Talk show masters all challenge Roewe? See how the “Internet celebrities” in the auto circle take up the tricks

Siwen, Cheng Lu, Jianguo, Hulan and other “Tucao Conference” star contestants gathered offline. Is the new season of “Tucao Conference” recorded in advance?

Since its launch in 2017, “Tucao Conference” has been aired for four seasons, and each season is full of bright spots, and it is a proper “magic tool for dinner”. Whether it’s the well-edited hilarious jokes, the humorous way of complaining, or the high-traffic celebrity main coffee, this show has gained a large number of fans. Of course, its popularity is also inseparable from a group of outstanding talk show actors, Siwen, Cheng Lu, Jianguo, and Hu Lan are all among them.

Talk show masters all challenge Roewe? See how the

The most popular talk show, CP Siwen and Cheng Lu have always been very popular. They treated the husband and wife as brothers, and let everyone witness the hilarious love story between the two jokers. Jianguo, on the other hand, is funny with one mouth, playing homophonic stalks to perfection, and successfully won the most Talk Kings in “Tucao Conference”. Even though Hu Lan entered the industry later than them, he frequently threw out “advanced stalks” with a wide range of knowledge, which won the love of a large number of audiences. Although the four of them are regular guests of “Tucao Conference”, there are not many opportunities to appear at the same time. What kind of sparks will they create when they gather together this time?

Talk show masters all challenge Roewe? See how the

According to reliable sources, Siwen, Cheng Lu, Jianguo, and Hulan gathered offline this time not to record a new program, but to rehearse for the Roewe Brand Day event on May 10. When the star coffee is replaced by a car brand, how will the four powerful Talk Kings complain? How will SAIC Roewe executives who appeared on the same stage respond? The high-energy battle is about to start!

Talk show masters all challenge Roewe? See how the

On the day of the event, SAIC Roewe will release the new R logo and the new Lion logo, and bring a variety of models such as the Roewe RX5 PLUS and Roewe MARVEL-R under the new logo, injecting new impetus into Chinese auto brands and leading the transformation and upgrading of the auto industry. At the same time, May 10 is also the Chinese Brand Day, and SAIC Roewe will also announce cross-border cooperation with Chinese brands such as Huawei to jointly promote “Chinese brands, shared by the world”.

At 18:00 on May 10th, Tencent Video, Douyin, Weibo, iQiyi, Sohu, Youku, Autohome, Bitauto, Dongchedi, Aika, Pacific Automotive Network will broadcast the whole process, so stay tuned!