The latest notice from the State Council: This year’s May Day will be open for 4 days!

Big news! With the approval of the State Council, the 2019 Labor Day holiday notice will be adjusted as follows: 4 days from May 1st to 4th, 2019. Work on April 28 (Sunday) and May 5 (Sunday). Previously, according to the holiday arrangement, only 1 day off on May 1!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Sudden little holiday!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Little U has sorted out the most worthwhile travel destinations in May for you! Pick one up and get ready to go!

Domestic articles

Dalian, Liaoning

As the most famous seaside city in Northeast China, Dalian can be said to be the peak of flower viewing in May.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

As the weather gets warmer, flowers in various parts of the urban area have entered a prosperous period. Beautiful mountains and rivers, stretching coasts, fine sandy beaches, European-style buildings, etc., constitute the most beautiful city card of Dalian.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Asia’s largest Xinghai Square, the interesting Tiger Beach Ocean Park, and the crystal-clear Golden Pebble Beach are all attractions you can’t miss. The high-quality and cheap seafood feast and the passionate kingdom of discovery have also made Dalian the best travel city for couples and families.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Yunnan·Dongchuan Red Land

In China, there is a magical land of ocher red, which is simply a palette that God accidentally overturned. It is considered by experts to be the most imposing red land in the world except Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and its scene is more beautiful than the Brazilian red land. magnificent.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

© Kun Ge’s Tube

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

© Sideways ways

From May to December every year, part of the red land is plowed for planting, and the other part of the red land is full of highland barley and wheat. It looks colorful from a distance. With the blue sky and white clouds, it is a veritable natural palette, making this place a A paradise for photography lovers.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

© Xingshe Shanhe

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

©Tibetan Guide

Xinjiang · Tianshan

In Xinjiang in May, many wild flowers have not yet fully bloomed, but Tianshan red flowers are blooming enthusiastically, as if carefully prepared to live up to the guests who came from afar.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

© _Facing the sea

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

©Hawser Li

Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world, not one of them. The scorching scene of the eruption that year is long gone today, but it left behind a mystery that cannot be guessed. The flowers bloom for you, and for the fiery red flowers all over the mountains and plains, you travel through mountains and rivers to see their beauty.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Kunming, Yunnan

Kunming is a place where you want to come again. Here, time passes very slowly because of its laziness and leisure. Here, time passes quickly again, because the cosiness and leisure here will make you feel that time flies.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Kunming is capricious, extravagant, and even dreamy…Flowers adorn the entire city throughout the year. In May, jacarandas cover the whole city quietly, and there will be a rain of blue flowers from time to time, which makes others envious.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

In Kunming, you have many ways to waste time, sitting on a park bench, watching the blue waves on the lake, and the ducklings swimming slowly by.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Zhejiang·Anji Dazhuhai

The whole big bamboo sea, mountains and ridges, green bamboo into pieces, blue waves, green waves meet the sky, shaped like a green ocean, a world of bamboo.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

When the breeze blows, the pieces of bamboo sway with the wind, and the blue waves are churning, just like being in the vast blue sea. In early summer, a cool world is created.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Foreign articles

United States·Yellowstone National Park

Few places in the United States have more natural beauty in May than Yellowstone National Park. With an altitude of 2134-2438 meters and an area of ​​8956 square kilometers, it is proudly called “the most unique magical paradise on earth” by Americans.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

This area was originally a sacred place for Indians, but it became the earliest national park in the world due to the excavation of American explorers Lewis and Clark. It was listed as the World Natural Heritage in 1978.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Portugal Lisbon

In Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, iconic historical sites, winding cobbled streets, and colorful buildings await your arrival.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

May is the cheapest season for hotels here. The weather is mild and you can enjoy the sun on the beach and admire the magnificent Belém Tower.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Italy Florence

In May, bathing in the Italian sunshine in Florence, enjoying world-class art and food is the most ideal trip. In Europe, there is no better place than Florence.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

As the birthplace of the Renaissance, there are the greatest art museums and historic churches in the world. Everywhere is a landscape, and every corner is full of artistic atmosphere.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Japan · Kansai

After the cherry blossom season, the price of tourism in Japan has begun to drop, and there will not be so many tourists. Then go to Kansai, Japan in this warm May to experience the unique customs and history.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

In Kansai, you can appreciate the gourmet city of Osaka, the quiet and refined Kyoto, and the natural and fresh Nara… In the temptation of beautiful scenery and delicious food, you can experience the most authentic Japanese style.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Sri Lanka

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

Sri Lanka, a teardrop on the Indian Ocean, has beautiful sea beaches and rich cultural heritage; there are not many tourists here, only innocent and romantic smiles.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The little train on the sea is a must-see attraction for most people in Sri Lanka. This dreamy little train that seems to be floating on the sea inspired Hayao Miyazaki to create a dreamy picture when he was creating Spirited Away. The closest place to the sea is only 1 meter away, and it can be hung outside the car door to quietly experience the beautiful scene of the Indian Ocean. It is really a unique experience.

The latest notice from the State Council: This year's May Day will be open for 4 days!

The pink post office is almost a must for tourists, and its location was once a British colony. The red telephone box in the post office complements the whole building. When you come here, you must remember to send a postcard to yourself or a friend at this century-old pink post office!

There are four days off on May Day this year, are you happy?

Source of text and pictures  Hi go