The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The Yangtze River has been feeding the children of the Chinese people. Many people have seen the Yangtze River, but very few people have seen the whole picture of the Yangtze River. Let us take a closer look at the mother river~

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The main stream of the Yangtze River flows through 11 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, and flows into the East China Sea east of Chongming Island. Let us go down the river from the source of the Yangtze River and see how beautiful the Yangtze River is!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The Source of the Yangtze River – Gela Dandong Snow Mountain

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The main source of the Yangtze River is located in the Tuotuo River in the south of Hoh Xil, Qinghai, and its source is Geladandong Snow Mountain, which is the real birthplace of the Yangtze River. The scenery at the source of the Yangtze River is very magnificent, with snow-capped mountains and ice peaks, endless grasslands, blue sky and white clouds reflected in the river water, forming a refreshing beauty.

Nine bends and eighteen bends – Tongtian River

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

Qukou to Tongtian River with nine bends and eighteen bends at the mouth of Batang River in Yushu County, Qinghai Province.

Yangtze River – the boundary between Sichuan and Tibet

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

From the mouth of the Batang River to Yibin in Sichuan, it is called the Jinsha River, which is also the boundary river between Tibet and Sichuan.

The Yangtze River Breeds the Miraculous Jiuzhaigou

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

Jiuzhaigou, a world-renowned fairyland on earth, is also a big branch ditch at the source of Baishui River in the upper reaches of Jialing River in the Yangtze River system~

south of colorful clouds

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The Wanli Yangtze River rushes down from the “roof of the world” – Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, to Shasongbi Village, Shangri-La County, Yunnan Province, and suddenly makes a sharp turn of more than 100 degrees, turning to the northeast, forming a rare “V”-shaped bend. People call this wonder of the world “the first bay of the Yangtze River”.

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The rushing Jinsha River flows through the first bay of the Yangtze River in Shigu Town, then suddenly turns north and squeezes through the gap between Haba Snow Mountain and Yulong Snow Mountain, forming the most spectacular Grand Canyon in the world. Tiger Leaping Gorge is also a geological wonder left by ancient geological disasters to human beings. It has achieved the heroic dreams of countless explorers and made people feel the power of nature forever!

Built by the mountains, born by the river – Chongqing

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The yellow Yangtze River flows from west to east through Chongqing and joins the green Jialing River, its tributary, to surround the entire Yuzhong Peninsula. The rolling Yangtze River swayes magnificent feelings in Chongqing, giving birth to the pearl of western China.

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River——Qutang Gorge

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River is world-famous, and the first gorge, Qutang Gorge, is located in Baidi City, Fengjie County, Chongqing.

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River – Wu Gorge

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The second gorge of the Three Gorges, Wu Gorge, is located at the junction of Chongqing and Hubei, beautiful and deep. In Lu You’s “Song of the Three Gorges”, it is written that “Twelve Wushan Mountains see nine peaks, and the bow of the boat is full of colorful green autumn sky”.

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River—Xiling Gorge

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

Xiling Gorge starts from Guandukou in Badong County in the west and ends at Nanjin Pass in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east. It is the longest gorge among the Three Gorges. Xiling Gorge is famous for its “dangerousness”.

World Dam – Three Gorges Dam

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The Three Gorges Dam located in Sandouping, Yichang City, Hubei Province, is the largest hydropower station in the world and the largest dam ever built in China and in the world.

Kidney of the Yangtze River——Dongting Lake, Hunan

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

Dongting Lake in Hunan, the place where the river flows through has created tens of thousands of mu of fertile land, and Dongting Lake also replenishes the Yangtze River with water when the Yangtze River dries up. Protect the law of life in a unique way of nature.

Yangtze River Meets Wuhan

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

Crossing the long corridor of the historical Chibi, the Yangtze River flows down to the center of Wuhan, passing through Wuchang, and seeing the Yellow Crane Tower, which is the best in the world.

The heart of the Yangtze River – Poyang Lake in Jiangxi

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

If Dongting Lake is the kidney of the Yangtze River, Poyang Lake is the heart of the Yangtze River. As the largest freshwater lake in China, it plays a huge role in regulating and storing the water of the Yangtze River. Only by reducing disasters can the people live in peace and prosperity, and China will enjoy peace and prosperity.

The Yangtze River Creates a Brilliant Ancient City——Nanjing, Jiangsu

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The Yangtze River has a trickle at its source and a narrow torrent when it crosses the Hengduan Mountains. However, in Nanjing, the river is 5 miles wide at its widest point and 3 miles wide at its narrowest point. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, connecting dragons and tigers according to the natural and dangerous mountains and rivers of the Yangtze River. The circumference of the city wall is 37 kilometers long. It is a rare big city that is still preserved in the world.

The proud son of the Yangtze River – Taihu Lake

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

Taihu Lake is known as “thirty-six thousand hectares, eight hundred miles around”, the water surface is as smooth as silk, sparkling blue waves, dots of white sails, clumps of reeds, and small town pavilions by the lake paint a picture of a very watery village. .

rush to sea

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The whole picture of the Yangtze River is beyond imagination!

The source of life is drawn from the Tianshan Mountains, and the vitality is scattered all over China, and finally ushered in the last stage of the journey, entering the sea! Beneath the seemingly calm, there is the silent greatness of nature. The Yangtze River gave birth to Shanghai, the most economically developed city in China.