Chery Jaguar Land Rover’s imported parts arrived in China for the first time by China-Europe Railway Express

On June 17, the first batch of imported parts and components with a total value of nearly 400 million yuan arrived in Hefei from Europe by China-Europe Railway Express, and then successfully transferred to Chery Jaguar Land Rover Changshu production base by land. Parts are used to ensure the orderly development of production.

With the gradual recovery of domestic production and living order after the epidemic, Chery Jaguar Land Rover has shown a growth trend of both production and sales. In May, Chery Jaguar Land Rover continued its strong growth momentum since April. Wholesale sales increased by 38.30% year-on-year and 24.20% month-on-month, becoming the luxury brand that achieved both year-on-year and month-on-month sales growth for two consecutive months. Land Rover’s accurate prediction of market trends, active and orderly promotion of resumption of production and work, and the use of the advantages of the global supply chain system layout to ensure the supply of parts are inseparable.

Chery Jaguar Land Rover's imported parts arrived in China for the first time by China-Europe Railway Express

Chery Jaguar Land Rover imported parts arrive at Changshu plant

The global layout of the supply chain ensures global quality

Adhering to the concept of global quality, some parts of Chery Jaguar Land Rover models are imported and assembled in China through global procurement, and all parts follow the global unified parts procurement standards and procedures. This allows Chery Jaguar Land Rover to share the scale advantages of global procurement while ensuring product quality, thereby effectively controlling manufacturing costs.

Faced with the development of the new crown epidemic, Chery Jaguar Land Rover immediately foresees that it will have a huge impact on the international supply chain. Since the resumption of work on February 24, Chery Jaguar Land Rover has maintained close communication with its British headquarters, and has followed up and updated the resumption plan and supply plan of overseas parts suppliers in real time based on domestic orders and production schedules. Almost at the same time that Jaguar Land Rover’s British headquarters resumed work, the China-Europe Railway Express, filled with 30 containers of imported spare parts, departed for China.

As we all know, under the regular supply rhythm of overseas parts, the sea transportation mode has comprehensive advantages such as large loading capacity and low transportation cost. In the special period under the influence of the epidemic, the advantages of railway transportation in terms of timeliness are more prominent. Under the trend of rapid recovery of the domestic consumer market, Chery Jaguar Land Rover called for rail transportation at the first time to ensure the production and delivery of the Changshu plant in less than half of the traditional sea transportation cycle, fully reflecting Chery Jaguar Land Rover’s global parts supply system leadership.

Chery Jaguar Land Rover's imported parts arrived in China for the first time by China-Europe Railway Express

Chery Jaguar Land Rover Global Parts Supply System

Leading spare parts supply system guarantees production and delivery

Chery Jaguar Land Rover is the first car company in China to pass the AEO advanced certification application of the international logistics monitoring system. It uses “visualized” intelligent logistics technology to monitor the delivery of parts, and grasps the location of the transport ship, the cargo on board, the arrival time, and customs clearance in real time. Progress and other information can pull the entire supply chain in a timely and effective manner.

At the same time, customer orders are collected and aggregated by the global dealer order system in the UK, and sent to Chery Jaguar Land Rover’s SAP system through the PLO (Pipeline Ordering) order scheduling system, so as to implement efficient and accurate production of complex orders and meet customer requirements. Personalized customization needs.

Chery Jaguar Land Rover’s global supply chain can not only coordinate the supply of parts from the UK and other European countries, but also include the supply of parts from China. Relying on the global spare parts supply system and the combination of sea, land and air logistics and transportation, Chery Jaguar Land Rover has further improved the operating efficiency of the enterprise, ensured the smooth production and on-time delivery of vehicles, and effectively protected the interests of car ordering users.

Chery Jaguar Land Rover's imported parts arrived in China for the first time by China-Europe Railway Express

The China-Europe Railway Express, which was responsible for this transportation task, arrived at the domestic terminal Hefei in early June

The strength of the system makes the sales rise against the trend

The guarantee of parts supply in a special period is just a microcosm of the strength of Chery Jaguar Land Rover’s system. While the company is actively resuming work and production, Chery Jaguar Land Rover “reduces pressure” on dealers, implements three “hearts” guarantee services for consumers, and creates a new 30-hour non-stop online live broadcast of the new Land Rover Discovery Sport, which is an industry benchmark A series of measures such as listing continued to restore market confidence. It is precisely this series of effective marketing measures that Chery Jaguar Land Rover has won the recognition of consumers while enhancing its brand image and attention.

Chery Jaguar Land Rover's imported parts arrived in China for the first time by China-Europe Railway Express

All Chery Jaguar Land Rover products

At present, the state has launched a series of guiding policies for the purpose of activating the consumer market, which is bound to effectively boost the consumption power of the entire industry. The cooperation between Chery Jaguar Land Rover and Jaguar Land Rover of the United Kingdom has realized the first time that imported parts and components arrive in China by China-Europe Express, ensuring the normal production of domestic factories and the delivery of end-of-sale products. This approach is accurate prediction, flexible response and precise policy implementation , which fully demonstrates Chery Jaguar Land Rover’s strong system strength and continues to practice the corporate vision of “delivering high-end customer experience”.