Winning the blue sky defense battle Yin Tongyue: Incorporate the hydrogen energy industry into the national energy strategic plan

The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China once proposed that we must adhere to the common governance of the whole people, prevent and control at the source, continue to implement air pollution prevention and control actions, and win the battle to defend the blue sky. At the 2019 National Two Sessions, Premier Li Keqiang once again emphasized in the government work report that the ecological environment should be further improved this year, the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides should be reduced by 3%, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas should continue to decline. Consolidate and expand the achievements of the Blue Sky Defense War.

In the face of this “battle” that must be won, how can the auto industry take up the heavy responsibility and promote green development? Yin Tongyue, a representative of the National People’s Congress, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., submitted a proposal on the “Unified Plan for Raising the Hydrogen Energy Industry to the National Energy Strategy Level” at this year’s two sessions, hoping to speed up the development of my country’s hydrogen energy industry. Create a blue sky defense battle to accumulate “green power”.

Winning the blue sky defense battle Yin Tongyue: Incorporate the hydrogen energy industry into the national energy strategic plan

Yin Tongyue, Deputy to the National People’s Congress, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.

Compared with the electric energy that is currently being vigorously developed, hydrogen energy is closer to traditional fuel vehicles. It takes only a few minutes to add hydrogen once, but the cruising range can reach 500 kilometers, and it has zero emissions and no pollution. ultimate direction. Therefore, the development of the hydrogen energy industry is an inevitable choice to ensure my country’s energy security, realize energy conservation and emission reduction, and promote the development of the automobile industry.

At present, the United States, Japan and other developed countries have raised hydrogen energy planning to the height of national energy strategy, but my country still lacks unified planning and layout in terms of hydrogen energy production, storage, and transportation, and there is no perfect testing and inspection agency to support it. It causes waste of relevant resources and delays the development process of the hydrogen fuel industry. To this end, Yin Tongyue proposed the following two proposals:

The first is the national overall planning to upgrade hydrogen energy to the national development strategy level. National overall planning, upgrade hydrogen energy from a national development priority to a national development strategy level, do a good job in top-level design, list it as a future pillar industry and livelihood project, formulate necessary constraints and more detailed standards and regulations, Promote the healthy development of the hydrogen energy industry.

The second is to increase subsidies for hydrogen energy technology research and development with reference to the electric vehicle policy. Refer to the pure electric vehicle promotion policy, increase subsidies for hydrogen energy technology research and development, and promote it through demonstration application and market promotion policies.

Winning the blue sky defense battle Yin Tongyue: Incorporate the hydrogen energy industry into the national energy strategic plan

Chery’s fourth-generation Arrizo 5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle

As a domestic leader in energy-saving and new energy vehicles, Chery has successfully developed four generations of fuel cell vehicles, and participated in the demonstration operation of the 2008 Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo. It has rich development experience and a complete research and development system.

It is understood that currently, in terms of commercial vehicles, Chery has completed the development of a 12-meter fuel cell bus and a fuel cell logistics vehicle, which will soon be put into demonstration operation in several key cities such as Wuhu and Guiyang. In terms of passenger vehicles, Chery has completed the development of the fourth-generation Arrizo 5 extended-range fuel cell sedan, and will study and deploy full-power fuel cell passenger vehicles in the next step.

Promoting the energy revolution and winning the battle to defend the blue sky is a historical mission entrusted by the times. In the future, Chery Automobile will actively respond to the national policy call, based on the development trend of the industry, launch more green and environmentally friendly products through the “pure electric-extended range-fuel cell” technology research and development route, fulfill its historical mission, and promote China’s energy industry. At the same time as the revolutionary process, contribute the greatest strength to win the battle to defend the blue sky.