[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

“Today’s stage is still high-speed, the road is relatively narrow, the desert is flat, and there are even clear ruts. The high-sand area is not as much as the third stage, and it is not as difficult as expected. The second half The 100-kilometer road is very bumpy, which is a test for the shock absorbers of the car. This stage is not particularly difficult for the navigator, and there is only one place where it is easy to make a mistake.” ——The navigator of the Beijing off-road family Run Racing team Li Pengcheng

The 2019 China Tower (International) Rally and China Autocross Championship Xinjiang Substation ended on May 27th for the sixth stage (Xiyuan Natural Glacier Water Stage). Due to safety and other reasons, the organizing committee canceled the motorcycle race on the day. The French driver Christian Lavigne/Jean-Pierre Gassin of the Beijing Off-Road Family Team in the car group ranked first in the national four-wheel drive group with a time of 5 hours, 14 minutes and 45 seconds, and was also the fastest in the car group score. Han Wei/Liao Min of the Geely Shell Lubricant Team ranked first in the national two-wheel drive group with a time of 5 hours, 14 minutes and 49 seconds.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

The total length of the SS6 stage is 404.27 kilometers. The starting point and the ending point are located near Hotan G217 National Highway 500K and Pishan County respectively. There is 70-80 kilometers of Shagai Road after the kilometer, which is relatively easy.

The first 150 kilometers coincide with the last 150 kilometers after the SS5 stage. The difference is that compared with the SS5 stage, a section of sand and gravel road has been added, which is 50 kilometers longer than before. The most difficult place is from 200-240 kilometers, which is a high-sand area with soft sand, many chicken nest pits, and small terrain, so it is easy to lose points and get lost. The organizing committee has done a lot of work, planted a lot of colorful flags on the road and repeated road surveys, which pressed a lot of ruts, but due to the recent dusty weather, almost all the rut marks were covered, and the colored flags were blown down. If the driver does not strictly follow the instructions in the road book and strays into the two sides of the marked route, it is easy to fall into the chicken nest pit or sand pit, and it is difficult to get out of trouble.

The difficulty factor of this stage is as high as 9 points. Most of the areas passed by the stage are the routes that the Shahai veterans marched into Hotan. By recreating the true history of the Shahai veterans to today’s people, you can feel the march of all the officers and soldiers of the Heroes on the eve of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In Xinjiang, it took more than half a month to travel 1,580 kilometers, crossing the Taklimakan Desert, known as the “Sea of ​​Death”, with a lofty spirit of selfless dedication to the motherland and perseverance without regret.

Auto China four-wheel drive group: BAIC Group takes the top three

In the national four-wheel drive group, the BAIC Group won the top three on the day. The Frenchman Christian was not threatened in the race that day, and he was the first to start the race and reach the finish line first. In an interview after the game, he said that although he stopped and adjusted the tire pressure twice that day, it did not affect the rhythm of the game.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

“Today’s stage is still full of challenges, but we need to play steadily, which is why we stopped twice in the stage today, because we need to adjust a more suitable tire pressure after entering the desert, not to take risks. I enjoyed today In the next game, we will have a rest day, and I will try my best to keep my current position in the next game,” Christian said after the game.

Wang Hai/Li Pengcheng, Liu Yangui/Sha He of the BAIC Legion ranked second and third respectively. The two drivers also strictly implemented the team’s strategy of focusing on stability that day. Wang Hai expressed that he had learned from the first and third stages After the lessons learned, I once “deliberately” stopped three times during the race that day, adjusting the tire pressure for a while, and adjusting the rhythm for a while. Inner Mongolian driver Zhang Lei/Xiang Liang of the Luhang Longxingtianxia Team continued his eye-catching performance in recent stages and became the dark horse driver in the national four-wheel drive group. ranked fourth. But Zhang Guoyu encountered a lot of troubles that day. With 100 kilometers left in the race, the engine belt of the car broke, so he had to stop and wait for his teammate Lu Binglong, who was performing a fast T4 first aid mission, to come. This accident also made him Nearly half an hour was lost.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

Lu Binglong/Meng Bin of Beijing off-road family Run Racing team, Ma Hailong/Tian Lei of Ningxia Yuanhang team, and Chen Feng/Wang Yi of RZOIL Longxingtianxia team ranked sixth to eighth. Wang Xiang/Yang Tao of the RZOIL Longxingtianxia Team, who played steadily before, suffered a rollover in the race that day. After losing nearly four hours, he has withdrawn from the competition of the front group.

In the mass production group, Wu Ritunasheng of the Jiangxi Isuzu Nomad Racing Team and Tao Yongming of the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Team ranked first in the diesel mass production and gasoline mass production groups respectively.

In terms of overall results, Christian continued to lead with a total time of 19 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 24 seconds. His teammates Liu Yangui and Zhang Guoyu ranked second and third respectively.

Automobile National Two-Wheel Drive Group: Geely takes the top two

In terms of the national two-wheel drive team, Han Wei of the Geely Shell Lubricant Team and teammate Xu Eli/Liu Zhigang took the top two. Qi Dongliang/Liu Jifeng of the Wulate Agate Lake team continued their strength in the previous stage and once again won the top three in the stage.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

“Today we had a good grasp of the pace of the race. Everyone said that this stage was difficult, but it was not as difficult as SS3. After the start, we overtook a few cars. Overall, it went smoothly,” Han Wei said after the race.

Jin Jianmin/Wu Fuxi of Ningxia Yuanhang Racing Team ranked fourth that day, but Shen Weijian, head of Hard Tiger Racing, became the first person to thank after he reached the finish line. Jin Jianmin said that because his car was almost out of fuel at the finish line, the area before the closed area was already in a sliding state. Fortunately, Shen Weijian, the head of Hard Tiger Racing behind him, discovered this situation and pushed him out of the closed area. Get a valid grade.

And Shen Weijian performed well that day, ranking sixth after Zhang Ming/Qin Xu of the Yunxiang Army. After the game, Shen Weijian admitted that he had just found the best feeling of the game. He looked forward to a few days after the rest day. The game day can continue to move forward.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

Veteran Wei Hongjie/Guo Jun of the Jiyuan Driving School Team and Niu Banding/Yao Bin of the Yunxiang Army ranked seventh and eighth respectively. The driver Zi Yungang’s racing generator failed and tried his best to help him reduce the loss. Liu Kun, who was ranked ninth, said that he is currently Zi Yungang’s rapid rescue team. After discovering that his teammate’s generator failed that day, he immediately disassembled his accessories for his teammates to use. The veteran Jin Jianyun of the Ningxia Yuanhang Racing Team who ranked tenth that day was not as lucky as his brother Jin Jianmin. When he arrived at the finish line after the race, he was very angry and said that he had already caught up to the top five, but due to a car failure, he was almost out on the day. He drove a broken car all the way and acted as a maintenance worker. In terms of total results, Xu Eli ranked first with a total time of 20 hours, 59 minutes and 56 seconds, Zhang Ming and Zi Yungang ranked second and third respectively.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

After the day’s competition, the drivers will usher in the rest day of the Hetian competition area at the Hotan Desert Populus euphratica Park Camp. A series of colorful activities such as exploring the Dameihetian area and the Impression Ring Tower will be launched on the rest day.

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

The above is the result of SS6 stage

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected

The above is the total score

(Text/China Automobile and Motorcycle Federation Special Correspondent Fei Chao Picture 365 Racing Network)

[Results] The sixth stage of the 2019 Ring of Towers Rally: It is not as difficult as expected