Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

How long have you not been for those things you love

Willing to go crazy?

How long have you not been for those who seem

meaningless things

And inexplicably moved to tears?

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

June 19th at midnight

Helan Mountain Huke Road “Enlightenment” Exit

The two cars of the Guangdong Toule team were injured

finally appeared

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

In the previous 15 hours

These two cars and hundreds of melon eaters from all over the country


Participated in and witnessed Tule’s successful crossing of “Enlightenment”

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

“Road to Road, very Avenue”

“Enlightenment”, what is it?

“Enlightenment” is one of the current 23 routes of Hook Road

The second hardest one

And the “seven kilometers” that already symbolizes the ultimate challenge

Ranking among the 23 routes of the Hooker Route

only moderate difficulty

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

What is the Hook Road?

Hook Road? Maybe a “mental hospital”

Dean is an off-road lunatic named Gao Jinsong (JK570)

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

10 years ago, he never crossed the road and ran into a Jeep

In this way, embarked on a crazy cross-country road of no return

5 years ago, he led the team to overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles

Finally built the lonely road that belongs to China

This is the way of Hook, which is called the gate of hell.

It’s a “crazy” climb

It’s a place of pilgrimage for crazy people

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

The Rubicon and MOAB Climbing Trails in the U.S.

It is the most extreme off-road road in the hearts of many off-road people

The highest level in the United States when rating cross-country routes is 10

However, the American MOAB Redstone 4WD Club

Michael and Douglas two seniors

After Hook

They played “Enlightenment”

“Pervert Level” – 15 ratings

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Before the challenge crossing of the two Patrol

“Enlightenment” only three cars successfully crossed

That’s a modified Wrangler that’s meant for rock climbing

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Patrol is a Japanese hardcore off-road vehicle

Known as the “king of off-road”, it is very strong

It is very reliable for long-distance crossing, but it is not suitable for rock climbing

But not suitable does not mean can not

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

If you have paid attention to Hooker or Guangdong Tule

I think you remember last year when they came to “smash the field”

Five vehicles traveled seven kilometers in three days and two nights

Scrapped one

The remaining four vehicles were damaged to varying degrees

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

After last year, many comments said that it was meaningless to toss around

But why do you have to say something?

Does life have to follow the rules?

Isn’t it okay to do something passionate that you want to do?

Isn’t it meaningful to toss, experience, and try itself?

Isn’t it meaningful to live a crazy life?

Isn’t off-roading inherently a lifestyle choice?

And isn’t Hooker’s Road the choice for the ultimate experience?

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

For the car owners and island owners who initiated and participated in these two challenges

Going to Hook wasn’t about proving anything

just because of love

So I want to experience and feel with my brothers

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

For Jinsong, the founder of Hook Road

The world needs mutual perception and warmth

“In the eyes of many people, we are a group of boring lunatics who have money to burn…but they don’t know that we are in off-road: not snobbish, not utilitarian, not yielding, not giving up; we work as a team and have the last bit of food Heshui is also willing to give up to others, we use our sincerity to encourage each other to move forward…this is our off-road: no need to prove, just pass it on!”

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

And for the “people who eat melons”

To witness and participate in a must have team spirit

The ultimate off-road crazy challenge that can only be completed

It’s something that can find the original intention of cross-country

Of course, if you want this is also something you can do at some point

An understatement and a down-to-earth “bragging” thing

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

[Expression] The following is a record of the whole process from Wheatgrass Grid from the people who eat melons

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive

Pay attention to cross-country Yanxuan

Share a new way of off-road life


Back to Hook, not crazy, not alive