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Depart from Yuncheng on April 11, 2020, pass through Xining and cross the Qilian Mountains to enter the Hexi Corridor, Bayi Glacier, and Heiheyuan. Due to the snowstorm, it is impossible to pass through the no-man’s land of Tiejing Mountain. Return to the hinterland of the Hexi Corridor and cross the Qilian Mountains to enter northern Gansu. After visiting Jiayuguan Go straight to Dunhuang, rest in Dunhuang for a whole day due to sandstorms, start from Yangguan and Yumenguan, cross the east line of Lop Nur Haidao to Hami, Xinjiang, and then start from Hami, cross the east line of Lop Nur Haidao to Turpan, camping Yadan landform group, April 22 Return to Yuncheng.

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The first snow-capped mountain in life is the Qilian Mountains not far from Xining.

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Folklore of the Hexi Corridor – Walking Horses.

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Surprisingly, walking horses are more expensive than running horses.

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Passing by a temple made of gold – Arou Da Temple.

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The Danxia landform on the edge of Qilian County – it looks like a lion’s head!

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Due to the severe snowstorm, the vehicle was 3 kilometers away from the ice shelf of Bayi Glacier.

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Walk to the Bayi Glacier in the distance-it is said to be the only glacier that can be reached by vehicles (now it is fully closed).

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Wetlands in the source area of ​​the Heihe River in Qilian Mountains – the kidney of the earth.

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Qilian Snow Mountain, Xueshui Creek, Heihe River, Yak—the golden grassland unique to the Hexi Corridor!

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Over the Qilian Mountains, take pictures of Qinghai and Gansu boundary markers.

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The world’s largest prayer wheel in Sunan County – the Guinness World Records certificate “Sunan Yugur’s Great Sutra”.

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Jiayu Xiongguan

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corner of pass

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Favorite sentence – challenge no man’s land, discover a stronger self!

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West out of Yangguan without a friend

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Danxia Landform on the East Line of Haidao

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Occasionally encounter a small tornado

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Enter the East Route of the Great Sea Route from here

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Yardang landform group

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Running on the Gobi Desert! I was thrown away for more than 20 kilometers to take a photo. I was a little panicked when I didn’t have a signal, but I took this photo—it’s worth it!

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Camping in the Yardang landform group, I was a little afraid of encountering wild animals at first, but then I thought of the wild animals that come from no man’s land where birds don’t shit, it seems that they always scare themselves.

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Like a pagoda? like a palace? like a castle?

Watch, look forward to! trip to Lop Nur

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[The content comes from the off-road e family community]

Author: jiandankuaile
