Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Start again, encounter unexpected scenery

Just finished the Silk Road Journey in the Hexi Corridor, and came to the Great America-Yunnan-Tibet Line with hope. For a person whose heart is on the road, this is indeed a very nice thing.

Tibet, mysterious and real. This is the yearning of many people for a lifetime, and it is also a snow-covered holy land that many people have been to once and can’t stop. The Sichuan-Tibet line, the Qinghai-Tibet line, the Yunnan-Tibet line, and the Tang-Tibet ancient road always leave a deep imprint on my heart every time I go to Tibet. This is a lingering plot. I like the sky there, the snow mountains there, the lakes there, the people there and their persistent beliefs.

As a person who has experienced many landscapes, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is just scenery, without the impulsiveness and recklessness of youth, but with more thinking and calmness. For the distant place in the heart, while feeling the charm of the world, it is more to explore and trace the source.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

On May 15, the journey of Ruifeng S7 Yunnan-Tibet line kicked off. 5 cars with 20 people, starting from Kunming, along National Highway 214, passing through Lijiang, Shangri-La, Deqin, turning to National Highway 318 at Mangkang, going north to Qamdo via Zuogong, then passing Dingqing, Suo County, Nagqu along National Highway 317, and finally Arrive at the destination Lhasa, the total mileage is about 2600 kilometers. 

Route: Kunming – Lijiang – Deqin – Mangkang – Zuogong – Qamdo – Dingqing – Suo County – Nagqu – Lhasa

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Itinerary diagram of Ruifeng S7 Yunnan-Tibet line

There are many sights to see on the Yunnan-Tibet line. Along the way, in addition to towering snow-capped mountains, majestic glaciers, cattle and sheep in pastoral areas, rolling prayer flags, and sacred and magnificent temples. The paradise-like Shangri-La, the Kawagebo Peak in Rizhao Jinshan, the picturesque Jinsha River, Mangkang, the snow-covered salt capital, Qamdo, the throat of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, the mysterious and long-standing Zizhu Temple, the majestic and majestic Nyainqentanglha Mountain, and many more. The changed Nagqu Alpine Grassland, all these are calling to you.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line


Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Gadan Songzanlin Monastery

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Great Bend of the Jinsha River

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Zizhu Temple

In the coming time, the itinerary will be updated irregularly to share with you the humanities, beautiful scenery and the performance of Ruifeng S7 along the way.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

DAY1: May 15, Kunming – Lijiang

510 kilometers, high speed/national road

The “Test Drive for Thousands of Miles” Refine S7 into Tibet long-term test project is for Qinghai-Tibet, Sichuan-Tibet, and Yunnan-Tibet three lines to go to the top of the snowy area at the same time. It will comprehensively test the power and other performance of Refine S7. It is planned to join forces in Lhasa on the 24th. .

The author participated in the activity of the Yunnan-Tibet line, which is also the line with the most complicated road conditions but the most shocking scenery among the three lines.

On the morning of the 15th, the departure ceremony of the Yunnan-Tibet line was held in Kunming.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Due to the project briefing and departure ceremony in Kunming, it was already afternoon when we set off.

There is a lot of rain in Yunnan, and many business trips to Yunnan, sunny days seem to be rare. Coming from the north and wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, I felt the coolness of the cold wind blowing on my face in the south of the colorful clouds. The climate in the north and the south can’t be generalized in many cases just by region.

From Kunming to Lijiang via Dali, we did not stop because of time, leaving some regrets.

Needless to say, the scenery of Dali, the natural landscape of Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake and the leisurely pace of life have attracted a lot of attention. It is not only a paradise for tourists, but also a place that many young people yearn for. Some people came and stayed, and some people are rushing here.

“The scenery of Cang’er Lake is in the double corridor”, and the double corridor in the corner of Erhai Lake is its representative place. Shuanglang is adjacent to Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake. It not only has the advantages of fishing fields and the convenience of boats, but also combines the wonderful scenery of “wind, flowers, snow and moon”. Once you come here once, you will keep it in your heart and never forget it.

In the twilight, we passed the Shuanglang.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

When we arrived in Lijiang, it was already past 22 o’clock in the evening. 

The rain kept falling, and the ancient city of Dayan could be vaguely distinguished. Due to the non-tourist season, there are not too many pedestrians on the road. On the way to the hotel, I looked at the streets of the ancient city, and everything was still familiar. The raindrops fell on the bluestone road, and there were bursts of spray, covering the exquisite ancient city with a layer of oil. Although it was late at night, the ancient city under the drizzle was still shining brightly under the light.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

As it was getting late in Lijiang, I only went around the ancient street near the hotel before departure the next morning. Fortunately, the hotel is in the ancient city, so it is convenient to go shopping. Lijiang in the rain is still what I remember, but there are not many tourists in the off-season, and it is more quiet and fresh.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

“Rain in Lijiang” can be beautiful.

I have been to Lijiang many times, and I will walk in the rain almost every time. The rain in Lijiang does not distinguish between seasons, whether it is spring, summer or autumn; regardless of climate, whether it is sunny or cloudy. Either fall majesticly or quietly drip. If you plan to walk through Lijiang, don’t forget to appreciate the ancient city in the rain while feeling the Naxi culture.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

DAY2: May 16th, Lijiang-Deqin

350 kilometers, national road/provincial road/county road, mountain road

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

I have driven by myself several times in recent years, and the road from Lijiang to Deqin is no stranger to me.

From Lijiang to the north, it enters the mountainous area of ​​Hengduan Mountains. The geological changes of tens of thousands of years have created a complex and diverse natural landscape here.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The terrain of the Hengduan Mountains is steep and the vegetation is lush

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The low clouds and mist and the winding mountains are a major feature of Shangri-La.

From the ancient city of Lijiang at the foot of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to Pudacuo, a world of fairy tales; from the choppy Tiger Leaping Gorge to Songzanlin Temple on the bank of Ramyangcuo; along the 214 National Highway northward, passing Benzilan to the big bend of the Jinsha River; crossing The Baima Snow Mountain pass at an altitude of 4292 meters is only for Shangri-La in the dream. 

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Overlooking Gadan Songzanlin Monastery

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The magnificent Songzanlin Temple, the largest Tibetan Buddhist temple in Yunnan Province, is also one of the famous big temples in Kham, known as the “Little Potala Palace”

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Songzanlin Temple is also the center of the Yellow Sect in Sichuan and Yunnan.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

convoy passing by

The book “The Lost Horizon” depicts a paradise “Shangri-La” that is far away in the mountains and mountains in the east, and is eternally peaceful. Since then, people have dreamed of that perfect world, and the secret Shangri-La has gradually been chanted all over the world.

And now we are walking through the legendary snow-capped mountains, white clouds, meadows, canyons, and lakes, and the winding and undulating complex landforms of the Hengduan Mountains and the magnificent natural scenery are presented one by one.

In fact, it is difficult to describe the state of mind at this time in words, whether it is shocking or amazing. I have walked through it a few times, and it is often misty and rainy. Although there is no scene of God knocking over the palette, the elegant colors still touch the bottom of my heart.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The convoy marches in the mountains of Shangri-La

DAY3: May 17, Deqin-Zuogong 

380 kilometers, national road/provincial road/county road, mountain road

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

People who pass through Deqin will definitely visit Meili Snow Mountain. If you have time to stay for a few days, you can deeply experience the visual impact and shock brought by the most beautiful snow mountain in Tibet; if you don’t have time, you will also stay for a day to experience the spectacular scenery of Jinshan at sunrise or sunset. Of course, you need luck to see Kawagebo Peak, the main peak of Meili Snow Mountain. It is said that the main peak will only occasionally show its true colors for two months every year. veil.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

This picture comes from the Internet

“Crossing the Hengduan Mountains” Suffering and Joy

The Meili Snow Mountain in the morning light is shrouded in clouds and mist, and a ray of sunshine at this time will become a luxury.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, the convoy set off, and Kawagebo drifted away.

The Jinsha River, Lancang River and Nujiang River, originating from the Tanggula Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, flow in parallel within hundreds of kilometers near Deqin, forming the so-called Sanjiang area of ​​”two walls and three rivers”. There are many mountains and valleys in the territory. The terrain is complex.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

A corner of the big bend of the Jinsha River

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

On the way from Deqin to Mangkang

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The convoy marches in the Hengduan Mountains

The Sichuan-Tibet South Line and the Yunnan-Tibet Line meet in Mangkang, and the convoy then enters the Sichuan-Tibet South Line of National Highway 318.

Starting from Deqin, the convoy entered a crazy mountain-turning mode. Today’s route runs through the hinterland of the Hengduan Mountains. Many roads are excavated close to the mountain, with the cliffs at the top and the abyss at the bottom. Here the mountains echo, there are many intermountain basins and lakes, the erosion and accumulation of ancient glaciers are widespread, and landslides are frequent along the way.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Deqin to Mangkang mountain road section

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

On Dongda Mountain on the Sichuan-Tibet line, you can overlook the Gongga peaks

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Part of the road in Dongda Mountain is in good condition

Due to the frequent walking around the mountain, the altitude has also risen to more than 4,000-5,000 meters. During this period, they have to cross high-altitude passes such as Hongla Mountain and Dongda Mountain. Some team members have symptoms of hyperactivity.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Dongda Mountain Pass, 5130 meters above sea level

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

I have passed by the snowy Dongda Mountain many times, this time the wind is sunny

Go all the way and enter the good place.

In Yunnan, I experienced the varied natural landforms of the Hengduan Mountains and the breathtaking alpine meadow scenery. After entering the Tibetan area, I felt the gradually changing landform features. This may be one of the pleasures of self-driving.

Jumping and taking pictures at the pass of Dongda Mountain at an altitude of 5130 meters, these are the friends of the Ruifeng S7 entering Tibet team.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Taking pictures at the Pass of Dongda Mountain

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

One of the high-altitude passes on the Yunnan-Tibet line-the Dongda Mountain Pass at an altitude of 5,130 meters

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Friends of the S7 Yunnan-Tibet line, we are the best

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The heroism of climbing high and looking far made the team members cheer up

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

I met a warrior riding the Sichuan-Tibet line and took a group photo

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The caravan under the sunset, we are on the road

DAY4: May 18th, Zuogong-Qamdo 

280 kilometers, national road/county road, mountain road, dirt road 

Starting from Zuogong at the foot of Dongda Mountain, continue to climb over 4,000 meters of Yela Mountain, and arrive at the famous Bangda Grassland, where more and more cattle and sheep are growing. At the Sanchakou in Bangda Town, the convoy turned northward, and today’s destination is Qamdo, the second largest city in Tibet. 

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

“The most beautiful scenery” is on the road

The endless Hengduan Mountains make people who pass by exhausted. No matter self-driving, motorcycle tour or bicycle, it is impossible to imagine the hardships of hiking. This is not just as simple as “the eyes are in heaven and the body is in hell”. Perseverance and physical fitness are particularly important here.

No matter which way you enter Tibet, you can only understand the taste after experiencing it.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Convoy driving in the canyon

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

It used to be the place where the famous “Tea Horse Road” must pass.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Happiness goes hand in hand, the mentality of riding is very important

I happened to meet another S7 convoy traveling on the Sichuan-Tibet line, and with the joy of reunion, we went forward hand in hand. We bid farewell to each other in Bangda Town, went westward on National Highway 318 and northward on National Highway 317, and met in Lhasa.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The upstream of Yuqu, a tributary of the Nu River, meanders through it

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

On the vast low-humid beach on both sides of the bank, there are dense and low meadow plants such as Artemisia annua and Carex, and the green grass is like felt.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Two S7 motorcades from Yunnan-Tibet Line and Sichuan-Tibet Line met Mangkang and took a group photo

To cope with complex and changeable road conditions, the performance of the vehicle is particularly important. After driving thousands of miles, the JAC Refine S7 has just shown its edge.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Starting from Kunming, go north along the Yunnan-Tibet line, cross the Hengduan Mountains, enter the Sichuan-Tibet South Line, and arrive at Zuogong, with a mileage of 1,240 kilometers. After experiencing highways, winding mountain roads, and a small amount of dirt and rock roads, the driving conditions are basically common urban and mountainous roads, and the vehicle experience basically meets expectations. No matter in terms of handling or comfort, it is quite satisfactory and performs well. It is worth mentioning that the space and seat comfort are relatively good, the front and rear rows have a large space, the seat design is humanized, and the wrapping is very good. There is no discomfort, and the ride comfort of the vehicle is quite in place.

Of course, the Sichuan-Tibet North Line that is about to enter has harsh natural conditions and more complicated road conditions. We will further experience and feel the performance of the vehicle. Especially whether the power and suspension system can cope with extreme challenges.

let us wait and see!

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

DAY5: May 19, Qamdo-Dingqing

260 kilometers, national road/provincial road/county road, some dirt roads

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Starting from Qamdo, drive west all the way, officially step into National Highway 317, and today’s destination is Dingqing. 

After a few days of walking, I slowly adapted to the time-consuming rhythm of driving in the mountains and rivers of Sichuan and Tibet. In the coast and inland, the expressway network is extremely developed, making it easy to travel thousands of miles a day. In Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Tibetan areas, it is not easy to run 2,300 kilometers a day. 

Leaving Qamdo in the morning and arriving in Dingqing in the evening, I ran more than 200 kilometers in Tibet for a whole day.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The narrow dirt road in Zhujiao La Mountain makes people crash

Although I have been mentally prepared, I still feel the brokenness and difficulty of National Highway 317.

In 2011, I walked through the section from Leiwuqi to Qamdo, which was passing along the ancient Tang-Fan ancient road. A night walk in Zhujiaola Mountain was on the verge of collapse. Zhujiao La Mountain has high mountains and deep valleys, twists and turns, and dozens of kilometers of dirt and stone roads wind along it, which is unforgettable to walk through.

Re-walking Zhujiaola Mountain, the feeling is not the same. The Angqu River detours at the bottom of the bottomless valley, and the snow-capped mountains in the distance correspond to the vegetation in the mountains. The scenery randomly paved by the sky relieves the fatigue of the journey.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Due to the non-arterial road, this section is basically in a state of no maintenance

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The tunnel project, which started in 2015, will soon change the dangerous and difficult situation of Lashan in Zhujiao

There are many ways to enter Tibet, and most people will choose the 318 Sichuan-Tibet South Line. As a major traffic artery connecting the inland and Tibet, the Sichuan-Tibet South Line has been very mature through years of continuous construction and improvement. The infrastructure is complete and tourism resources are abundant.

The 317 Northern Sichuan-Tibet Line running parallel to it is relatively backward and primitive in terms of road facilities and the supply of food, accommodation and transportation because it is not a major traffic artery, and the natural landform with high mountains and dangerous roads has become the main reason for hindering people’s travel.

Therefore, the most authentic natural scenery, the most simple cultural landscape and many ancient temples are well preserved here. At the same time, all the most original things are preserved here.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Departing from Qamdo, the convoy entered National Highway 317 and passed through Leiwuqi, an important traffic road.

The geographic location of Leiwuqi is similar to Qamdo, Mangkang and Bangda, and it is a typical transportation hub, leading to three directions. Leiwuqi connects Dingqing to Lhasa in the west and Qamdo to Chengdu in the east. Going north via Leiwuqi, you can pass Yushu and Maduo and then arrive at Xining. This is also the northern section of National Highway 214, where the famous “Tang and Tibetan Ancient Road” in history is located. Due to the fact that few people go there, the most primitive and simple things are well preserved here.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The mountain is high and the road is dangerous, so the mentality of traveling is very important. The friends from all over the world seem to have a natural tacit understanding, and soon became a happy team. People who are on the same road have probably the same mentality.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Friends in the video group (first from the right, Mr. Liu, middle, brother Yong)

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Photographer Xi Ge from Autohome

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Qi Feng, the team leader with a baby face

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The one with a funny smile on his face is Mr. Liu, a video of Gao Fan all the way but full of vigor

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Yong Ge, a calm and capable director and aerial photographer

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

It is not cheap to meet a Tibetan fellow on the way to show the newly collected Cordyceps

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Rare to see fresh Cordyceps, naturally to take pictures 

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Xiao He from the coaching team, and a Tibetan who collects caterpillar fungus in make-up, don’t they look alike?

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The pass where the prayer flags dance

Deep in “Nyainqentanglha Mountain”

The biggest gain of this trip is to arrive at Zizhu Temple. Have you guys been here?

Zizhu Temple is a Bon religion temple, located on Zizhu Mountain in Jueen Township, Dingqing County, about 37 kilometers away from the county seat. Its history can be traced back to two or three thousand years ago. Bon Religion, an ancient local religion that has gone through thousands of years, is gradually being hidden in the vast territory of Tibetan Buddhism. The long history and culture before Buddhism was introduced into Tibet is gradually blurring in people’s memory. Zizhu Monastery, which lives in the deepest part of Nyainqentanglha Mountain, stands on the top of a towering and dangerous peak. The road is remote and steep, and even local Tibetans seldom go there. This time I happened to pass by Ding Qing, so our camera car went there by bicycle.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

I have seen pictures and videos of Zizhu Temple on the Internet before, and this building complex standing on the top of a cliff deeply touched me. This place has become a distant place in my heart. I didn’t expect it to become a reality so soon. When I stand here, I can’t seem to believe that all this is real, because it is so spectacular, this kind of spectacle hits the bottom of my heart.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Zizhu Temple built on the top of Zizhu Mountain

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

It took nearly an hour to travel less than 7 kilometers from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Ascending from the foot of the mountain at an altitude of 4000 meters to 4700 meters, the friends directly turned upside down

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Eagle over Zizhu Temple

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The monks showed great interest in Ruifeng S7

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line


Located in a steep mountain, far away from the secular society, Zizhu Temple has always maintained a pure atmosphere for practicing Dharma. For three thousand years, regardless of famines, legal disasters, wars or turmoil, although Zizhu Temple will be disturbed or even demolished, the fire of Buddhism can always be passed down here; The Zhu Temple has been completely preserved and inherited, such as the grand dance of the gods performed every twelve years – “Bliss and Hell”.

It is understood that there are currently about 455 monks in Zizhu Temple, including more than 200 students.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

In 1993, Ding Zhenerse Rinpoche succeeded the 43rd Zizhu Living Buddha. Continuing the efforts of his previous life, he restored the three schools of Zhacang, Debating and Meditation, built the winding road up the mountain, and improved the conditions of practicing Dharma and living in the monastery year by year. When we came here, the road up the mountain was being repaired. I believe that the road conditions will get better and better in the near future.

Ding Zhenerse, the living Buddha of Zizhu Temple, said: “Zizhu Temple is not accessible to ordinary people, except for those who are very destined…” 

I have been here.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

A Tibetan couple meeting on the road

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The mountain road of Zizhu Temple has many bends and is steep

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Photo of the author

The winding mountain roads are indeed frustrating, and the steep slopes and elbow bends along the way make driving quite difficult. The power of Ruifeng S7 is very unexpected and quite powerful.

Ruifeng S7 provides two engine options, 2.0T and 1.5TGDI, among which, the 1.5TGDI engine integrates the three mainstream cutting-edge technologies of direct injection, turbocharging and DVVT, with a maximum power of 128Kw/rpm and a maximum torque of 251Nm. The 2.0T engine equipped with Ruifeng S7 integrates core technologies such as turbocharging technology and high-efficiency oil-gas separation system, with a maximum power of 140Kw/rpm and a maximum torque of 300Nm. Both 1.5TGDI and 2.0T models are matched with 6MT/6DCT gearboxes.

The No. 1 car we drove was a 2.0T high-end model. Part of the road up the mountain was repaired with gravel roads, while some were just original mountain roads. I was worried many times on the way up the mountain, but it turned out that my worries were unnecessary. . The minimum ground clearance of Ruifeng S7 is as high as 204mm. Although the mountain road is uneven, it can easily handle most gravel and wading road conditions.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Leave National Highway 317, drive through a canyon, and then enter the uphill section of Zizhu Mountain

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Zizhu Mountain

DAY6: May 20, Dingqing-Suo County 

260 kilometers, mountain road, dirt road 

The road is difficult but the scenery is beautiful. Frequently appearing snow-capped mountains, green vegetation all over the mountains, temples standing on the top of the mountain, and patches of cattle and sheep in the mountains are the driving force for us to go all the way.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Foggy and muddy mountain road in the morning

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

“There is no worst, only worse”, this is the feeling of walking on National Highway 317.

Where there are normal roads, the Xinjiang-Tibet line is characterized by its “dangerousness”, which lies in several large slabs, while the characteristic of the northern Sichuan-Tibet line is “difficult”, with difficulties in dirt and stone roads and road construction sections. The section of the mountain road from Ding Qing to Baqing was limited in time due to road construction, so the convoy only set off in the rain at 6:30 in the morning.

Going out early and arriving late for several days in a row made people’s endurance reach the limit. Some of the high-resistance friends had headaches, and some team members had a fever. But there is no way, only forward, forward, and then forward, hold on, hold on, hold on again.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Travel life is not only beautiful scenery, humanities, team interaction is essential.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

cool coaching team

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Take a break on the way, tell a joke and relax

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

beauty editor

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

What are you laughing at?

Why do you want to go here? Because the natural scenery here is more real, the cultural customs are more simple, and there are more primitive temples. 

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

DAY7: May 21, Suo County – Nagqu

260 kilometers, dirt road, asphalt road

From Suo County to Nagqu, after experiencing changes in landforms and impermanence in climate, we drove 260 kilometers and arrived in Nagqu at about 17:00 in the afternoon.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

“Naqu Grassland” Bitter wind

I often hear that the weather in Nagqu is changeable, and there are four seasons in an hour. This time I finally saw it. Due to the tight schedule in the front, it is easier than the back. Although there are many bad roads on National Highway 317, it is worthwhile compared to the gains.

From Suo County to Nagqu, except for a section of earth and stone road when leaving Suo County, such as the asphalt road from the county to Nagqu, the road condition is good.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Leaving Suo County, the convoy traveled in the high mountains and valleys of eastern Tibet. Compared with the high mountains and steep mountains of the Hengduan Mountains a few days ago, the landform has undergone major changes. After passing Ruru County, the vision in front of us is wide open. At this time, we have entered the Nagqu Grassland. All the way is full of undulating and gentle grasslands, stretching as far as the eye can see, dotted with flocks of cattle and sheep from time to time. Driving forward, people’s vision is immersed in a vastness for a long time.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The climate of the Nagqu Grassland is changeable, sometimes the wind is sunny, sometimes the wind is raging, and sometimes the hailstorm is violent, which means “ten miles of different days”. The Nagqu Grassland welcomes us with a variety of gestures.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

In a town called “Qize Township” between Ruru County and Nagqu, the convoy stopped to rest. The arrival of a convoy aroused the interest of local Tibetans, and some even came to stop and watch curiously. In fact, there are some self-owned brand cars in the villages and towns, but the Tibetan villagers still praised the appearance of Ruifeng S7. In recent years, the progress of self-owned brand cars is obvious to all. Both the appearance design and the technical level are constantly improving. I believe this progress will become more and more obvious.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Quaint township contrasts with sleek S7

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

There are many kinds of Tibetan costumes

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Despite the language barrier, these elders still showed strong interest in Ruifeng S7

DAY8: May 22, Nagqu-Lhasa 

330 kilometers, national highway 

Nagqu is a very important traffic artery, where the 109 Qinghai-Tibet Line and the 317 Sichuan-Tibet North Line converge and lead to Lhasa.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

After passing through Nagqu, you will clearly feel the changes in the landform. There are no mountains and valleys, no gravel roads, and what you see is the endless Nagqu prairie and the endless Nyainqentanglha Mountains in the distance. The sky is high, the land is wide, the green grass is green, the lake is green, the blue sky and white clouds are within reach, and the mood becomes joyful, and the fatigue along the way seems to have eased a lot. The friends in the video group seem to be different people, lively and lively, and the singing of other car friends will be heard from time to time on the radio. 

Yes, Lhasa is just ahead!

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Nagqu Grassland and Nyainqentanglha Mountains constitute a beautiful picture scroll

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Meet Tibetan Gazelle in Nagqu Grassland

The magnificent Nagqu plateau has brought us a strong visual impact and endless pleasure. When you stand here, you will feel that your heart will expand and your breathing will become hearty. Perhaps, we belong here, rather than imprisoned in the reinforced concrete of the city.

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

The vast and mysterious Nagqu Plateau

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Touch the “distance in the heart”

How many people yearn for the snow-covered plateau

Just for the unreconciled ordinary life

How many people have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers

Just to follow the path that Princess Wencheng walked

How many people have gone through hardships and dangers

Just to look at the top of the snow mountain

How many people kowtow and prostrate on the road

Just to touch the Potala Palace in my heart

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Crossed countless mountains and rivers, waded many rivers

From the majestic Hengduan Mountains in northern Yunnan to the desolate Qiangtang Plateau in northern Tibet

We have gone through hardships and walked along the way

It’s a rough and risky journey

But it has the most charming mottled light and shadow, the most primitive cultural environment and many ancient temples

This road, the sky is high, the road is far away, and the sea of ​​clouds is filled

This road, against the wind and snow, over mountains and ridges

Along this road, the snow-capped mountains are shining and the temples are stretching

This road, bursting with passion, touching the soul

Lhasa, here I come

Potala Palace, here I come

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Early morning at the Potala Palace (taken on May 23)

The event of “Powering Thousands of Miles, Peak Test Drive” will meet in the holy land of Lhasa

After an extraordinary journey, the Ruifeng S7 team that entered Tibet on the three lines of Qinghai, Sichuan and Yunnan finally arrived at the top of the snowy area on May 24 and joined the holy land of Lhasa, drawing a successful conclusion to the extreme long-term test of the thousands of miles into Tibet. This is a milestone event and also a glorious course of Ruifeng S7. Doing one thing to the extreme is the common expectation of all of you and me, and it is also the goal of JAC Refine. Through this trip to Tibet, Refine S7 has withstood all-round extreme tests, and the event of “Test Drive for Thousands of Miles at the Peak” has come to a perfect conclusion!

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line

Some roads are used to be amazing. Hand in hand with Ruifeng S7 to roam the Yunnan-Tibet line


Regarding this trip to Tibet, I have some feelings about Ruifeng S7.

1. The appearance is good-looking, incorporates many fashion elements, and has its own characteristics;

2. The body size is 4790mm in length, 1900mm in width, and 1760mm in height. With the super long wheelbase of 2750mm, its space performance is very good. For the author with a height of 180mm, there is no sense of cramped;

3. The comfort of the seat is very good, the softness and hardness are moderate, and it is very comfortable for long-distance riding. There are 5 seats and 7 seats available, which are suitable for different needs;

4. Ruifeng S7 provides two engine options, 2.0T and 1.5TGDI. Both 1.5TGDI and 2.0T models are matched with 6MT/6DCT gearboxes. When driving in complex road conditions such as mountains, the power of 2.0T completely exceeds expectations, and the torque performance is excellent. 1.5T TGDI has no problem in normal road conditions;

5. The quiet performance of NVH is good, the noise control is in place, and the sound configuration and effect of Harman Infinity “9+1” are beyond this level;

6. Equipped with many advanced intelligent equipment, including AEB automatic emergency braking system and all-round ESC system, all of which play an important role in the stability and safety of the vehicle;

7. It is equipped with an adaptive cruise system, which has the function of following the car, which is very useful for reducing long-distance driving fatigue; others, such as LDW lane departure warning system, blind spot monitoring system, 360° panoramic image, AFS corner auxiliary lighting, etc., are intelligent relatively high degree;

8. Of course, there are also areas that need to be improved and improved. For example, the adjustment of shock absorption is biased towards urban comfort, and the soft adjustment makes the vehicle support insufficient on some mountain roads with deep potholes;

9. As an off-road group, I hope to launch a four-wheel drive version as soon as possible to meet the needs of different groups.