Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don’t you go out and experience it

RV should be simple, the simpler, the easier it is to achieve. The ideal modification plan only exists on paper. If you use your own ideas to model the small space of the RV every day, it is estimated that your RV will always exist in the imagination and cannot be put into practice. up. Because no one can achieve the “perfect” layout and settings in your mind. Modifying a car is easy to say, but it is not as easy as it sounds…

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

Recommend to all riders who want to buy a RV, define the RV you want, what are you going to use it to achieve? The definition of taking you to poetry and distant places is too general. If you just want to travel, Wuling Hongguang + roof tent can also travel! There is not much difference in function realization.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

If you want to buy a RV, please quantify your usage needs first. Take my own car as an example. My car is a Dongfeng Yufeng with a long axle and high roof. Application scenarios: I usually go fishing, and I can drink hot water when I get back in the car. I can cook a simple meal when I am hungry, and I can lie down and rest when I am tired. There must be a bathroom to deal with my unsatisfactory stomach. There are no restrictions on the seasons of using the car, and at the very least, it is warm in winter and cool in summer. When the weather outside is not very comfortable, it is relatively comfortable in the car! After all, I want a “home” to shelter me from wind and rain. If the comfort of heating and cooling cannot be guaranteed, then the modification will fail. I don’t have any requirements for the layout, but it accommodates the sleeping needs of three adults when I occasionally take the family camping.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

In the end, what my car achieved was the layout of the rear horizontal bed + the front-facing card seat to join the bed + the household inverter air conditioner to ensure that it can cope with the extremely hot weather in summer + the parking fuel heater to ensure that it is not cold in winter. The requirements are clear, the layout is confirmed, and all the modification details are left to the modification factory. After all, they are experts and I am not! I’m just a user who knows their needs. After the layout is determined, how to realize enough water and electricity is their business! I am only responsible for using it!

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

Back to fellow riders, what are your needs? How many people use it? Where are the main application scenarios? Are there primary and secondary functions, and which ones must be implemented? Is there room for negotiation. After clearing all these things up, leave the matter of changing the car to the refitting factory! Don’t draw pictures at home by yourself. Personal drawing is not advisable. You say that you can’t even figure out the position of a wheel hub? Not advisable!

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

I just went to a certain RV forum, and I saw the drawing party again. There are really many drawings. Yixin Transit can actually draw the layout of a long-axis car with a kitchen, bathroom, big bed, and everything. It is quite hard. Has it been achieved? It seems to be possible on the drawings, and some refitting factories say they can help it achieve it. But as far as I understand the space of the new Transit, this old man’s drawing can be burned to worship the heavens. According to the design of the closed rear bathroom + kitchen + front bed in your drawing, even if the long-axis car is realized It looks very crowded, not to mention that you have chosen a new Transit with a center shaft and a top.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

It is estimated that when this old man draws the picture, he may just treat the car as an empty shell in a three-dimensional space. The position of the hub and the skeleton structure are not considered at all. If there is a refitting factory that dares to take on your big job, the final modification will definitely be It needs to be streamlined once, either the kitchen or the bathroom… If it is forced to change, and full functions are added in an impossible space, then the final realization must have all functions, but none of the functions. easy to use!

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

Theory is divorced from reality, and demand is greater than reality! This is the modification problem that many riders have to face. In the case of a constant physical space, there is no space magic that can treat 1 cubic meter as 2 cubic meters, not even an inch more! The last time I saw the application of space transformation to the extreme was “Transformers 5″… It’s out of reality, boss! In terms of practical application, there are indeed some modified cars in foreign countries, which can take care of the storage space, and the classification of bottles and cans is more refined, which is the limit of modification. Many people always think that the space can be multi-purpose, and the board on the bathroom can be used as a stove, but they never want to play like this. Is it really useful? It really realized such a wonderful function for you, how many times can you use it? Do not toss! You’ve been changing, you thought you were the Liu Qian of the RV world! Now some manufacturers are starting to focus on “change” to attract the pseudo-demand of these users. In my opinion, they are fooling users who have never used a RV! I really went out for a walk and understood everything.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

It is also a common problem that the demand is greater than the actual situation. Many readers do not know what their needs are and want everything! Not to mention the B-type RV, your big dream will not be able to save you a A-type trailer! In fact, the best solution is to rent an empty van model first, make a floor shop at the back, go to Taobao to buy some outdoor facilities, and then go out. Go out for a circle, just wander aimlessly for ten days and a half months, and come back with one circle, you will immediately know what functions are necessary, what are dispensable, and which functions can be realized on the RV , those seemingly high-end functions are actually pseudo-needs!

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

As for the matter of space, after pondering it clearly, and allowing my imagination of space to be put into practice, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle. RV is nothing more than water, electricity, layout. One-third of the important layout is solved first, and the rest is water and electricity. Go out and walk around and you will find that the problem of water and electricity is not as difficult to supply as rumored. How do truck drivers who run all over the world survive? Washing water is not hard to find. As for the power problem, you only need to reduce the demand first, and it is easy to achieve. Many old riders who play outdoors, buy a large power bank for one or two thousand yuan, which can perfectly solve the use of mobile phone and computer lighting, drive an SUV with a battery and take a bed car, don’t they also go to Tibet and Xinjiang? I know a lot of riders, and the 200AH battery has been used for several years without feeling a loss of power.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

You try to solve all the problems in a simple way first. Going to experience it once is more useful than reading a million words on the Internet! Only after experiencing it once, even if it is just a simple camping life, can we abandon all kinds of unrealistic extravagant expectations, understand our own needs, and realize our simple RV dream.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

The layout, water and electricity have all been realized, so the rest is just a matter of choosing the chassis. Things like chassis are all models that have been on the market for so long. If there are any problems, there are public opinions on the Internet. There is nothing difficult to choose. When purchasing, be careful not to be blinded by a single leaf. First, understand the “problems” of the optional model, and see if you can accept it with a normal heart! Don’t expect “perfection” extravagantly, the perfect car in this world has not been built yet! As long as there is enough space, there are no inappropriate models, and the more popular the chassis, the better!

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

Summary: Water, electricity, layout, and chassis are all done, find a refitting factory, and the job can start.

I hope that you can have a RV of your own as soon as possible, it is simple, a means of transportation that can protect you from the wind and rain on the road. Walking on the road, a cup of warm tea when thirsty, a bed when sleepy, nothing more.

Simple RV dream, why is it too complicated? Instead of drawing layout diagrams with brain supplements! Why don't you go out and experience it

To dream of something like this and to realize it is the meaning of thinking, otherwise it is just a dream!

If you have anything to say about RVs, please leave a message. Simple RV dream, I will help you realize it!

Above, the first RV author, car lovers who are interested in RVs, add me to follow!