Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

The first time I saw Huzi was in Sky Island. My friend said that two lovely uncles had come to Ta County and introduced them to me.

When I went out to greet them, I found that they were driving a Wrangler. Out of my love for this car, I naturally established my liking for them on the first side.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

We had a pleasant exchange and talked a lot, including the changes we were going through. I saw them wiping tears silently several times. Although nothing happened to us, we all felt the sadness of others at the same time.

Most of the time, Brother Li speaks for Huzi, and when he gets excited, Huzi will say a few words by himself, but the speed is as slow as ants crawling.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Brother Li introduced that Huzi had received three notices of critical illness, and finally escaped from death, and then suffered from depression. The doctor rescued him, but he thought about dying all day long.

Until he fell in love with photography and off-roading, when he spent his time and energy on how to take the perfect Hob Peak in the desert and how to take a photo that he was satisfied with, he stopped thinking about death all day long.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

A brain disease turned him from a smart man into a slow but wise man who put aside the business he started to focus on play. And his personality is becoming more and more like a child. In his wife’s words, he has finally grown from three to six years old, and he has grown up.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

On our way to the countryside together, I was often amused by one of his words.

He said to Salman: I want to learn to sing from you, just want to ask.

Salman was puzzled, what do you want?

He said it was just rapping.

Us: Hahahahahahaha.

Another time he took a photo of Salman and said to me: Kongkong, look, how can people look like this. This is the essence of noodles.

One day we rested in the apricot tree at Uncle Salman’s house, and Hu Zi was very interested in his aunt’s sheep son.

According to legend, if a sheep is born with two meat bells, it is not destined to be an ordinary sheep. It will be raised separately, and the owner will raise it as his own child, and will not slaughter it.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Huzi followed his aunt to climb mountains and wade to see Son Yang, and came back exhausted and out of breath. Seeing that we were all lying on the ground, he said he wanted to sing a song for us, so he yelled at the “Hua’er” in his hometown (Hua’er is a kind of folk song popular in Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and other vast areas, and it is an oral literature of the local people. one of the forms). The first song was sung in a decent way, but later on. . . .

After singing, he exclaimed: Oh, my talent. (Presumably Huzi must have been a very talented person before)

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

I said to Salman, the beard is so cute, I really want to take him home.

He was still laughing and joking at first, but suddenly he pretended to be serious. If you take him home, what should I do?

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Salman is a person who laughs and laughs all day long, like a carefree star, spinning on its own.

He makes hip-hop music, but also hums old Tajik songs from time to time.

He looks cool on the outside, but is very gentle on the inside. He will rescue the kitten that fell in the manhole cover, let go of the insects that suddenly broke into the house, rescue the injured lizard on the roadside, and kiss his puppy.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

On the day we arrived in Kuksiluk, he was chatting with a woman herding cattle in the field, and the woman suddenly burst into tears because of the problem of the house. His husband died of illness, and she had nothing for a while. . Her helplessness towards life is beyond words, she can only express her heart through communication with strangers, the woman’s sadness also aroused his sadness,

So he wrote

“This is the first time since I was born here that the soil here is so warm.

because it doesn’t belong to me anymore 

I will never be raised by it again 

This is the first time in my life that I feel sitting under this tree 

It’s like sitting on the rug at home

because I’ve lost my home

It’s the first time in my life that I feel the wind blowing on my face here and it’s not cold

because i can’t catch it anymore

This is the first time in my life that I smell green grass and flowers

For the green grass and flowers will never bloom for me again”

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

When you have no emotion for what happened to others, you will be like this cow, just eating grass.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

The next day, we went to look for the only remaining old house. The sun was thick and deep at noon. He hummed an ancient song with an ancient sadness, crossed his hands behind his back, and walked slowly in front. He saw everything around him, and I knew he was mourning what they had lost, and I looked at his back as if I were seeing an old man.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

There is always an old man living in his heart. That old man has experienced a hundred lives in the world and has seen through the vicissitudes of the world. So he’s always shocked me by what he said, I can’t believe it’s something he said at his age.

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

Datong Township 02 | A 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old man

When they walked together, I seemed to see a 62-year-old child and a 25-year-old old man. These two are close friends and cherish each other. They both see their own shadows in each other.