This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

Accompanied by the soft singing of waterfowl, I woke up leisurely from my sleep, stretched my waist comfortably, and looked at the quiet Lightning Lake and the lush distant mountains outside the caravan, feeling very comfortable. Well, after taking a nap, I feel that my body is full of vitality again, and I am ready to head towards the Bashang grassland.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

After driving for less than half an hour, I came to Fengning Bashang Grassland Scenic Area. I found that this place is especially suitable for self-driving tours. The eyes are full of green and verdant green. Windmills slowly turning in the breeze stand on the hills, blue The clear sky and the white clouds echo each other, and the winding cement path leads to the invisible depths of the distant mountains. Makes you want to drive.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

I drive my beloved RV on the field trails, he is like an angel silently guarding me, always giving you a sense of peace of mind, no matter the road is flat or full of gravel It can handle all the trails easily and unimpeded, which has provided great help for me on this trip.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

Slowly driving in this picturesque scenery, the afterglow of the sunset unknowingly sprinkled into the car, bringing a touch of golden brilliance to the car. I opened the car window and sniffed the air with a hint of earthy fragrance, unconsciously intoxicated by it.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

The sky gradually darkened, and only then did I realize that I had driven a long way, and there was no sound in the surroundings except for the slight roar of the RV engine. Looking at the black and silent scene outside, I suddenly felt A little scared. It seems that I can’t live in the RV tonight, and I’m a little scared by myself. I turned on the mobile phone navigation and decided to go back to the nearest Guyuan county to make further plans. I was driving slowly on the way back, surrounded by deserted people, thick night surrounded me, and there was a chill in the car.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

Suddenly a black figure sprang out from the front of my car, and I immediately stepped on the brakes. Before I was in shock, a strange face appeared by the side window of me, and I was covered in cold sweat. Speaking a dialect I don’t understand, I kept tapping on my car window. I wanted to open the door. Get out of here asap. In the rearview mirror, he could still be seen dancing and gesticulating.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

After walking a distance in a hurry, I stopped to calm down, looked at the pitch-black outside the car, and kept regretting why I didn’t check the time before returning so late. After calming down for a few minutes, I recovered and continued Drive towards the county seat.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

Half an hour later, I finally returned to Guyuan County. After experiencing so many things today, I was really exhausted physically and mentally. I found a hotel that can connect water and electricity for the RV, and after paying a certain fee, I settled down. , Now thinking of what happened just now, I still have lingering fears, and I am terrified. Here I also remind all friends who travel by car, especially female compatriots, that safety must be the first when going out, and protect yourself. After a simple wash, I don’t know how long it took me to fall asleep in a daze.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

I woke up in a glare of sunshine, rubbed my hazy eyes, and looked up at the time. It was already ten o’clock in the morning. I got out of bed and cleaned up, and I was going to return to Beijing today. I also saw the beautiful scenery of the grassland. Yes, although I have experienced all kinds of hardships in the middle, but in the end it was worth the trip. At this time, my stomach gurgled, and I thought about it. Complete, I want to find a unique restaurant in the county to make the final summary of this trip.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

After driving around for a while, a Mongolian restaurant caught my attention. I decided it was you. After parking the car in the parking space, I entered this Mongolian restaurant. After being recommended by the store, I ordered a table. Dishes are ready to treat yourself.

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

While waiting for the food to be served, I would like to tell you about my car experience during this trip. I chose the original Datong RV80 B-type RV for this trip. The reason for choosing it is that it is produced by a large factory, and the quality and after-sales are guaranteed. This trip also proved the correctness of my choice. The fuel consumption of this car also brought me a lot of surprises. I drove about 800 kilometers on this trip, and I added 500 yuan of fuel, which is still enough for me to go back to Beijing. The average fuel consumption of such a big car is only 8.6L per 100 kilometers. There are expressways, urban areas, and grassland roads along this road. I think it is a very good fuel consumption performance. It’s really great for my car!

This RV can eat and live, and it is flexible to drive. The female driver personally measured the fuel consumption of 8.6L per 100 kilometers

Alright, while I was chatting with everyone, my dishes are all ready, Mr. Taozi is about to serve dinner. This trip ends here. I declare: Taozijun’s single-person self-driving RV prairie trip has come to a successful conclusion!