There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

Some readers asked: There are RVs everywhere in foreign countries, why not vigorously promote RVs in China?

In fact, it’s not that domestic cars are not promoted, it just takes time.

Summarize a few of my own understandings for reference:

There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

1. There are too many users who do not understand:

As I said in an article before, where is the immature market? Obviously the user is immature! Many users give too much imagination to the RV, and it is not the case at all after they get it. There are not a few fans who turn black and wantonly smear the RV. There are also some people who are purely stereotyped and prejudiced, infinitely magnifying the shortcomings of RVs, and there are indeed many malicious rumors… To a certain extent, the big mouths of black fans have also affected the judgment of some normal users. If users want to know more about RVs, they must search online. In fact, you can understand it when you think about it. Online trolls leave messages most positively, and normal users basically don’t leave messages! But it is these negative emotions that more or less affect normal users’ understanding of RVs.

There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

2. The camp needs to be improved:

It is true that the campsites are not perfect. The related policies of RV camps called by the state before have been used by interest groups as a tool for enclosing land. Many camps with the name of RV camps actually do not accept RVs. Even if it is accepted, it is also expensive, which is not conducive to the development of the industry. In addition, the development of the RV camping industry is indeed chaotic. Now those of us who have cars do not have a collection channel to ensure that we can find a “camp” for parking wherever we go. A summary platform like Wowo, which relies on riders to provide information, can only be a helpless move at this stage. It will take some time for the camp to mature. But even so, as a RV user, I still want to emphasize that there is no camp, and it will not affect the normal search for parking! Parking in a RV is far less inconvenient than what those sunspots said above. Most of the time, users think too much…

There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

3. Consumption concept of major consumer groups:

The main consumer group of RVs is the absolute home of the elderly even if they are placed abroad! Young and middle-aged people still have to work. But the consumption concept of our elderly people can’t keep up with it. Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a car just to go out and play? Go dreaming! There are very few old people who can think about it! It is a big problem that the main market cannot keep up. What restricts their consumption is not only the concept of consumption, but also many… To give two simplest examples, how many elderly people aged 60 to 70 have a driver’s license? It is the time when the grandchildren need someone to take care of them, and the children are busy, do you want to help? All kinds of problems can be regarded as Chinese characteristics. Anyway, if the main market does not exert its strength, it is useless to vigorously promote it!

There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

4. Expectations are too high:

A few days ago, I watched a video of a big V. A modification factory in Dalian received an external order to make C-shaped cabinets for customers in Japan and South Korea. When I saw the comments, most of them were: “This factory is too small, it looks like a workshop!” Similar comments dominated the mainstream, and I was depressed at the time. Japanese and Koreans are all stupid, right? If you can work, why do you care about the size of the factory? The general user’s understanding of RV refitting should be high-end, and the refitting factory should be a large factory with hundreds or even thousands of people, and it should look very large-scale! Does this count as the legacy of the planned economy? As long as it is a place called “factory”, it should be super big! Should it even have its own independent system internally? For example, employee kindergartens and even power plants…well, they went back again, you are fighting against the reform of the country! I don’t know where there are so many “shoulds”, but I don’t know that most of the foreign car modification is done by the car lovers at home in the warehouse! RV is not a high-tech thing, why do you need such a big factory? There are quite a lot of things like high expectations in the RV industry. Some high expectations cannot be met by our market size. Excessive expectations have brought about a huge gap, and there has been a saying that “the domestic RV market is immature”…

There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

5. It is difficult for the modification industry to meet user needs:

Many users who want to buy a RV now have a very geek spirit, and they have done rollover and crash tests, which are completely out of the scope of the current refitting industry! This is the refitting industry, not the automobile manufacturing industry. Although he is also in the ranks of “special vehicles”, the sprinkler running all over the street has been tested for rollover? Just do a crash test? no! It is these uninformed users and users with high expectations that constitute the main body of current RV buyers. They have extremely high requirements and always want to teach amateurs how to modify their cars. This is the current market situation. The domestic modified car industry is really only in the initial stage of development, it is too early. Especially with the development of the Internet today, foreign pictures, texts and videos can be seen at any time. Compared with foreign countries, there is still a gap between our products and foreign countries! What kind of sparks can we create when we meet unconstrained users in the early modification industry? you guess……

There are RVs all over the world, why not vigorously promote RVs in China? Take stock of the reasons why RVs are difficult to popularize!

To sum up, the development of our automobile industry is late, and the RV industry has only begun to develop in recent years, and it still needs time to explore. It takes time for users to understand, for the market to recognize it, and for the car environment to be relatively mature. It’s not that I don’t push, it just takes time!

Summary of the first RV, car lovers who are interested in RVs, follow me. Welcome to leave a message to discuss.