Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Mr. Mu Xin said:

“Lack of aesthetic power is a terminal illness, and knowledge can’t save it.”

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Many people are poor now,

Poor is not material,

nor culture,

but aesthetic.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Without proper aesthetics,

Life reveals its most practical and vulgar side,

Behind the increasing pursuit of practicality,

Life is becoming more and more boring and withered.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Mr. Feng Zikai also said:

“Human desires have five:

Appetite, lust, knowledge, virtue, beauty”.


The desire for aesthetics is human nature,

It is also part of the quality of life.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Zhu Xi, a Neo Confucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty, once wrote a poem:

Half an acre of square pond opened,

Sky light and cloud shadow hovering together.

Ask him how clear he is,

For the source of living water.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

aesthetic power,

It is the “source of living water” for you and me.

People who are obsessed with fame and wealth, and the ups and downs of the world,

Naturally, there is no “sky light and cloud shadow” in my heart,

Their great disease is the exhaustion of spiritual life.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

 A person who understands aesthetics,

not just survival,

but in life.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

A piece of stone, a piece of bamboo,

a lump of mud, a piece of wood,

From a realistic point of view,

It’s not worth much,

But its simplicity always allows it to bloom the brilliance of art.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

As Gu Xian said:

“The wood has old roots and branches,

It is twisted and twisted like a dragon, and it is rubbed like jade”,

It can be used as a good article for the study, and it will be with your heart all day long.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

The beauty that reaches the heart,

Why bother with a cumbersome appearance as an exaggeration,

Simple cleansing, natural flushing,

It is more charming,

This is minimalism.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Just the right amount of net,

It’s so wonderful,

The simplicity is almost Zen,

It can be felt, but not spoken.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

The Tao Te Ching says:

“From the beginning of all things, from the avenue to simplicity, from evolution to complexity.”

The same is true for minimalism,

In pursuit of simplicity to the extreme,

Sense of simplicity and cleanliness,

More elegant in taste and thought.

Simple, but not simple.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

in life,

We’re always going round and round,

From colorful to colorless,

From complex to simple,

Quiet from the hustle and bustle

When you really calm down,

Only then did I realize that minimalism is actually extremely beautiful.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Like Bada Shanren’s paintings,

“There are not many ink dots and many tears,

Mountains and rivers are still old mountains and rivers.”

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

a fish, a bird, a tree,

one flower, one fruit,

Not even a penny,

Only stamp one side,

It becomes a painting.

clean and concise,


Very zen.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

like Zhang Dai’s

“Looking at the Snow at the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake”:

“There is only a trace of the long embankment, a small pavilion in the center of the lake, and a mustard with Yu Zhou,

There are only two or three grains for the people in the boat. “

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Articles of less than 200 words,

Wrote all the confusion of the lake and mountain snow scene,

The grace and charm of the West Lake,

Presenting a plain ink painting,

Ethereal crystal reflection,

Hiding the air of ice and snow,

Contains infinite meaning.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

the highest aesthetics,

It must be minimal.

Plain to the extreme, simple to the extreme, clean to the extreme,

It makes people feel peaceful and Zen,

Return to the most authentic and eternal tranquility deep in my heart.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

minimalist ikebana


Precipitate the color

Contains the “simplification” of Zen

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

one element, one element

One white and one black.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

good fortune with one mystery and one element

Changing colorful nature

mastered metaphysics

mastered creativity

point directly at the ontology

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Just put a flower,

There can be no debris in the background,

What I want is the vastness and solitude between heaven and earth,

Only stay with you, one session and one session.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Minimalist tea ceremony

Both tea and utensils come from nature,

back to nature,

Beautiful tea, beautiful utensils, beautiful environment, beautiful heart,

Heaven and man are one,

Fang is the way of tea.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Minimalist incense

The culture of incense and Taoism has been passed down for thousands of years.

China’s traditional incense culture of thousands of years,

It is the ultimate expression of aesthetics.

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

Wenchuang Design | Minimalism is the most advanced aesthetic

For minimalism,

There is no clear standard,

Probably back to the original,

Eliminate unnecessary,

Leave what your heart needs,

It is minimal.

Source: Cultural and Creative Industry Review
