RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

Hello, friends and car lovers, the Spring Festival is approaching, and the children are starting to go on vacation. For those who are going to go out to play and are playing with RVs outside, I would like to make a suggestion on the forum:

I hope that everyone must pay attention to their image and behavior when camping outside, and maintain the environmental hygiene of the site. Do not go to the park square, tie a rope to the tree to dry the quilt or underwear, which is very indecent. our own image. When we go to any beautiful place, we are asking for sunshine, air, water, environment, and all kinds of attention. If there is really nothing to give back there, we can at least show some civilization, culture, and atmosphere.

I saw two videos posted in the RV circle yesterday, and I didn’t sleep well. When I got up, I quickly turned on the computer and appealed to my friends.

Yesterday, a RV owner in Henan C used a lot of water to wash his car at Wanda Plaza in Xishuangbanna, causing the clean and tidy square to flow across. Friends came to dissuade him, but he strongly resisted, and he was very unconvinced, disapproving, and even felt that these car friends were meddling.

In fact, these riders are all for the reputation of our RV circle. In fact, they are not in charge of yourself but the civilization of the entire RV. We come from different regions and have different habits. When everyone is careless, you can There are mistakes, but when friends around you kindly persuade you, why don’t you listen and stop, and even feel that other people have too much to do? Freedom is fine, we all yearn for freedom, but freedom does not mean that you have no marginal ego, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness…

Since this place accepts you and provides you with a beautiful environment, you should be grateful, regulate yourself, and use actions to be grateful for everything here, instead of doing whatever you want like in your own home. How do you let the locals see you, and us RV people?

We are living and enjoying life, not homeless, let alone a group of homeless people who have no culture, no rules and no civilization! Sanya does not accept RVs, does not welcome RVs, and some countries in Southeast Asia also prohibit the entry of Chinese RVs. This is the most distressing example in our car circle. If you don’t take yourself seriously and don’t restrain yourself, no matter how you let others look up to you, you can only rely on the government to restrain you and drive you away! Isn’t it necessary to ruin all the good places without learning a lesson?

Since we like this circle, we must always maintain the reputation and reputation in this circle. There are still many prospective car owners here who want to live a free RV life. We must be responsible for everyone and for the future riders who plan to enter the circle. . We are not homeless or idiots. We are a group of people who love life, have dreams and are willing to fight for them. We must unite together to establish a good reputation and image for ourselves and for the Chinese RV circle.

Everyone should remind each other, supervise each other, learn from each other, help each other, and develop good habits of RV travel together. May Chinese RV friends be a happy family.

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

This car owner, the article is not aimed at you personally, but just discusses the facts. Hope to pay more attention in the future.

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

The environment is still very good, and everything will be passive when the government comes to take care of it.

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

drove away

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look

A few days ago, the riders saw various videos and photos of drying quilts in the square, and everyone in the favorite RV group relayed a few agreements, which are also constraints on their own RV people.

RV owner travel agreement

Civilized travel starts with me

1. Do not litter, clean when you come, and even cleaner when you go,

2. Don’t make too much noise

3: Don’t go to the bathroom to wash things, you can fetch water and come back to wash

4. Don’t pull the rope on the tree to dry clothes, quilts, etc.

5. When the parking space is tight, try to find a parking space on the side with an extension, so as not to affect other people’s parking.

6. Civilized language, respect for others is to respect yourself

7. For those who visit, onlookers should be low-key, enthusiastic, patiently answer, and pass on the RV culture.

8. In urban areas, when camping in parks, don’t walk around in underwear.

9. Do not take items belonging to local residents casually, and do not take supplies from public places.

10. Do not discharge the water in the gray water tank anywhere.

11. Don’t take advantage of other people’s electricity supply and use high-power electrical appliances such as induction cooker and air conditioner (I think one should be added)

12. Campers should restrain each other, remind each other, accept other people’s opinions with an open mind, and help each other.

RV riders and riders who are going out to play, including prospective riders, please come in and have a look