They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

They said: People who drive Xiaoji are people who love life.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

Really think about it.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

People in Jiqun like to go to the suburbs, to be close to nature and sunshine.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

With wife, kids and puppy.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

There is a lot of joy in just looking for a trail.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

We sing we dance.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

Give an expression and you slowly understand.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life

Who said Xiaoji is small, this guy is in India and can seat twenty people.

They say: those who drive Xiaoji are those who love life