Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

Some readers asked: What is the biggest benefit of RV travel?

I’m going to cook poisonous chicken soup again! This question is right in my arms! Let’s not only talk about “RV travel”, but today I will also talk about RV life.

May 1st, the biggest benefit of RV travel is estimated to be experienced by many riders on the road …

Everyone is stuck in traffic, RV riders take their “home” out, do they still care about traffic jams? Block it! I have a bed when I’m sleepy, I can cook when I’m hungry, and I have a toilet when I’m in a hurry…

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

The joke is over, let’s talk about business. In fact, the biggest advantage of RV travel is-convenience!

For basic necessities of life, you take your “home” with you when you go out. This kind of convenience cannot be simply described in words, so just write a travel note.

Let me briefly talk about my basic living conditions when traveling in an RV. I went to Changsha to do business last month. One day I was fine, and the written record for the whole day is as follows:

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

When I get up early, the birds chirping outside the window wakes me up, and I can see the weather outside when I open my eyes, whether it is sunny or rainy, if it is sunny, I will get up early, if it is rainy, I will sleep more…

Get up and wash, just like at home, wash your hair, shave, brush your teeth, wash your face, and tidy up. These are all my daily necessities in my RV. Although SUVs can also be brought, water and electricity are definitely not as convenient as mine, and the space…

The bathroom of my RV is convenient for taking a shower by myself, it is big enough!

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

After finishing everything, go out and go to the park…

Yes, I chose the parking lot next to the park on the first day.

If you go to the beach, you can choose the seaside parking lot.

The basic feeling is: living by the lake is a mobile lake view house, the seaside is a mobile sea view house, the grassland is a mobile yurt, and the mountain is a mobile villa…

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

Because there is a residential area near the park where I live, I drove directly to the residential area to find a bite of breakfast. If you take it for a day and a half in the park, you may pack some and put them in the refrigerator in the car, and keep them in the car at noon or at night.

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

At noon, my friend made an appointment to go to a farmhouse on the outskirts of the city to pick. Pull friends together and rush to the outskirts of the city. There is no need to think about food and accommodation after I go there. I have everything in the car. Even if I go to a place where there are no birds, I can eat and drink without worrying about food and drink for two or three days. As long as there is a gas station.

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

In the evening, I stayed overnight in front of a B&B on the outskirts of the city, and I booked dinner at the B&B.

Get up the next day, go hiking, fishing and picking…

For those who like fishing, the practicality of the RV is self-evident!

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

This is how I lived on a certain day when I was in Changsha last month.

The convenience that the RV can bring us is unimaginable to those who do not have a RV.

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

At present, the B-type RV is basically the same price as a mid-range SUV, but the functions it can achieve are far from what an SUV can match.

Car, what kind of driving experience is mentioned, it’s all businessmen’s rhetoric! The most important thing is function and practicality!

Obviously, the RV provides unparalleled convenience to my life. In my opinion, at the same price, the practicality of buying SUVs and MPVs is incomparable with RVs!

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

A few days ago, I heard from a friend that there was an old man in Sichuan who bought an A-type RV, which was usually parked downstairs in the community, and went upstairs when going to the bathroom, and usually stayed in the car downstairs. Don’t laugh, this is really nothing new, it is estimated that many riders like to do this, why? This brings up the second function of the RV – independent space!

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

Even if the RV is not traveling, it is at home, and it is also an independent expansion space. Husband and wife can think about it when they meet angrily, give each other enough space, and if they don’t meet every day, there will be no fights to quarrel. Of course this is just a joke, don’t take it seriously!

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

Another point is provided to me by readers for reference: an independent space, where relatives and friends come to the house, it can be used as a temporary residence. Especially those who like to invite friends to come to play at home, and those who are extroverted, can really consider it. If you are afraid of chaos at home, you can even drive your friends to a nearby park for camping in an RV, eat, drink and clean up at the end, and let your friends sleep in the car and go home on their own legs. Bring your morning tea for breakfast the next morning and keep chatting!

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

OK, let’s talk about travel again. Chinese people have a good face. When I go out of town, if I have relatives and friends, I usually arrange accommodation, either at home or in a hotel. Living at home is not used to each other, and staying in a hotel is expensive. In fact, traveling in an RV can effectively avoid this embarrassment. There is no need to arrange it. I brought my “home” here…

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

Going back to the May Day holiday, I don’t know how much the prices of hotels in various places have risen today, anyway, it’s none of my business. Wherever I go now, I take my “home” with me! You increase your price, I can’t live in expensive shops, I don’t eat expensive vegetables, Gaode navigates the vegetable market, I eat whatever the locals eat…

Talk about the benefits of RVs: RVs are poisonous, so be careful! Take it for a while, the more you take it, the better

The above, let’s sum it up. With the travel notes and experience, everyone must be able to understand the benefits of RV travel? Readers who are interested in RVs, follow me!

The RV is a slow poison, it cannot be stopped! Every once in a while, I will post a poisonous chicken soup.

RV is poison, you have to take it carefully, it feels good for a while, the more you take it, the better…