2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour – Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Laos, also known as Laos, is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia with a population of more than 6.8 million. It is the most low-key country among the five socialist countries in the world and the last forest secret in Southeast Asia. It is like a paradise. A holiday paradise for Europeans and Americans. Its folk customs are simple and honest, it is a thousand-year-old Buddha capital, it is a place where impetuousness is washed away and laziness becomes a kind of temperament, and it is also a place worth traveling with your heart. In fact, just like the famous Laos iced coffee, it looks cold and bitter, but after tasting it, it will leave a touch of sweetness on the lips. Mystery, leisure, tranquility, and indifference to the world are precisely the best gifts this little Buddha country has given us. Laos is also currently the easiest country to go through customs clearance procedures for self-driving tours abroad.

A long-distance trip can make people become friends and brothers, but it can also make people never get in touch with each other. Please pay attention to the following requirements to avoid all kinds of unpleasant situations during the trip:
1. We are an AA self-driving tour , everyone must bear their own travel costs.
2. The tour leader organizes and arranges activities voluntarily. Participants are requested to obey the tour leader’s route, time, and board and lodging arrangements (of course it is impossible to meet everyone’s needs), please understand.
3. Please lower your identities and status in units, companies, and families, and share everything together. We travel to help you, not to let others serve you.
4. Please pay attention to the group news at any time. Any route, accommodation, and activity arrangements will be posted in the group and saved. The team leader will not explain to everyone.
5. Please abide by the agreed travel time, we will not delay everyone’s time because of a certain person (except for special reasons). If you are late, please return to the team according to the navigation, and a 100 yuan red envelope will be issued as an apology.
6. Develop a happy travel habit of sharing, helping and giving, so that everyone likes you.
7. The joy of long-distance travel is that there are many uncertain factors that bring people joy and surprise, but may also bring disappointment. The various food and accommodation conditions in Laos cannot be compared with those in China. Please travel with a happy and happy attitude.
8. The beautiful scenery is all on the road, and the driving time will be very long and tiring. Some scenic spots may not be entered. Please be mentally prepared and don’t complain.
9. The principle of our travel is to enter and exit together, not to abandon, not to give up any riders, please abide by it together.
With different friends, experience different journeys, try different happiness, and finally wish everyone a smooth, happy and happy event! ! !

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

D1: Depart from Changsha, Hunan, arrive at Kunming Airport, Yunnan, 1314 kilometers away

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

D2: From Kunming Airport, Yunnan, 700 kilometers to Xishuangbanna Mohan Port

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

It is recommended that brothers who travel by car go to the customs clearance station on the right side of the customs to help with self-driving entry procedures. They will prepare and fill in all customs clearance procedures for you, which can help you save customs clearance time. The convoy goes through the customs clearance procedures and purchases a Laos phone card to facilitate contact and navigation in Laos. Please download the Tantu navigation software on your mobile phone in advance. This is a very useful software that supports offline maps when traveling in Southeast Asia.

Points to note:
1. Visa preparation materials:
1. The validity period must be at least 6 months or more (counted from the last day of the visa application period), and the passport must have at least 2 blank pages for visa use.
2. Two two-inch (3.5cm×4.5cm) photos with white or blue background.
Tips: You can choose visa agency service, which is convenient, fast and affordable.
Visa on arrival: Travelers holding Chinese passports can obtain a visa on arrival by paying US$20 and two photos when transiting at the port.
2. Exiting China
1. After arriving at the border building at the port, the accompanying personnel get off and enter the border building together. The counter on the right hand side after entering the lobby is for vehicle entry and exit procedures. Show your original driver’s license and driving license here, and inform the destination and return time, and apply for international road identification signs and driving permits (no charge).
2. After completing the above documents, buy Laos insurance in the next room. Laos insurance must be purchased, otherwise you will be fined if you are found (100% will be checked, the main job of the Lao traffic police is to fine).
The fee is RMB 70 for 7 days and RMB 90 for 15 days, depending on the itinerary.
3. After purchasing the insurance, go in the direction of the exit gate, there is a customs vehicle declaration counter, show the driving license, and apply for the customs vehicle inspection card, that is, vehicle declaration.
4. For the above three steps, the accompanying personnel other than the driver do not need to go through the process, just go directly to the exit gate and queue up to stamp the exit stamp.

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Exchange Lao currency here, and you will become a millionaire immediately. The minimum face value is 1,000kip, and the maximum face value is 100,000kip. If you remove 3 zeros, a 20% discount is equal to the face value of RMB, that is, 1,000kip=0.8 yuan, and 100,000kip=80 yuan.

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

After exiting the Chinese border, go about 1 kilometer to reach Boten Port in Laos. All personnel get off the car and go to the house on the right in front to go through the immigration formalities.

3. Entering Laos
1. Go out of the Chinese customs and go forward for about 1 kilometer to reach Boten Port in Laos.
2. At the entrance on the right side of the Boten Port Building, you need to buy a travel fund. The driver can buy it. The cost is 2 US dollars or 20 yuan or 20,000 old coins.
3. After entering the lobby of the building, there is a counter to apply for a Laos temporary driver’s license. You need to show a Chinese driver’s license and a photo of the certificate, and the fee is 40,000 old coins or 40 yuan. Credentials are produced on site. It doesn’t matter if you don’t bring your ID photo, you can pay to read your passport photo on the spot and print it out. The cost is about 20,000-40,000 old coins.
4. After the driver’s license is ready, hand in your passport at the first window on the right side of the hall to apply for a visa on arrival (if you have not applied for a visa), and you will be charged 10,000 old coins per person for handing in your passport, and then wait for the visa to be made in the back window, and the visa on arrival The fee is RMB 250 or old currency 300,000 or USD 20.
5. After getting the visa on arrival, the entourage can directly show their passports and visa stamps at the front gate to pass the customs, and the fee is 20,000 old coins. When the driver goes out of the lobby, he will show his customs inspection card, passport, and stamped driving permit at the window of the roadway gate outside, and the fee will be 40 yuan or 40,000 old coins. After the stamp is stamped, drive to the gate to stop for inspection and pass the customs.

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

All personnel go through the customs clearance procedures here. When passing the customs, please pay 20,000kip tips to the Lao customs officers, and the driver pays 40,000kip tips, and the driver returns to drive through the customs after completing the procedures.

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

15 large, 2 small and six vehicles all passed the customs and entered Laos

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

The self-driving Laos in-depth tour team consisting of three Toules, one Luxun, one Prado, and one Toyota AV4, a total of six vehicles, assembled at the entrance of the Boding Jinglan Duty Free Shop. When leaving the country, you can buy duty-free goods such as tobacco and alcohol here

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

After passing the Boten Pass, go forward for about 5 kilometers, and there will be a white building, which is Laos Customs. Here, Chinese vehicles need to be declared and inspected. At the counter on the right, first copy the Chinese driving license and passport at window No. 1 , and then line up at the back window to prepare the vehicle declaration, present the passport, Chinese driving license, driving permit and the copy just now. If there are more large trucks entering Laos, the time here may be longer

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Due to the deviation of the navigation position, the convoy arrived at Muang Sai at 9:00 in the evening. Due to the change of the itinerary, they did not book a room in advance. After searching for several hotels, they finally found this Laotian hotel. Simple English + gestures + calculator = 300,000kip/room

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

D3: Mansai-Luang Prabang, the hotel environment is good, opposite is the manor of the local tyrant

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Market on the way

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

On the way, I ran into Henger from the Zhangjiajie caravan. She came to Laos by bicycle a few years ago, and when she saw Sister Na, she hugged her and cried.

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

We met by chance in a foreign country and had to have a meal together, and found a place with good geomantic omen

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Everyone set up the stove, Henger is making tea

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Just plug in the power adapter and you can cook rice and steam vegetables

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Let’s do it together

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

chef shirtless

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

group photo

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

At 3:00 p.m., the convoy arrived safely at the banks of the Mekong River in Luang Prabang

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

start to enjoy the slow pace

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

10000kip a cup of iced coffee is so refreshing

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

70,000kip/person Laos characteristic self-service barbecue hot pot, with barbecue in the middle and hot pot on the side

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Laos National Wine-Laos Beer PK Chinese National Wine-Moutai, thanks to Beijing Tule Kangqiao Brothers for providing Moutai

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Let go of a year’s busyness, let go of a year’s pressure, and enjoy the happiness to the fullest

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

D4: A beautiful day in Luang Prabang begins with the experience of giving. It starts around 5:30 am local time. You can see the scene of giving on the main streets of the entire city of Luang Prabang

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

Along the way, local residents and tourists donate food to the monks in the temple. It is a virtue to let people know that giving is a virtue, and the monks will also distribute the food donated by the people to the poor. This has become a unique landscape in Luang Prabang

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

The almsgiving activity lasts until around 7:00, every day

2019 Return to Nature and Tranquility Tour - Laos In-depth Self-driving Tour Raiders

D4: Inns on the banks of the Mekong River, the house price for Chinese New Year is 600 RMB, which is much more expensive than the same period last year, and 500 RMB for the next day