RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

Let’s talk about the power consumption of the RV.

If the electricity on the RV is used as casually as at home, it will not be enough. why? Recharging is a problem!

In the off-grid state, the means of supplementing electricity are nothing more than driving charging, solar energy, and generators. It can be said that these methods are useless to make up quickly! If you don’t use it sparingly, it’s not enough!

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

But if the air conditioner is excluded, in fact, the power supply on the RV does not need any large lithium battery at all!

A set of lithium batteries is fully equipped, the cost is 20,000 yuan, how much is it to install a bottom generator!

In the picture above, a reader provided his own power consumption plan, which you can refer to.

Use a 3000W large inverter for high energy consumption, and install a small 1000W inverter for small equipment. Even if the small inverter is always on, it will not consume much electricity. The large inverter is only used for boiling water and cooking, and the air conditioner is handed over to the generator! The 400AH gel battery will not feel insufficient at all. The cost can be much cheaper…

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

As for lithium batteries, I do not recommend them for ordinary riders. If you want to make good use of lithium batteries, the premise is that you understand electricity yourself, know how to balance lithium batteries, how to monitor battery status, and how to replace damaged ones… This is something ordinary people can’t handle. If you are an electrician yourself, play with it!

The picture below is a photo shared by the riders in our group, who made the lithium battery balance by themselves.

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

Why do it yourself? Because I am worried about lithium batteries made by small factories sold outside.

There are no well-behaved businessmen now, and it is very troublesome for those who do not understand lithium batteries to encounter problems.

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

Now in the RV, it’s time for the demon wind with 800AH lithium battery to rest.

Why do merchants encourage you to install such a large lithium battery? Isn’t there a profit in it!

Old riders, who know electricity by themselves, playing with lithium batteries is completely a hobby! The geek spirit is worth admiring!

Ordinary riders don’t understand the voltage, power and current, and they don’t have basic skills in electricity. Why do they join in the fun and use lithium batteries?

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

Seriously selling RVs, there are many people who oppose lithium batteries! why? Fear of instability, fear of security risks!

On the contrary, there are some riders who enjoy it so much that they can’t be persuaded at all!

Today’s article is just to explain to everyone that the ordinary gel battery 400AH, combined with a silent generator, can completely solve the normal power use of the RV. If you still think it’s not enough, add solar energy if you have the money!

Silent generator, I listened to the sound during the exhibition, plus the load, it is also within the acceptable range. Far less exaggerated than the legendary deafening. As long as it is a formal installation method, and then it is sound-proofed, the sound will not affect you to the extent that you cannot sleep. There is no need to use lithium batteries…

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

RV should be simple, where to go where cool ! The air conditioner on the RV should be used as a “standby” rather than as the main equipment! Many riders always emphasize “what if”. In order to cope with “what if”, there are too many arguments about electricity in RVs. Many people themselves are not electricians themselves, just follow suit! It is also a lithium battery, an extended range, and a 48V. Are these cost-free? What do you think is the low price of RV now? After asking a refitting factory to satisfy you, you start to think it’s too expensive again…

RV electricity, enough to go! There is no need to have a large lithium battery, don’t imagine your car as a doomsday armor

emphasize again! The RV is just a tool that allows you to travel easily, there is no need to turn it into a doomsday armored vehicle.

The current power solution for the RV industry, even if it is a 12V+ sufficient gel battery, is enough!

The above is written by First RV and does not accept rebuttals.