more and more extreme self-driving crossing activities organized by non-governmental organizations with the theme of exploring grasslands and deserts.

[Opinion] Off-road e-family Li Xin: Off-roaders should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ecology

(Li Xin, Deputy General Manager of Off-Road Cultural Industry (Beijing) Co., Ltd.)

The more difficult extreme off-road can be regarded as special self-driving, such as the exploration of no man’s land. In extreme environments and conditions, both people and vehicles are struggling on the edge of the limit and undergoing high-intensity and high-intensity tests. Participants have suffered a lot in the game between man and nature, but the most important thing is that they gradually learned the truth in this process: human beings can never conquer nature, and they must have awe of nature.

[Opinion] Off-road e-family Li Xin: Off-roaders should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ecology

At present, many self-driving off-road enthusiasts rush into the national nature reserve in order to satisfy their own “heroism” and ignore the hidden dangers caused by the destruction of the natural environment. However, they don’t know that most of the animals in the reserve are herbivores, and sometimes they only rely on one or a few kinds of plants to survive. They live in a very harsh ecological environment, and the biodiversity structure is extremely simple. The ecological balance between plants and animals, especially animals with a single feeding habit, may be endangered and extinct due to the damage of a certain plant, and then a chain reaction will occur, leading to an ecological disaster.

[Opinion] Off-road e-family Li Xin: Off-roaders should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ecology

When we discuss special self-driving, we should not narrowly focus on driving skills and challenging the limit, but should shoulder the responsibility of maintaining ecological stability and bring positive social value. We should rely on the influence and communication power of off-road behavior itself, guide off-road enthusiasts to get close to nature in a legal and compliant manner, and prohibit all behaviors that cause damage to the ecological environment and compress the living space of wild animals and plants.

[Opinion] Off-road e-family Li Xin: Off-roaders should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ecology

No man’s land is not only a space for off-road enthusiasts to challenge themselves and release their individuality, but also a precious ecological resource for all mankind. The high-risk and high difficulty of self-driving off-road adventure activities determine that the size and direct economic value of the special self-driving industry are not considerable. This is also one of the bases for some local governments and management agencies to adopt a “one size fits all” comprehensive prohibition management method in order to protect the safety of ecological resources. However, with the development of the adventure tourism industry, the improvement of service and guarantee levels, and the improvement of the awareness level of fans, no man’s land may and should become an important link to rebuild the harmonious relationship between man and nature. See the beauty of nature, realize the importance of ecological security, and realize that everyone should contribute to ecological construction and protection.