Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

D20 Basong Village ~ Jilong Town 405km

I slept very comfortably last night, and today I will go to Jilong Town (Zhangmu Port is not allowed to enter).

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Get up in the morning to add a photo of the hotel I stayed in last night

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Refueling in Gangga Town, I ran 462km, refueled 66.54L, and the average fuel consumption was 14.4L/100km.

The price of low fuel consumption is that I dare not run fast, and I never exceed 110km/h all the way.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The mountain road is winding, and Mount Everest in the distance is still blocked by clouds (it was even more blocked when I came yesterday)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

cloud is still low

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Go straight here to Zhangmu, turn left to Geelong

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Mount Shishapangma is 8,012 meters above sea level, ranking 14th among the world’s 14 peaks of 8,000 meters. It is also the only 8,000-meter-level mountain completely in China.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

It is estimated that the road will be repaired in 2019 when entering and exiting Jilong County.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Road surface subsidence caused by water damage to roadbed

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Keelung Checkpoint

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Almost all the trucks in Nepal are Tatas made in India. It is estimated that the exhaust gas is 0 environmental protection, and none of them is not emitting black smoke.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The co-pilot’s door is about to become a hole

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Coming to Chongse Village, the last checkpoint, without a passport or pass, was intercepted. The checkpoint is more than ten kilometers away from the border.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The end of the white line on the mountainside is the border

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Curry Chicken Rice

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

I found an authentic Nepalese restaurant for dinner

D21 Jilong Town – Huoer Township, Pulan County 620km The

original plan was to go to Zhongba County, but it turned out that it was a bit early in Zhongba County, so we continued to walk forward.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

In the morning, I refueled in Geelong Town and ran 278.7km. After turning over a mountain of more than 5200 meters, the fuel consumption was 36.3L, and the average fuel consumption was 13.02L/100km.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

You can see the snow-capped mountains outside Jilong Town

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

This waterfall is also considered a scenic spot, but there is no charge. There is also a temple on the opposite mountain, so I didn’t go to see it if I couldn’t park.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

This road is noisy, there is a slow car in front of you, and you will not be able to pass it for 40 minutes

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The navigation led me to the road that drew a cross, but when I was approaching G219, the road was broken

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Saga County is still very lively

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

checkpoint arrived

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

It was too early to arrive in Zhongba, and I went around in Zhongba County, and then decided to go on

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Zhongba County is smaller than Saga

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Zhongba County refueled, ran 338.5km, refueled 50.43L, and the average fuel consumption was 14.9L/100km, and the fuel consumption increased with the speed.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

This little white car is driven by one person. It departs from Shigatse in the morning and arrives at Shiquanhe in the evening.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Arrived at Hall Township, which is 40km away from Tarqin. The room rate is more than twice as cheap, and it is more convenient to drive around the lake in Manasarovar from here than from Tarqin.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The boss is a photography enthusiast, and he knows the photography locations near Gang Rinpoche very well. There are often foreign photography groups coming here, and the accommodation conditions are average.

D22 Hall Township~Pulang County~Talqin

got up early today (after 7 o’clock), the purpose is to take pictures of the sunrise of Mt. .

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

But people are not as good as the sky, there are clouds in the morning and there are quite a lot.

If you come, you will be safe, or drive to the Yunna Temple.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

When the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, revealing the holy mountain Kailash, the sun was already high in the sky.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The father and son walked towards the Yunna Temple, and it seemed that they were going to worship

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Old people who come to offer incense, wash their hands and face before entering the hospital

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

I don’t know if the dzi beads hanging around my neck are real or not, they are so beautiful.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Drive to the shore of Manasarovar Lake, the dirt road is not wide, but it is enough for vehicles to pass, but the more you walk, the more rocks there are.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Early in the morning, a few foreigners also came to visit the holy lake

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The boulder blocks the road, the mountain is on the right and the lake is on the left

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The dirt road is gone, only by the water’s edge

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

A family of four, I don’t know why the woman should be in front and the man behind

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The eyes of the Tibetans turning around the lake contain tenacity, fortitude, desire and exploration

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The old lady came to hang the prayer flags around the lake by herself

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Drive west along the lake, and finally come here, the Jiwu Temple on the top of the mountain in the distance

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Gang Rinpoche in the distance

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Turn around and give the holy lake a panoramic view

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Standing on the Jiwu Temple to see Gang Rinpoche

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The main hall of Jiwu Temple was not opened for some reason

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Seeing the holy mountain from Laon, the ghost lake, is more complete than seeing it in front of the holy mountain

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

ghost lake no ghosts

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

The water in Ghost Lake is extremely clear. Can I go swimming in summer? And the water is not salty, at least I drank a little while holding it, and I didn’t feel salty.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Most of the roads in Pulan County are under construction, which makes people feel very chaotic.

I went to the Nepal border trade market and found nothing worth buying.

Coming out of Pulan County, there is a downhill road heading west not far away. After entering and crossing the bridge, drive a little further and you will see a miniature temple in the middle of the road.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Nepalese handicrafts in the border trade market

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

I don’t know if it’s carved in stone or poured in resin.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Brown sugar, one has 2kg

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Miniature temple built in the middle of the road

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Refueling in Pulan County, running 379.7km, refueling 49.9L, the average fuel consumption is 13.14L/100km, the fuel price of nearly 10 yuan/liter is 1.29 yuan/km.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

Tarqin, those who go to Mt. Kailash will stay here, and I will have a close contact with it tomorrow.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (6)

I live here today, the yard is big and convenient for parking.

(to be continued)