Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The last time I followed Lao Han (yellow FJ) to Rizhao Haohan Slope, it was the first time to observe off-roading with him. The reason for “observing off-roading” is because I don’t own an off-road vehicle, so I can only feel the shock of what I saw with my own eyes, quietly watching the scene with my mouth open, and quietly hid in the corner to wipe my saliva.

When I came back from the last event, I wrote a long article, but my friends complained that it was too long.

I was submerged in the sea of ​​pictures and mountains without finishing watching. In fact, as a non-off-road critically ill patient, I just observed everything that happened in front of me from the perspective of an outsider. There are smiling faces and serious looks, but for me, as long as everything is real, a seed will be planted in my heart, and it will flow slowly and quietly…

Those who are interested can take a look, the last link:

Calling from off-road, no time? nonexistent···

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Lao Han’s beautiful wife Bai Fumei mentioned in the last article, let’s call her classmate OO, of course it can also be called Mrs. Han…

Life always gives us a lot of setbacks and confusion. Obviously, there is nothing easy in the world of adults.

As a disseminator of negative energy, I often toss and turn alone because my friends listen to my radio program late at night (NetEase Cloud Music Radio: Mr. Mugami’s poems), and then as a spokesperson for negative energy, obviously that Calling me a few late-night harassing calls from time to time will make them instantly happy. Maybe this is the so-called inadvertent making friends. Haha… Closer to home…

Perhaps there are many ways to make myself feel at ease. For one of the few weekends that an old man in literature and art has, I am planning to quietly buy a 10 o’clock “Captain Marvel” and plan to watch it alone.

After washing up, I was going to the studio to get a power bank. My mind was full of fantasies about the happiness of filling my mouth with popcorn while watching a blockbuster movie. Thinking about it, I felt a little excited.

Suddenly received a WeChat from Mrs. Han, “Go off-road”, “Yellow River Mouth”, “Let’s go away in Guangrao”, “If you go, Dongcheng Expressway Intersection”, “30 vehicles this time”, I was somewhat caught off guard when I received Mrs. Han’s WeChat. .

At that moment, I didn’t realize how Lao Han managed to let Mrs. Han go with him this time. I didn’t realize it until I got in the car. Of course, this is another story.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

A series of text messages bombarded me, and my mind was also spinning rapidly, wondering if there were any other conflicts in scheduling. When the thoughts were still half-pushing, the body had already walked out of the gate honestly and stopped a taxi by the side of the road.

When I woke up suddenly, I realized that this is the legendary subconscious mind? Let me subconsciously put on my coat, go downstairs, go out the gate, and successfully stopped a car on the side of the road…

Obviously, most men have no resistance in the face of such things, just like girls who enter a hypermarket and see a dazzling array of cosmetics, clothes and bags can’t move their legs. Get in the car and go straight to the highway intersection…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Because U-turns are not allowed at the intersection of the expressway, the taxi driver unloaded me on the side of the road and walked up by myself.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

If you have to walk up artificially, you must pay attention to safety and walk aside. It is indeed more dangerous to come and go.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

This is the first time I came to this angle, the front left is the intersection…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Dadongying welcomes you. The surrounding riders can come to Dongying as guests. Hanying Commander and Zhen will entertain you. I can only accompany you.

Lao Han’s “Ulterior Heart” pays tribute to the last strength of the old man after marriage.

This time, two cars set off to the assembly point together, a flamboyant yellow FJ (Old Han, Mrs. Han, his son Longlong), and a Datantu (Zhen, me). Laughing and laughing all the way, the two cars teased each other on the walkie-talkie, (For how Lao Han got promoted and raised his salary, married Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of life, please jump to: He pulled out Old Han’s fox tail.

“Old Han, why did you come out suddenly with your wife and children this time? Could it be that you have something to ask for from your wife? What’s the matter? The last time I went to Haohanpo, I found that the car needs to be upgraded?”

“What kind of nitrogen reduction, what kind of tires do you want to change, let the wife feel it first, and the money can only be approved when you feel the blood boiling…”

“Old Han, you are at home, and your family status is very prominent.”

“What to change, Lao Han changed the car and changed the watch, changed the watch and changed it… what…”


“Hahahahahahahahaha…” Lao Han’s silence, Zhen and I laughed wildly after seeing each other, as if we were embarrassed after seeing Lao Han’s failure, which reminded me of the harassing phone calls late at night Friends, can’t help laughing and laughing… Silent…

Yes, this may be the status quo of old men after marriage. Fangfo has grown from a big boy who loves playing toys in an instant to the father in the eyes of the children and the pillar of the family in the eyes of the wife. It seems to be pushed by time in a hurry Growing up, along the way, have you forgotten the smiling face of the little boy who only had a car made of mud? It’s not easy for a man…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The co-pilot of a big and smooth road, I want to be a spacious… The bus field of vision, a small list of all the cars…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Big and smooth interior, big luggage box…everything is big…yes…big…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Shocking true face, one of the protagonists of today’s story.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The flamboyant yellow FJ in front went all the way to the mouth of the Yellow River.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

It is unique to the Datuntu that the rear windows can be raised and lowered. This is the first time I have seen this function. slightly curious…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

FJ in the mirror.

about my city.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

FJ took us astray, and Lao Han successfully took us to the deserted wilderness…

Regarding the city where I live, it was a saline-alkali land a few decades ago. At that time, the air in this city was filled with salty smell. There were almost no plants growing here in four seasons. shake.

In my memory, the city is full of white mountains and plains, and the whiteness makes me feel that I have been living in an unreal world, a chaotic world like a dream. Living in this city, you can only see the world in front of you when you squint your eyes.

Apart from the oil fields, there are no scenic spots and historical sites here, and there is no natural scenery except the white saline-alkali land all over the sky, and the Yellow River estuary. The purpose of our trip is at the mouth of the river. The Yellow River has changed its route several times. This time it is to cross the old course of the Yellow River. However, because the water of the Yellow River is gradually rising, we just played with mud on the side of the ancient road this time.

Lao Han, who was in charge of contacting the large army, successfully led us to the deserted path. The road became narrower and narrower, and the body of the Datantu was also being rattled by the reeds on both sides.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The road became narrower and narrower, and Lao Han’s FJ disappeared, leaving only the lonely wild path of Datongtu to move.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

In the wild where there is a lack of advanced equipment, Lao Han can only climb onto the roof of the FJ with difficulty, and use his naked eyes to see where the big troops are.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The last strength of the old man, when I saw Lao Han staggering down the FJ, my mind was full of the image of him struggling to move his body to climb up.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Difficult to climb down the FJ, middle-aged men unique cautious.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Behind is white playing a smooth road. In this wilderness, even with a displacement of 5.7, it loses its temper.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Finally, they remembered that there was something called a “mobile phone”, and they contacted the main force in an instant. Arrive at the first stop of this event after 2 minutes.

Big mud hole.

The first stop: Peppa Pig’s favorite – stepping on the mud pit.

Finally reunited with the main force and arrived at the first stop. The hole in front of me was not too big, but it was very muddy. It is estimated that if a fierce person plunged into it, it would not be able to pull it out. The extruded car marks became deeper and deeper, and the mud pits became more and more difficult to walk.

Later, various rescues began one after another. At this time, the off-road spirit and the spirit of not abandoning and not giving up were fully displayed. Various vehicles started to pass the pit project in an orderly manner. The Jimny, visible from afar, also started the Cross Axis project.

After witnessing the scene of several cars speeding through the mud, with the roaring sound in my ears, Mrs. Han’s original quiet and indifferent state also began to disappear, and she also began to slowly appear in an irrational state , vaguely, I seem to see the corners of Lao Han’s mouth slowly rising. It seems that Lao Han’s plan will still succeed, and the new nitrogen reduction will soon be available.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The full title of Overbearing did not perform well in this event, and was rescued many times (Overbearing lovers, please let me go, after all, I just explained what I saw)

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Battalion Commander Han (Old Han) who is about to move… has a slightly grim expression. This is because his wife is nervous…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Camouflage big flat road, at least five or six smooth roads for this event, almost all local off-road people also came.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Overbearing waiting to be rescued.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

This camouflage body has a large and smooth road, which is supposed to be good-looking, with front and rear sports bars, various raised and large wheels, and changed exhaust. He is a senior local off-road poisoning patient, known as the fierce car.

There is another episode here. We are Douyin friends, and I occasionally saw his video before. He also watched an aerial video of mine and we had a short exchange. Then I recognized the car at a glance that day.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

At the same time, the car was stuck, and in front of him was a Lada, a literary youth, very literary. Wearing a pair of pure white A cones, after the second car sinking, I reluctantly took them off and walked barefoot in the mud. My girlfriend is very good-looking, and she also has a cute beige pit bull. Sure enough, the girls of the co-pilots of literary youths are all good-looking, which is not an understatement.

Behind is another domineering car.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Literary and artistic youth Ladage, wearing a white A-cone, wow ha ha…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Isuzu wants to be domineering. I don’t know what this car is called. I know the SUV version is called Muyouxia.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

So many cars, so many people.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

One-time pass, passed before there was time to record, after all, the pit is very small.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Once again, I changed the angle of the Lada stuck in the car. I doubt that this beautiful literary black Lada was used to pose.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Old Han’s FJ, once.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The Lada is hanging on the trailer hitch. It can be seen that the owner of the car has already taken off his clean white A-cone (visually it should be a limited edition of AJ). If you are also on this forum, local tyrant, can we be friends… Wow what··.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Big Sequoia is also stuck in the car. The mud pit is not big, but it is easy to get stuck in the car. Piggy Page will probably get stuck here because of his size.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The owner of the Lada, Literary Brother, has taken off his white A-cone and is standing on the roof of the Lada. The co-pilot is her girlfriend. I believe you will not zoom in.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The big brother at the back stepped on the mud because his water shoes fell off, so he gave a big thumbs up. Almost this project got stuck because he was working on the tow rope, so give him a big thumbs up, and if anyone knows it, he must pass it on to me. It’s really embarrassing for off-roaders. Brother, well done.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Lada being dragged.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Still very nice.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Brother bald, I just said that because the water shoes fell off, I stepped on the mud directly, so give me a big thumbs up. Almost this project got stuck because he was working on the tow rope, so give him a big thumbs up, and if anyone knows it, he must pass it on to me. It’s really embarrassing for off-roaders. Brother, well done.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Here comes the important point, Dangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdang. This was the car I came in.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Obviously, the Datuntu has no advantage in getting through such a pit, and the wheelbase is too long.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

After struggling several times, the car was still stuck. Originally Zhen had a suitable set of large wheels, but it was borrowed two days ago, so…

Heck, I believe it…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Good-looking camouflage, big smooth road, fierce car.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The Raptor is also camouflaged.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Big Tandem Rescue Birds of Prey. The four-wheel drive of the Raptor broke down, and as a result, the difficult slope behind also rushed up.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The green sweater is the owner of the Raptor, so handsome. Mrs. Han quietly asked me to take two more photos of him… Old Han, it should be… It seems… Probably… Cough cough… No… Do you mind… Cough cough… ··

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The fierce beige big smooth road.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The car got stuck in another pool, waiting to be rescued by Peppa Pig.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The trembling Da Tantu was rescued by the fierce Da Tantu.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Lada’s windshield sign says “Car Commune” It seems to be a literary organization, does your organization still need people?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Mrs. Han and the crystallization of their love, Xiaolonglong…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Mrs. Bai Fumeihan’s true face, I don’t know if she would mind being posted online by me.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Zhen and his big tank, and… the big tank is covered in mud, what? Not enough mud? ?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Then please look at this side again.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

From the perspective of the co-pilot, from now until I go home, my sight has been blocked by the mud on the right side, and I feel like looking at flowers in the fog.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Rush to the second stop: crossing. Due to the reason of the venue, the Datuntus rested on the road, and other cars moved freely.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Rush to the second stop: crossing. Due to the reason of the venue, the Datuntus rested on the road, and other cars moved freely.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Standing on the body of the big smooth road.

The second stop: Datantu communicates with each other, and other vehicles are free to go up and down the slope

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

All kinds of smooth roads.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

smooth road

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Other vehicles began to cross freely.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Because of the wheelbase problem, it was shouldered on the breakthrough.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

another angle.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Lao Han began to rescue the trapped bully.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

This time a winch was used.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Cough cough, show your face…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?


Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

This wheel is still very domineering.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

What about 5.7? lost? ?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Flash again.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Zhen looked at his smooth journey, and couldn’t help but lowered his head in shame.

Because I was going to appease Zhen, who just got stuck in the car, I didn’t go down to follow up. When the other cars were moving freely, I still didn’t give up to appease Zhen’s mood. I can’t afford to add that oil either. Wa hahaha····

The third stop: the paradise of Datongtu, the galloping piggies

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Rushing to the third field, at this time the Datantus who had just rested began to feel elated, a relatively smooth muddy land, the water was not deep but the field was a bit muddy.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

arrived one after another.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The co-pilot has a sense of sight.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

It’s pretty good.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The first thing that catches the eye is Overbearing and Da Sequoia getting stuck in the car, and there is another car in front of Sequoia. Brother Sequoia complained that the car in front braked, which caused him to slow down, so he got stuck… ahem… ok… I believe it…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The three brothers who were trapped in the car at the same time.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Various rescues.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Galloping piggy Peppa··················

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Another galloping piggy page…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Another galloping piggy page…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

This… well… very good…

Then send something that the TV station does not allow to broadcast, ahem…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Mrs. Han…beautiful…old Han is drunk…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Quite a match…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Flowers··that what················································​​

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

I can’t help but have a doubt, how did Mrs. Han…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Have any friends watched “Young and Dangerous”, and some people think that Lao Han is a bit like the boss of Hong Xing…Mr. Jiang in which part? It seems that there is such a person…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Mrs. Han…you are…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?


Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The halo of the goddess is no longer there… Ahem… Gemini is sure… Ahem…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The halo of the goddess is no longer there… Ahem… Gemini is sure… Ahem…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The family status is obvious…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The scenery is not bad…

The convoy in the distance…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

This small venue occasionally gets stuck in cars…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The yellow ground beneath your feet.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Well, let’s show my face… A group photo with Zhen Zhen, the owner of the Datuntu… Ahem…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Accidental discovery, it can be confirmed that this place used to be a river…the fish in the soil…I don’t know why it didn’t rot. Could it be that the soil in Dongying is too salty…it turned into salted fish? ?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Mrs. Han is really a woman…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

What a big salted fish, compare it with boots.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Raptor car owner, young woman killer… Being handsome is really an enviable skill…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Old Land Rover… It looks pretty good…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Take a group photo after assembly······························································································

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The shocking big smooth road.

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?


Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

The camera is not very good…ahem…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

After the event ended…some people left…some of the meals we had together…a group of cars were galloping on the open ground, which reminded me of some scenes in “The Wandering Earth”… ····

Then let’s end, just end today’s journey…

Playing with mud on the Yellow River Ancient Road? This is all led by Peppa Pig, right?

How many times have I tried

Carefully pretending to be nonchalant and asking

The tone is flat, the eyes occasionally dodge

trying to find an answer in every story

Past episodes buried in time

Feeling lonely like in a dream

The silent truth has not caught up with the depression

Sometimes in a trance, sometimes the sky is blue

Sometimes flustered and uneasy

Pretending to walk into that used bookstore unintentionally

Ask the boss if he remembers that book

The description is about yesterday and loneliness

time and tomorrow

4/Mr. Kigami

(Netease Cloud Music: Mr. Mushang. Netease Cloud Music Radio Station: Mr. Mushang’s Poems. Public Account: Leshe Music Label)

Then use this little poem to end. I am just a bystander. I don’t know how to off-road or modify cars. I just feel and record everything that happens in front of me. End this journey that is destined to pass by…

then, goodbye