Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

On July 5, the 43rd meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Committee) reviewed and approved the inclusion of China’s Yellow (Bo) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase 1) on the World Natural Heritage List. Make it the 54th World Heritage Site in China.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

The Yellow (Bo) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase 1) is located in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. It is mainly composed of intertidal tidal flats and other coastal wetlands. A resting place, moulting place and wintering place for migratory birds.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

The area provides habitat for 23 species of birds of international importance and supports the survival of 17 species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, including 1 critically endangered species, 5 endangered species and 5 vulnerable species.

When it comes to this, it is impossible not to mention this low-key city:

Yancheng – the capital of wetlands in the East, the hometown of cranes and deer

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

Yancheng is a veritable “City of Sea Salt”. It not only has the largest coastal tidal wetland on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, but also inhabits the rare and protected animals red-crowned cranes and “four unlike” elk, which are unique in the world.

01. Chinese Elk Park

The elk has a head and face like a horse, antlers like a deer, a neck like a camel, and a tail like a donkey, so it is also called “four different images”. This ancient species, which has lived in China for millions of years, is almost extinct because of the royal family’s love and a large number of hunting.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

This ill-fated, arrogant, and mysterious species finally survived in Dafeng, Yancheng, and reproduced again. It is not easy!

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

Yancheng China Elk Park Scenic Spot is located in the Yellow Sea in the east of Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is the only national 5A-level tourist attraction in the world with the theme of “wetland ecology, elk culture”.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

In summer, the elk garden is full of salt and artemisia, deer singing, reeds covering the sky, egrets flying, and ecology and nature are in harmony. Set foot on this pristine land, stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, talk to elk, and be with birds. Being in it is full of fun.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

Small elk are free-ranged in a specific area, spend ten yuan, buy a small basket of carrots, and you will find that you have become a “star” in an instant! The fawns will squeeze towards you, and you won’t leave until you finish distributing the carrots.

02. Yancheng Red-crowned Crane Nature Reserve

“Passing that small river, have you ever heard that there is a girl who has been here…” This poignant melody reminds us of the second hometown of red-crowned cranes – Yancheng Red-crowned Crane Nature Reserve.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

There are mallard ducks, mandarin ducks, spot-billed ducks, geese, whooper swans, cygnets, coots and other waterfowl, as well as ornamental birds such as black swans and mandarin ducks. The rare bird domestication farm in the reserve has gained experience in artificial hatching of red-crowned cranes and semi-free-range breeding over winter, so now you can see these rare birds in the reserve at any time of the year.

03. Yellow Sea Forest Park

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

The Yellow Sea Forest Park has a golden coastline of 85 kilometers and is the only unpolluted seaside sanctuary on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean recognized by UNESCO.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

The air in the forest is fresh, the birds sing melodiously, and the average negative oxygen ion reaches 3,500 per cubic centimeter, which is a veritable “natural oxygen bar”.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

A large piece of metasequoia stands in a neat line, and at a glance, the forest is deep. Walking through the sky plank road, you can look around the entire forest from a relatively high perspective, no matter where you go, it is green!

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

The area of ​​the forest is so large that you can’t swim in one day. The small tree house built on the tree can satisfy your desire to integrate into nature~

04. Food recommendation

Yancheng is located on the shore of the Yellow Sea, and there are naturally endless aquatic delicacies. Come here with friends in summer, and order a table of seafood, a plate of drunken snails, a bowl of fish soup noodles, and dried spiced tea.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

Wuyou Zuiluo is a traditional local food in Yancheng City, a specialty of Wuyou Ancient Town, which began in the Ming Dynasty. The wine is full-bodied, salty and sweet, crisp and refreshing, tender and delicious, especially the milky white oily egg white contained in the drunk snail is extremely delicious and unforgettable.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

Dongtai traditional snack fish noodle soup, boil lard to 80% in a pot, put fish into the pot one after another to explode, crisp up and remove, add eel bone or pork bone broth, add a little shrimp roe, serve with White knife cut noodles, full of color, fragrance and taste.

Another World Heritage Site in China! The last wonderland on the west coast of the Pacific is on fire!

It is said that Xiaohai spiced tea has a history of more than 100 years. The raw material of dried tea is soybeans, and the ingredients are star anise, small sunflower, clove, pepper, white seed, soy sauce, sugar color, etc. It has a rich taste and is especially satisfying.

Yancheng, the Oriental Wetland, is a place that opens people’s hearts.

This is the first natural heritage of coastal wetland type in my country.

Since then, the total number of world heritage sites in my country has increased to 54, and the total number of natural heritage sites ranks first in the world!