Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Foreword: In fact, not many people have this idea, and not many people have the courage to take this path. In the coldest winter, break into the ice and snow, and drive all the way north to discover an extraordinary world and appreciate an unparalleled scenery. This time, we chose an unconventional season, an unconventional route, braved the severe cold and wind and snow, and conducted a trip to the north under extreme conditions. On the road, see the unknown world; on the road, discover a new self.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

About self-driving travel

At present, self-driving travel has become a unique way of travel for the public. The rapid development of the expressway network facilitates people’s travel and saves time, but it is getting farther and farther away from the pure scenery. It is generally accepted that you can get closer to nature by leaving the road, but not everyone can truly leave the road. It takes determination, time, ability, and a solid, practical SUV that performs well. The existence of each route has its value. Walking in the footsteps of others will also experience wonderful and beautiful scenery. And finding a route that few people have traveled is more meaningful for exploration and discovery.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow


This trip to the extreme north started from Beijing and traversed the three provinces of Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang. The whole journey was 2,800 kilometers and lasted 8 days, and finally arrived at Hongcun, Mohebei, in the extreme north of China. In the whole route planning, it is basically based on the idea of ​​not taking the usual path, in line with the original intention of discovery and exploration, and strives to be closer to nature and purer.

Route: Beijing-Zhangjiakou-Taipusi Banner-Xilinhot-Wulagai-Mandu Baolige-Aershan-New Barhu Left Banner-Hailaer-Erguna-Shiwei-Moerdaoga-Jinhe-Mangui-Mohe -Arctic Village-Beihong Village

Mileage: 2800 kilometers

Road conditions: expressway, national road, provincial road, county road, grassland road, forest road

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow


Most of the self-driving routes this time are in Inner Mongolia, and the regular travel seasons in Inner Mongolia are summer and autumn. “The sky is blue, the wild is vast, the wind blows the grass and the grass is low and you see cattle and sheep” is a true portrayal of the summer and autumn seasons of the Inner Mongolia prairie. At this time, the prairie of Inner Mongolia was full of green waves, stretching as far as the eye can see, under the blue sky and white clouds, flocks of cattle and sheep, galloping horses, and the scenery of the prairie was extremely beautiful. Whether you are in the beautiful Hulun Buir Grassland or the meandering Xilin Gol Grassland, you will feel the blue and pure sky, the vastness and magnificence of the grassland, and the Mongolian-dominated ethnic customs add a simple and natural charm to the Inner Mongolia grassland. In the Daxinganling forest area in summer and autumn, the lush forests are all over the mountains and fields, and the slowly flowing rivers meander among them, adding agility and vitality to the vast land. In fact, the north is worth visiting all year round, especially the silver-clad Inner Mongolia prairie and the Daxinganling forest area are more vivid and refined, but the harsh weather and difficult roads have become obstacles for people to travel . The north in this season is more worthwhile to explore nature and discover great beauty.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow


In the north in winter, the climate is very harsh. From Beijing to Mohe in the extreme north, the temperature ranges from a few degrees above zero to minus 3 or 40 degrees below zero. The extremely low temperature is not only a severe test for vehicles, but also a test for people’s ability to withstand cold. The ice and snow along the way made the road conditions dangerous and difficult, and it was even more difficult to travel in inaccessible places.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow


This time, we drove the newly launched 2016 Lexus LX570 on this trip to the extreme north. This new Lexus LX570 is a facelifted new model that was launched globally at Pebble Beach in the United States in August this year and launched in China in October. The 2016 Lexus LX570 replaces the 2013 LX570, which has dominated the full-size luxury SUV segment since its debut in 1996.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Compared with the previous one, the 2016 Lexus LX570 has undergone fundamental changes. First of all, the exterior design of the 2016 Lexus LX570 has undergone obvious changes. The redesigned spindle-shaped air intake grille is adopted, and the grille area is obviously enlarged. The entire front face looks more dynamic and domineering, and the overall sense of the body looks stronger and more impactful. The exquisite interior space inherits the consistent luxury style of Lexus. The more humanized interior and function changes provide drivers with more convenience, and the combination of luxury and practicality has reached the top level. The transmission system is replaced with an 8-speed automatic transmission system, which has been greatly improved in terms of power connection and economy. The four-wheel drive system still continues its extremely reliable and excellent off-road performance. The terrain selection system provides convenience and security for driving.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

● Grassland Tianlu wrapped in silver

DAY1 Beijing – Taipusi Banner

A sudden drop in temperature added a little bleak feeling to the trip. The day before the departure, there was a drizzle mixed with snowflakes dancing all over the sky. The rain and snow were not heavy, but the urban ground was very slippery. In order to avoid the congested Badaling Expressway, we set off from Beijing at 5:30 am on the 21st.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Badaling Expressway

The sky was gloomy, and the sun had disappeared.

Driving the LX570 along the Badaling Expressway all the way to the north, the planned trip today is 420 kilometers, the entire expressway section, the driving time is more generous. Because it was still early, we turned into the legendary grassland road at Yehuling. This grassland sky road built in 2011 connects Chongli Hot Spring and Zhangbei Grassland. As the “Route 66” in Hebei, China. In the summer and autumn seasons, it becomes a popular route for short-term self-driving trips due to the patchwork mountains, the changing colors of the fields, the spectacular windmills, and the surrounding tourist attractions such as Huapi Ridge, Yehu Ridge, and the ancient Great Wall. Now, although it is the weekend, a continuous snowfall hinders people’s travel, and there are no more than 2 or 3 cars seen along the way. The snowfall in mountainous areas is obviously greater than that in urban areas. There is almost no other reference when driving into the road except for the vague roadbed. At some intersections, it is really not easy to tell the direction without careful identification. Walking through it, what comes into view is a vast expanse of whiteness. The ridges, grasslands, and woods are all covered with white coats, all covered in silver. The slippery road made driving extremely difficult, and we could only move forward slowly at an average speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour. The excitement of seeing the winter snow for the first time made us gradually forget the concept of time, and it was already past 15:00 when we returned to the road. Breathing the pure air, walking freely among the white mountains, and being in the world like a fairy tale world, I feel very comfortable.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

“Route 66”

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The icy and clean prairie road

The more north you go, the more difficult it is to travel. The beautiful grassland scenery in summer and autumn on both sides of the road has been replaced by the vast snowfield. Snowflakes hit the face along the way and the chill was thick. As night fell, the melted snow on the road surface turned into ice, making driving more difficult.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

wild fox ridge

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The snow on the prairie road is already more than 30 centimeters thick

Although the icy and snowy roads are slippery, the LX570 equipped with full-time four-wheel drive gave us safe and reliable driving guarantees, and the performance of the day was calm and solid.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

●  The approaching Xilin Gol Prairie

DAY2 Taipusi Banner-Xilinhot-Wulagai

The closest grasslands to the north of Beijing are Xilin Gol Grassland and Hunshandake Sands. From Beijing, there are two roads that can go north into Inner Mongolia. One is to take the Badaling Expressway and enter Inner Mongolia through Zhangjiakou, and the other is to take the Jingcheng Expressway. Enter Inner Mongolia via Chengde. The route of our trip is to go northwest through Zhangjiakou, cross Taipusi Banner and enter Inner Mongolia.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Herd of horses running on the Xilin Gol Prairie

Starting from Taipusi Banner, facing the snowflakes all over the sky, we started our journey to the north. The endless Yanshan Mountains are gradually receding. In winter, the bleak grassland is more magnificent and vast under the cover of snow. The blue sky against the white land seems to have surpassed the real image, but everything in front of me actually exists.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The highway network of Xilin Gol League has been very complete after several years of construction. It is already a high-speed journey from Beijing to Xilinhot. If there is no impact of climatic factors such as heavy snow, it is very convenient to start from Beijing to enjoy the scenery of the grassland. In fact, many natural landscapes in the North Beijing Grassland, including Hunshandake Sandy Land, Bashang Grassland, Baiyin Aobao, Ashatu Stone Forest, Xilamulun Canyon, Pingdingshan, etc., have become people’s leisure travel destinations.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

S307 Provincial Highway from Xilinhot to Ulagai

In the cold winter season, there are relatively few vehicles coming here. The ice and snow along the way hinder people’s travel, but how can we see the splendor of the beautiful world without experiencing the wind and snow?

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

In winter, the sunshine time is relatively short, and the 600-kilometer distance is relatively the limit. The sun will set early after 16:00 in this season. For long-distance self-driving, the road after sunset is even more difficult.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

On the way from Xilinhot to Ulagai

Passing the scenery along the way, we arrived at the legendary Ulagai in the night.

●  Inaccessible Tianbian Grassland

DAY3 Ula Gai – Mandu Baolige – Aershan

Speaking of Ulagai, perhaps not many people know about it. There are breathtakingly beautiful scenery and rich ecological resources here, but because it is located in the hinterland of the grassland, Ulagai is not well known to people.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Dawn of Uragai Snowfield

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Uragai Grassland

Uragai Grassland is a natural meadow grassland with an area of ​​4618 square kilometers, more than 500 kinds of wild plants and a wide variety of animals. It is one of the best-preserved original ecological grasslands in Inner Mongolia and even the whole country. The second largest inland river in the country, the Uragai River and its tributary, the Seyeleji River, originated in the Daxingan Mountains, runs through the whole area. There are dozens of large and small lakes and springs distributed on this grassland. A “Wolf Totem” movie released at the beginning of the year made this place the focus of everyone’s attention. Yes, that’s right, this is where the story of the Wolf Totem took place and where it was filmed. The movie “Wolf Totem”, which took 7 years to complete, tells the story of herdsmen and wolves fighting each other for survival on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. “A movie has been popular for three years”, I believe this place will soon become a hot spot for tourism.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Going north from Xilinhot to Aershan, you can turn to G11 National Highway along G304, and go north via Ulanhot. Although the detour is good, the national road is in good condition and you can reach it very conveniently by car. The journey is convenient, but the scenery is far away. For the route planning of this extreme north trip, we deliberately stopped at Ulagai for a transit, and went directly to Aershan on the grassland road, just to see the winter wilderness of the Tianbian Grassland and to come for the 200-kilometer border between the United States and the United States.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Uragai Grassland

Starting from Ulagai, head north all the way, passing through Baolige Town in Mandu, and then crossing the Greater Khingan Mountains and entering Aershan. Mandu Baolige belongs to Dongwu Banner and is the core of the national-level grassland Xilin Grassland, adjacent to Mongolia in the north. This is the transitional zone between the mountain grassland and the meadow grassland, where the Nailingol River and groundwater sources form a large area of ​​swamps and wetlands. Rich in ecological resources. Due to the inconvenient transportation, the proximity to the border, and the harsh climate, the natural environment and ecology here have not suffered predatory development and destructive damage. It is the few remaining natural grasslands in the Inner Mongolia grassland.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Ulagai on his way to Mandu

After leaving the town, we drove onto a bumpy prairie road, a rutted road with few vehicles, leading to Baolige Town in Mandu. Following the 200-kilometer border, we walked on the snow. There are no cars and no one on the way, and the road is extremely bumpy. It can be said to be extremely rotten, but the scenery is extremely beautiful. Unique grassland scenery such as grasslands, lakes, wetlands, birch forests, Shaoyaogou, and Huanghuagou are presented one by one.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The small town of Mandu is the only place to resupply along the way

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

In the remote town of Mandu, Mongolians in national costumes can be seen everywhere

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The rare tourist signs near Mandu Town mean that tourism here has just started

If I can go again, I will still choose this place. More cultural and natural landscapes are worth exploring carefully, because there are Hebulin Temple, Nongnai Temple, Genghis Khan Side Wall, Gulab Saihan International Obo, etc. Historical and cultural relics, and the unique Mongolian folk customs and culture of the Ujumqin tribe.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

On the way from Mandu to Aershan, the afterglow of the setting sun

In the grassland in winter, the colors of the sky and the earth have changed, cattle and sheep are dotted in it, and horses are still galloping.

The beauty and dreams in the depths of the grassland can only be understood by experiencing it in person.

It was quite a difficult day, and it took me 15 hours to walk more than 200 kilometers of grassland roads and more than 100 kilometers of mountain roads.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

It is a rutted road along the border from Ulagai via Mandu Baolige to Aershan. Because it is not a main traffic road, the road condition is very bad. The road from Ulagai to Mandu is basically in the shape of a shell crater, thanks to The chassis lifting function of the new Lexus LX570 can avoid the “intimate contact” between the road surface and the chassis. Lexus’ unique quietness and comfort make the whole process without obvious bumps and discomfort.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Going all the way, the LX570, which has very good performance on high-speed and urban streets, shows its unique capabilities in off-road conditions. The high-strength non-load-bearing body is enough to deal with non-paved roads. The feedback is not very obvious, the suspension tuning is indeed in place. As for the comfort and wrapping of the seat, you will know it once you try it, so there is no need to say much.

I have seen an advertisement before, “There must be a road for a car to go to the mountain, and there must be a Toyota car if there is a road.” In fact, here I want to say that the place where there is no road is the world of Toyota cars. The bull heads all over the world have already illustrated this. In fact, they are from the same school, and they can show their skills better than the more luxurious Lexus LX.

●  Aershan in winter

DAY4 Aershan – New Balhu Left Banner – Hailar

Yesterday, I entered Aershan City in the dark, and it was already 22 o’clock at night when I arrived. The night in Aershan is dazzling and charming. When you enter the urban area, the first thing that catches your eyes is the buildings with distinctive shapes, the neon lights that are always bright in all seasons, and the streetscape wrapped in silver is like a fairy tale world.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Aershan rime

This is a place where people can’t tell whether it is the largest town or the smallest city. The last time I came here was 10 years ago. I began to search for pictures about it in my memory, such as Rose Peak, Rhododendron Lake, Santan Gorge, Tianchi, Shitang Forest, etc. Many natural landscapes all show God’s favor for it. This is a beautiful place. The ultimate place. Once you have been here, you will never forget it, you will always remember it, and it will still be a memory that will not fade in your mind after several years.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Aershan Yiershi, near the border gate of China and Mongolia

The four seasons in Aershan are beautiful, and the winter here is the most fascinating. If you come here, you will fall in love with it. Aershan in winter is like an ethereal world of ice and snow. The pure whiteness between the sky and the earth seems to make people hallucinate and doubt whether it is real. Here, you can go to the Unfrozen River to listen to the sound of gurgling water in a world of ice and snow, or you can go to a steaming hot spring in the snow, and have an experience of wandering between ice and fire. Here you can walk in the volcanic rock area of ​​the Jurassic period, or stop in the quiet ancient virgin forest for a space travel through time.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

“Unfrozen River” in the morning mist

Breathing the refreshing air, driving all the way on the smooth national road, from Aershan to Hailar, passing through the New Balhu Left Banner, we drove through the Hulun Buir Prairie, and you will feel the vastness and atmosphere of the most beautiful grassland in China. . I don’t remember when I started my favorite trip, but I only remember that I fell in love with it when I was in Hulunbuir for the first time. I like the fresh air, bright sunshine and boundless grassland here. If you’ve been there once, you’ll lose your heart here.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

S201 Provincial Highway from Xinbalhu Left Banner to Hailar

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Hulun Buir Grassland

●  Walking with the Mozhgrad River

DAY5 Hailar – Montenegro – Erguna

Hailar did not greet us with ice and snow. The rare weather that has not happened in ten years has caused no trace of rain or snow here. For Hyrule, this may be a snowless winter.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Hulun Buir Grassland at dusk

Starting from Hailar, we continued to go northward for more than 40 kilometers. At the suggestion of the guide, we left the provincial road S201 and drove into the grassland road. The river goes all the way.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

mozhgrad heights

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Overlooking the Mozhgrad River in winter

The Mozhgrad River originates from the western foot of Daxing’an Mountains, flows from northeast to southwest, flows through the famous Hulun Buir Grassland, flows into Huhe Nuoer Lake, and then flows into Hailaer River, with a total length of more than 290 kilometers. The Mozhgrad River is very narrow, the widest point is only five or six meters, but it is extremely curved. If you look down from the air, the meandering river is like a dancing ribbon, floating leisurely on the flat and boundless On the prairie, some people use nine bends and eighteen bends to describe its curvature, but this is far from enough.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Frozen Mozgrad River

The areas that the Mozhgrad River passes through are mostly uninhabited mountains and grasslands. The scenes we saw on the way are more pure and natural. The beautiful Hulun Buir Grassland is like a graceful mother, opening it wide and warm My arms embrace us from afar. The grassland in winter is wider than I imagined. Standing on the frozen river, I can still feel the water of life flowing down the ice layer towards the distance. The spectacular scene between heaven and earth is breathtaking.

Before arriving in Erguna, we came to the famous Genhe Wetland. We did not go to the scenic spot, but under the guidance of the guide, we went to the shrub meadow wetland 30 kilometers away from Erguna. The landform and natural ecology here are more natural, without any artificial traces.

The Genhe Wetland Reserve covers an area of ​​126,000 hectares and is located at the confluence of the Genhe River, the Ergun River, the Derbu Gan River and the Haul River. It also includes Root River, Delbu Dry River, Haur River and the floodplains, willow shrubs, saline-alkali grasslands, Shuipaozi and their tributaries on both banks. The Genhe Wetland contains a particularly large alluvial plain where a delta is formed. It is the wetland with the most complete protection and the largest area in my country today, and is known as “the first wetland in Asia”.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Ergungan River Wetland

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

In the wilderness, the cold wind blows gently.

At this time, thoughts have stopped, time seems to slow down, and the heart gradually calms down.

Some scenery, once in a lifetime.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The rare natural Stonehenge on the banks of the Mozhgrad River

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Hills near Genhe Wetland

●  Fairy-tale-like Shiwei

DAY6 Erguna – Shiwei – Mordaoga

People are curious about the unknown. I have never driven through the north of Hulunbeier, so I am naturally interested in this mysterious land. It is human instinct to explore new things, and it is the common goal of everyone on the road to discover the unknown and feel wonderful. From Hailar along the Mozhgrad River and Genhe Wetland to Erguna, from Erguna to Shiwei, Linjiang, Taiping to Mordaoga, Mozhgrad River, Ergun River, Taiping Russian Village, Linjiang Linhai, etc. are like a beautiful picture scroll slowly unfolding, showing us the breathtaking beauty of nature. The difficult and dangerous road and the severe cold season have become obstacles for most people to travel, but we are still on the way to find the north.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Passing through Shiwei, the location of the Sino-Russian border marker

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

After passing Erguna, the snow on the road gradually increased. On the way to Mordaoga, I passed a very characteristic Shiwei Township. Located on the banks of the Ergun River, Shiwei Township is just across the river from Russia. It is the only Russian ethnic township in my country. Most of the Russian residents here are Russians who came to China around the October Revolution of the former Soviet Union. The older generation is proficient in The Russian language still retains the living habits of the Russians. This border town located in northern China brings us the perfect interpretation of natural beauty and exotic customs. In the snowy winter, the whole Shiwei Township looks like a world in a fairy tale from a distance.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Overlook from Shiwei

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Shiwei Sino-Russian Boundary River (Ergun River)

In 2005, Shiwei was rated as one of the “Top Ten Charming Towns in China” by CCTV. There are two reasons for the selection: one is that it is the birthplace of the Mongolian nationality; the other is that it is the only Russian ethnic township in my country.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Linjiang Russia Township Taiping Village

With such a beautiful winter, do you still feel cold?

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

●  Meet Linhaixueyuan

DAY7 Moer Daoga – Jinhe – Mangui

This is the purest winter in China, where you will meet the real forest and snowfield.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

“Crossing the forest and crossing the snowy plains, the wind soars into the sky…”, looking at the vast forest outside the car window, the well-known old revolutionary song often echoes in my ears. After leaving the Hulunbeier Prairie, we have been marching in the forest sea of ​​Daxing’an Mountains. Along the way, except for the abnormally snowless weather in Hailar, the rest is completely icy and snowy. The temperature has gradually dropped from 2 or 3 ℃ above zero when we set off from Beijing to 30 ℃ below zero. We seem to have adapted to it along the way. severe cold weather.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The morning glow brings a different color to the earth

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

 Facing the rising sun, the rime on the branches in the distance is particularly obvious

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The rhythmic forest mountain road is so beautiful that there is nowhere to reason

If self-driving travel is completely on the regular route, it loses the meaning of discovery and exploration, and it is nothing more than repeating other people’s footprints. From Moerdaoga via Jinhe, Along Mountain to Mangui, we did not detour through Genhe River, but walked through an 80-kilometer, sparsely traveled forest mountain road under the leadership of the guide. The river is nearly 150 kilometers away. There are no other vehicles on the pure mountain road. This is a mountain road for logging in the forest in other seasons. The place with few people is more pure and natural. For me, the scenery along the way is no longer a simple scenery, but also a kind of warm happiness. It is cold and cold, but it gives me the change of mood and the experience of discovering the beauty of nature during the journey.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

In the original forest and snow field, you often encounter wild cats, foxes, lynxes, etc.

In winter, instead of the emerald green of summer and the dyeing of autumn forests, there is an endless expanse of white. Winter in the northern country is always a fairy tale world wrapped in silver. There are winter wonders that you and I have never seen before. Under the blue sky, the pure white snow in the mountains and forests hits the bottom of my heart.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Dreamy and picturesque forest sea and snowfield

Blue sky, white clouds, forest sea, and snowfields, walking in the Daxing’an Mountains in winter, being in this pure and transparent world, it seems to have left the world and come to a dreamland.

 Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Crossing the Daxinganling forest area

●  The most beautiful scenery is on the road

DAY8 Mangui – Arctic Village – Beihong Village

China Arctic Village is located in Mohe County, the northernmost tip of China, and it has become a symbolic landmark of China’s extreme north. Beihong Village is also located in Mohe County, Heilongjiang Province, China. It is known as the northernmost undeveloped primitive village in China. It is located at 53° 33′ north latitude and 123° 17′ east longitude, which is further north than the “Arctic Village” (53° 29′ north latitude and 122° 21′ east longitude), which is known as the northernmost in China. Beihong Village is a pure land away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and it is truly the northernmost village.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Returning to the dawn, in order to pursue the ultimate scenery, most of the time during the trip has already set off before dawn

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

On the way from Mangui to Mohe Provincial Highway S207

There is a folk saying that “the coldest Arctic village is the northernmost red village”. Although the weather was extremely cold, my heart was full of warmth with what I saw along the way.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Mohe Arctic Village

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Mobei Red Village

Departing from the bustling and noisy city of Beijing, passing through the icy and snowy Hunshandake sandy land, passing through the snowy Xilin Gol prairie, crossing the rugged Aershan tundra, galloping through the endless Hulunbuir prairie, and wandering through the densely vegetated Greater Khingan Mountains forest District, after hardships and ups and downs, we finally arrived at the Red Village in Mobei. From prosperity to desolation, from familiarity to unfamiliarity, we drove the brand new Lexus LX570 and completed a journey through the extreme north in the cold winter, accompanied by hardships and beautiful scenery all the way. When the expectation of the extreme north gradually became a reality, the mood became more peaceful. After going through the ups and downs, you will have an epiphany, and the journey is a dialogue between the relief of the soul and the self. After the experience, you will face the wind and rain on the way forward more calmly, which may be the charm of the scenery.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The northernmost Mohebei Red Village Beihong Outpost in China, the other side of the frozen Heilongjiang is Russia

The complex and tortuous road conditions make some routes less accessible, and the invasion of heavy snow and severe cold makes the road even more difficult and dangerous. Along with the joy and emotion of going through ups and downs, you can discover the beauty of the scenery. Approaching Xueye, the hustle and bustle of the world will leave me, leaving only a pure and natural ethereal world.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Perhaps it is really only through a trip to the extreme north among the ice and snow that we can experience this vast and magnificent journey. The shock brought by the scenery all the way north is enough to be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Only when you pass by will you understand!

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

Far North Night

Postscript: About the Vehicle – 2016 New Lexus LX570

A arduous and extraordinary journey must have a strong guarantee, and the importance of vehicles is self-evident.

The 2016 new Lexus LX570 we drove on this trip did not have any problems throughout the whole process, and we have completed this trip through the extreme north safely and reliably, which can be said to be indispensable. As a high-end SUV, its charm lies in its extreme performance, powerful functions and luxurious quality.

In terms of power system, the new Lexus LX570 is still equipped with the familiar 5.7L V8 naturally aspirated engine, with a maximum power of 367 horsepower/5600rpm and a maximum torque of 530 Nm/3200rpm. It is matched with an 8-speed automated manual transmission (S-ECT). In this extreme north travel route, we walked through urban areas, expressways, national highways, provincial highways, county roads, and even hundreds of kilometers of grassland roads and mountain roads. The people and luggage on the car were basically fully loaded. Thanks to the powerful power of the 5.7LV8 engine and the more precise and smooth shift control of the 8-speed automatic transmission system, the performance of the entire power system gives people a feeling of smooth power and continuous flow.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

SUV can show excellent off-road performance only under complex conditions, and various complex landforms will be encountered during long-distance driving. During this trip to the extreme north, the complex and changeable landform features are a severe test for the off-road capability of the vehicle. The powerful off-road capability of the new Lexus LX570 is impressive. The new Lexus LX570 has as many as 6 driving modes. Through different driving modes, multiple systems such as the engine, transmission, steering system, adjustable suspension system, and air-conditioning system are comprehensively controlled, making more choices and more controllable. stronger.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The new Lexus LX570 still adopts a non-load-bearing body structure and is equipped with a Torsen-type central differential with a central differential lock function, which maintains its strong off-road capability. Off-road or when necessary, the center differential can be manually locked by pressing the button, and the power of the front and rear axles is fixed at 50:50. It is worth mentioning that the MTS multi-terrain selection system provides 5 optional terrains including “rocky road”, “mountain and dirt road”, “bumpy road”, “gravel road” and “mud and sandy road”. It makes the off-road driving section more intelligent and simple.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

All-wheel Active Suspension Height Control (AHC) automatically lowers ride height at high speeds and raises ride height to accommodate longer suspension strokes in low-speed 4WD or low-speed driving modes. This not only improves the safety of high-speed driving, but also plays a great role in the lifting function of the chassis of the new Lexus LX570 when driving under hundreds of kilometers of uneven gravel and potholes. occur.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

It was snowing heavily outside the car, and the car was warm inside. The new Lexus LX570 not only inherits the consistent ride comfort, but also has a considerable improvement in the driving experience. The seat is wide and thick, the padding is soft and moderate, and the fit is very good. The leather-wrapped seats are delicate and soft to the touch, and the comfort of long-distance rides is impeccable. Regardless of bumpy roads or mountain curves, the interior of the car maintains considerable quietness and comfort.

Driving in the north in winter, the outside of the car is icy and snowy. The air-conditioning system and heating auxiliary system in the car provide people with suitable temperature and care. In addition to the front seats, the rear seats also have automatic ventilation and heating functions, and also support front and rear electric adjustment, which is commendable in terms of comfort and convenience.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The temperature as low as minus 2 or 30 degrees all the way usually makes it difficult to start the vehicle. For the new Lexus LX570, these are not problems. The good low temperature adaptability and starting performance keep the vehicle in good condition all the time without any failures and Problem with poor startup.

Traveling through the extreme north on the road of seeking beauty among the ice and snow

The end of a journey means the beginning of a new one.

As long as our hearts are on the road, we will continue to explore the beautiful world without fear of difficulties and obstacles.

Looking forward, exploring the unknown with passion, and measuring the world with wheels!