Arrizo Owner’s Story – This road is more than what you see

Arrizo Owner’s Story—-This road is more than what you see

Ordinary, extraordinary because of persistence

He is Liu Chao, who is also the moderator of the Arrizo GX forum of Autohome, “Slightly Smelly Perfume”, or he can be called “Brother Chao” as kindly as netizens.

Arrizo Owner's Story - This road is more than what you see

Brother Chao can be counted as a loyal customer of Chery: from the first Chery Arrizo 5 in 2016 to the Arrizo GX later, from October 16, 2016, he became the moderator of the Arrizo 5 forum to 2018 On October 18, 2010, he became the moderator of Arrizo GX Forum, which is the growth history of him and Chery. “At the time when FAW, FAW and even SAIC have joined the comprehensive strategic cooperation with European, American and Japanese car companies, Chery Automobile is one of the few companies in the domestic auto industry that has always insisted on positive development and independent research and development. This is China’s The portrayal of the self-owned brand’s tenacious struggle and forge ahead, this spirit is admirable.” Brother Chao said, this is his original intention to become the moderator of the forum.

Like many ordinary people who left their hometowns to work in big cities, “Brother Chao” insisted on his little dream. In addition to dreams, but also because of love, he contributed an ordinary force to his hometown brand. Because of a car, I met a group of interesting car friends: I went to see distant mountains, lakes, grasslands, and deserts with them; I went to spring outings, appointments, and picnics with them; I went to see scenery that I had never seen before. To experience things you’ve never had before. Because of Arrizo, they have opened up infinite possibilities in life. “The thing I am most proud of is that car friends fell in love in the activities I organized, and finally entered the palace of marriage.” This is also the first time that he, as a moderator, feels that he has done an extraordinary thing. All thanks to Chery Arrizo.

Arrizo Owner's Story - This road is more than what you see

Activities of Shanghai Chery Club

Arrizo Owner's Story - This road is more than what you see

Activities of Shanghai Arrizo & Tiggo Club

Success only belongs to those who dare to pursue

“Brother Chao” and the riders in the forum traveled the world, traveled the rivers and lakes, and were even more in awe of those who dare to pursue their dreams and carve their dreams meticulously. Just like Made in China represented by Chery Automobile, it forges ahead and builds up a great Chinese era with faith, dreams, courage and strength. Therefore, “Brother Chao” and the riders have an indescribable belief in Chinese brands. “Chery is the Chinese car company with the most craftsmanship.” Talking about the Arrizo GX, “Brother Chao” said. Chery Automobile’s three major components (engine, gearbox, and chassis) have insisted on independent research and development from the very beginning, and have been tirelessly working on the technical level, and have been earnestly doing every detail. Fuel consumption, appearance, control, cost performance, every shining point of Arrizo is really considered for the common people. Chery has been working tirelessly on the technical level, and has been earnestly doing every detail. This craftsman spirit of always pursuing perfection and refinement will inevitably make Chery go further and further.

Arrizo Owner's Story - This road is more than what you see

up, only because of you

Now, “Brother Chao” still organizes car friends to travel by car from time to time to see the great world of the motherland. Some car friends have driven Arrizo 5 to Tibet and northern Xinjiang; grassland. 

Arrizo Owner's Story - This road is more than what you see

Photographed by riders on the Yunnan-Tibet line

Arrizo Owner's Story - This road is more than what you see

The junction of Nyingchi and Lhasa

All the riders said that it was Arrizo’s super product strength that gave them the courage to pursue upwards and gave them unlimited possibilities to go out. Take Tibet as an example, high altitude, insufficient oxygen supply, poor road conditions, and long routes. For self-driving travel, the requirements for vehicles are very high. However, Arrizo has a stable chassis, does not float at high speeds, and is very adaptable to road conditions. The power consumption attenuation rate in high altitude areas is also very low. Only car enthusiasts can drive Arrizo to see the style of Qinghai-Tibet.

The road that “Brother Chao” accompanied with Arrizo, or it can be said that the road that all riders accompanied with Arrizo, is not only the meeting of new friends and the good scenery that we see. It is also the firm pursuit of ordinary dreams and the expectation of an upward life; not only that, but also the persistence to the end of the obsession with Made in China is probably the reason why they choose to go on the journey with Arrizo.