This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable…

that year was so long

The sun is accompanied by the endless chirping of cicadas

bring the burning heat that can’t be dispelled

A drowsy afternoon where even the plants are sunburned

In the ear is the teacher’s vivid and powerful lecture

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

The handwriting on the blackboard that symbolizes the future

I still can’t understand the meaning

There is a slight dusty smell in the nasal cavity


This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

whenever i see chalk

I can think of those carefree and wanton summers

Just like the boy sitting in the classroom

The future is long and sees no end

Everything has not yet started, we can look forward to it

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Yingcheng, under the jurisdiction of Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, has rich gypsum deposits and is known as the “Gypsum Capital of Salt Sea”.

The gypsum reserves here are about 510 million tons, and the development history has been more than 400 years.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Not only the output of gypsum is high here, but also the quality is good. The first-grade fibrous gypsum accounts for 82% of the national reserves, and has the reputation of “Asian fibrous gypsum kingdom”.

Chalk has been made here since the 1950s, producing 80% of the country’s chalk.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Hundreds of millions of years of time precipitation have created rich mineral deposits

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Jianghan Plain where Yingcheng was located was still an inland lake, and Yingcheng was on the edge of the lake.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Minerals exfoliated from the nearby mountains entered the lake. During the long-term geological movement, these minerals were crystallized and precipitated to form gypsum mines.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

how to do that rainbow

The production process of chalk is relatively simple, mix calcined gypsum, calcium carbonate and pigment in a certain proportion, add water and mix thoroughly.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

The sky, the sun, and the colors of the petals bloom in the hands of the craftsmen, and the occasional overflowing colored flowers condense into the most magnificent paintings on the edge of the barrel wall.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

The adjusted gypsum is quickly poured into the oiled mold, and after a few minutes, the mold is lifted, and the chalk is formed.

With a history of more than 60 years of making chalk, Liu Yan Village is a village of colorful chalk, and is also known as the first village of Chinese chalk throughout the country.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

The traditional method of making chalk is preserved here. A box of chalk is made in the hands of the craftsman with ordinary tools, put on a simple wooden frame to dry, and packed in a box. Fang Qiu’s painting tools.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Photo: Li Zonghua

However, with the rise of multimedia teaching, teachers basically use ppt in class, the use of chalk is less and less, and the chalk market is gradually shrinking.

The wheel of time has never stopped, so it is just the shrinking of the chalk market, and what has disappeared is our childhood memories.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

In addition to chalk, Yingcheng’s plaster carvings are also very famous.

The gypsum carvings in Yingcheng originated in the Qing Dynasty, especially the gypsum pillows are the most famous.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

The Yingcheng gypsum pillow is snow-white all over and shines brightly. It looks like high-quality white jade. The tentacles are warm and cool, and have the effect of clearing away heat and relieving fire. In the hot summer, lying on Yingcheng gypsum pillows, refreshing and relieving the heat, will surely give you a good night’s sleep.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Coming to Yingcheng, how can we do without beautiful scenery? The landscape of Yingcheng is also charming and distinctive.

Yingcheng has three treasures, hot springs, gypsum, and rock salt. At the top of the list is the hot spring.

Yingcheng Tangchi Hot Spring, also known as Yunv Spring, is the “No. 1 Spring in Asia” with the largest output and the most minerals and trace elements in China. It is recorded in Li Daoyuan’s “Shui Jing Zhu” in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Li Bai once described her as “the goddess died in a secluded place, and the soup pond flows through the big river”.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Xu Baihao Park is silent, but it records the blood-stained history.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Taojiahu Ancient City Ruins is a symbol of China’s 5,000-year history and civilization, and it is also a representative Neolithic cultural site in the Jianghan area.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

Yingcheng National Mine Park has a total area of ​​300 square kilometers, and the main mining relics area is 20 square kilometers. It is the second national mine park in Hubei Province after Huangshi National Mine Park.

This small town in central Hubei is related to 80% of Chinese people in their childhood. It is quiet, beautiful and comfortable...

That summer was so long

The cheers are accompanied by the last get out of class bell ringing

Announcing the end of our school days

It was just an ordinary summer day

cicadas singing long 

The leaves glisten cheerfully in the sun

The breeze is blowing…


Even though I have passed my alma mater countless times

no matter how cherished the memory

After all, it’s a little faded

if free

Let’s go to this small town in central Hubei to reminisce about our childhood

Chalk has a slightly pungent smell

still lingering on the tip of the nose

And the teacher on the podium is chattering

“Your class is the worst class I have ever led”

