The domestic version of “Semporna” was named “China’s Most Beautiful Wonderland” by CNN!

Babies who have been to Semporna must never forget the transparent mint-colored sea water. The boat sails on it, as if suspended in the air.

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In China, there is also a canyon that is like a secret place. The turquoise water is so clear that people are breathtaking. When you float by in a boat, you will know that the reputation of “Semporna of China” is not in vain.

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There are also precipitous plank roads comparable to the Grand Canyon of Colorado in the United States, virgin forests, thousand-foot waterfalls, sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain, karst landforms…all of which are amazing!

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This secret place created when passing through Hubei, China at 30 degrees north latitude, was selected as “China’s Most Beautiful Wonderland” by CNN, “China’s Most Beautiful Place” by “China National Geography”, and was also listed in the “World’s Most Beautiful Place” by UNESCO. Heritage List  …

The domestic version of

This is Enshi, Hubei. Although it has beautiful mountains and clear waters, it is still kept in a deep boudoir, like a paradise. There are not so many tourists, so there are still many untapped secrets waiting for you to explore.

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It is also an excellent summer resort. It is suitable to go from April to August. When it is the hottest summer, it is as cool as spring. If you want to go to a place surrounded by mountains and water to calm down, come to Enshi for sure!

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Hefeng Pingshan Canyon

Because of a group of photos that resemble Semporna, Malaysia, Pingshan Canyon has become Enshi’s new Internet celebrity, and is called “China’s Semporna”.

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“The canyon is dyed the color of glass, and there is no wind in the fairyland to go boating.” The cliffs on both sides of the canyon hang in the air, and the boat floats on the highly transparent turquoise water, as if suspended in the air, and the underwater fish swim leisurely. Time seems to stop here up.

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Hefeng County, to which the canyon belongs, is one of the few counties in the country with five nos (no expressways, no national roads, no railways, no airports, and no shipping). Due to inconvenient transportation, this secret place is better protected. It is conceivable.

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Enshi Grand Canyon

Enshi Grand Canyon is located in Bao Township and Banqiao Town near the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. It is a section of Qingjiang Grand Canyon. It is as spectacular as the Grand Canyon of Colorado in the United States, but it is even more fairy-like.

The domestic version of

The Enshi Grand Canyon is a place that you can’t miss when you come to Enshi. The dense and deep virgin forest, the majestic Qianzhang Waterfall, the sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain, the ever-changing karst landform… there are surprises everywhere!

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You also have to experience the Yunlong ground fissure in the Grand Canyon. This ground fissure was formed 50 million years ago and is called “the most beautiful scar on the earth”. It is like a deep groove deeply engraved on the earth. Thrilling and beautiful.

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Qingjiang Ancient Riverbed

Some time ago, the popular broadcast of “Angry Qingxi Xiangxi” made the Qingjiang ancient riverbed, one of the filming locations, popular. It was also selected as one of the “most beautiful hiking routes in China” by China Geography magazine.

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This place has not been extensively developed, and there are few people around it. It retains the most primitive natural scenery. The blue moss climbs the cliffs, the rushing waterfalls rush out from the mountain streams, and the mist in the virgin forest makes hiking more adventurous~

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No matter what the weather is here, you can encounter different scenery. It is no wonder that this place can create the feeling of being indifferent to the world in costume dramas. “Kyushu Misty Record” and “Assassin Nie Yinniang” have also been selected here for filming.

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Lion Pass water boardwalk

The plank road floating on the water is about 500 meters long, and it is built along the meandering river. With the green green mountains and rivers, you can wander on this meandering and wonderful river without taking a boat, which is very pleasant.

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This water plank road is located in Zhushan Town, Xuan’en County, Enshi City. It is called “The Bridge of Madame”, and was rated as “the most beautiful floating bridge in Hubei”.

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Walking on it, looking at the two sides, the mountains are green, the peaks are vast, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant in the forest, the bees are flying and the butterflies are dancing in the flowers, the lakes and mountains are intoxicating, and the photos are super beautiful!

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this summer

Shall we go to Enshi together?