Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

At present, the scale of the domestic cultural tourism market continues to expand, and the development of China’s cultural tourism real estate market has entered a new round of peaks, and cultural tourism integration products are highly sought after. This paper takes the development status of the national cultural tourism characteristic towns as a research sample, combined with the experience of relevant cultural tourism projects, puts forward seven construction points for the creation of cultural tourism towns, in order to create a living, suitable for living, suitable for business, and suitable for travel. A cultural tourism town with culture, tourism and soul.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

The overall construction of the cultural tourism town is a complex and systematic work, covering tourism, culture, commerce, real estate, leisure, catering, hotels and other industries, involving tourism products, tourism routes, tourism activities, including food, hotels, etc. , folk customs, activities and other rich content.

Strategic Positioning of Cultural Tourism Town——Finding a Base Point

According to the local characteristics, formulate the overall development goals, development plans, brand image design, core industry design, etc. of the cultural tourism town, determine the development basis for the cultural tourism town, find the nuclear power of development and the DNA of the cultural tourism town.

Implement the strategic positioning of the cultural tourism town, and build the town into a town with rich humanistic atmosphere, low building density, distinctive industries, full of vitality in the market, unique culture, charming ecology or industries, or culture, or resources, or themed amusement Or a characteristic cultural tourism town with architecture as the core of the industry.

(1) Overall development goals

The blueprint of the cultural tourism town is the source of power to attract foreign investment. On the blueprint of the cultural tourism town, the government function mechanism, sustainable development space, industrial environment creation, social and economic benefit assessment, enterprise growth environment, market competition pressure, talent development mechanism, etc. are clearly described to attract investment from enterprises. A gathering of talents.

(2) Development plan

The construction of a cultural tourism town itself is a systematic project with a long continuous cycle, which requires short-term and medium- and long-term plans with clear goals.

(3) Brand image design

Establish a unique LOGO, brand concept and promotional slogan for the cultural tourism town, and establish a distinctive brand image of the cultural tourism town through the brand visual system and behavioral system.

(4) Core industry design

The construction of cultural tourism towns must seek and inject supporting industries, and drive the development of related industries through the industrial effects of supporting industries. In the design of the core industry of the cultural tourism town, it is necessary to combine various factors such as the local cultural characteristics, industrial characteristics, resource characteristics, and the industrial field of the main investment enterprise.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

Industrial Model of Cultural Tourism Town——Finding a Fulcrum

(1) Create a closed industrial chain

Through the design and construction of the core industry, with the help of the market appeal of the core industry, the tourism consumption power and the industrial effect are highly grafted, such as health preservation, fishing, food, homestay, leisure, etc., and the formation of production, supply, sales, research and development Integration, so as to create a closed industrial chain with tourism color to support the sustainable development of cultural tourism towns.

(2) Multi-format integration

Cultural tourism town is a characteristic town with tourism +, culture +, industry +, and an industrial model of symbiosis and co-prosperity development of multiple industries.

(3) Development model

At present, the mainstream models of “ancient architecture”, “health care and elderly care”, “golf manor” mode, “hot spring capital” mode, “cultural resort hotel complex” mode, “leisure mall” mode, “featured scenic spot complex” ” mode, “multiple leisure complex” mode, “themed cultural town” mode, etc.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

The Profit Model of Cultural Tourism Town—Finding the Market

Cultural tourism towns need investment in construction, and sustainable development requires the establishment of a multi-win win-win profit model. From a market perspective, the cultural tourism town is a new platform for the development of the cultural tourism industry. If there is no good product design, business model, return on investment, etc., social capital will not enter.

Therefore, the design of the profit model of cultural tourism towns can be conducive to promoting the PPP model of small towns. The government supports them in the form of entrustment, franchising, funds, etc., market-oriented development, recruitment of professional companies for market-oriented operations, and multi-participation in the construction of cultural tourism towns. and operations.

The profit model of the cultural tourism town mainly comes from two aspects: cultural tourism real estate and operating income.

(1) Sales income of cultural tourism real estate

Cultural tourism real estate is a systematic project, including environmental improvement, resource integration, industrial restructuring and housing construction. The ultimate goal is to enhance the value of the region and maximize social benefits. The return period of investment is relatively long, and operation and service are very important. , while traditional developers are accustomed to developing properties for sale, and are not good at the operation of holding properties. It is unrealistic to expect to see returns soon.

1. Strive for government concessions in land transfer

Cultural tourism projects usually occupy a large area. If they can help the government implement corresponding public interests in project development, the government is usually willing to give certain discounts in land prices. It can effectively reduce risks and reduce input costs.

2. Attract the government to carry out external publicity and promotion

For some large-scale cultural tourism projects, the government will often set up a temporary special management agency, and use it as a key urban project or image project to promote the brand image.

3. Gradually increase the operation of tourism projects

While selling residences, we will increase the operation of tourism projects. Since tourism real estate involves many fields, it is necessary to integrate cooperative resources such as hotel operators and theme park operators in terms of internal operations, and to integrate collaborative resources such as travel agencies and surrounding attractions in terms of external resource introduction.

4. Transfer to the long-term and stable tourism operation part

The focus of the project is completely on the tourism operation part, and the long-term operation will be an integral part of the tourism real estate project products, and the management of commercial, hotel, theme park and other business forms will be done well, and a long-term and stable operation stage will be entered.

5. Establish your own IP industry chain

Those who win IP win the world, and build their own industrial chain by introducing the concept of IP. For example, film and television themes, animation themes, cultural themes, etc.

(2) Operating income of cultural tourism towns

1. Tourism income

As a mature tourism product, the cultural tourism town can bring economic benefits, such as tourism tickets and tourism product sales income.

2. Commercial income

All kinds of businesses in the cultural tourism town bring economic benefits.

3. Catering income

The economic benefits brought by various catering in cultural tourism towns, such as farmhouse music and folk catering.

4. Performance income

The economic benefits brought by various performances held in the cultural tourism town.

5. Accommodation income

The economic benefits brought by star hotels, theme hotels, B&B hotels, express hotels, family hotels, etc.

6. Industry income

The economic benefits brought by the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in the cultural tourism town.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

Planning and layout of cultural and tourism towns – fixed grid

How to build a cultural tourism town, first of all, we must solve the problem of planning and layout, reasonable planning of relevant functional areas such as business districts, industrial districts, commercial districts, residential districts, and public service districts.

(1) General requirements

1. To meet the needs of sustainable development

The layout of cultural tourism towns should pay attention to long-term benefits, achieve overall planning, rolling development, and step-by-step construction. Respect the local ecological environment, cultural ecology, and way of life, and achieve integration, fusion, and mutual adaptation.

2. Protect resources

In the planning and design, we should make full use of the natural topography, continue the traditional pattern of natural development, and respect the characteristics of the natural environment.

3. Show the local cultural characteristics

Small town blocks reflect regional, ethnic, traditional or era characteristics, and residential architectural styles, colors, and volumes must be coordinated. Planning and construction must maintain the rural style and have urban functions. Urban-rural integration is not the same as urban and rural, but the same between urban and rural areas.

(2) Design concept

The design of the town should reflect walking, convenience, diversity, unique style, and characteristic culture. It should be life-oriented, mixed with functions, high-density, compact, micro-landscape, dense roads, and the most effective use of infrastructure, so that energy consumption is low and operation The cost is also low.

Small towns should have cultural heritage, which will help enhance the local people’s sense of cultural identity and spiritual belonging, and will also accumulate and form new cultural characteristics or bright colors.

Towns should be well-functioning, with good education for students, good doctors for sick people, generous benefits for labor, livable places for living, and care for the elderly. The best cultural tourism town is one where people can live, and they don’t want to leave.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

Supporting construction of cultural and tourism towns – Laying the foundation

The supporting construction of the cultural tourism town mainly meets the needs of the town residents in three aspects: living facilities, tourism facilities, and industrial facilities.

(1) Infrastructure supporting construction

1. Transportation facilities

Establish a convenient external and internal transportation system. Strengthen the connection between cities and towns, traffic arteries and transportation hub cities, improve the technical level and traffic capacity of highways, improve traffic conditions, and improve service levels.

Promote the development of urban (suburban) railways in large cities, form a multi-level rail transit backbone network, efficiently connect large, medium and small cities and characteristic towns, and promote interconnection.

Strengthen the construction of slow traffic facilities such as walking and bicycles, and do a good job in the connection between the slow traffic system and the public transportation system.

Promote the construction of public parking lots and strengthen the management of vehicle parking.

2. Educational facilities

Promote the construction of various educational facilities in cultural tourism towns, and the construction of science, education, cultural and health facilities such as science and technology museums, schools, cultural centers, hospitals, and gymnasiums.

Accelerate the training centers for middle and high-level talents, promote the standardized construction of compulsory education schools, promote the joint operation of well-known primary and secondary schools in cities and counties and urban primary and secondary schools, and expand the coverage of high-quality educational resources.

3. Administrative management facilities

The construction of administrative and business offices, comprehensive services, convenience service centers, government services, tourism and leisure, business logistics, talent apartments and other supporting facilities in the cultural tourism town.

4. Medical and health facilities

Perfect public services, especially the supply of high-quality education and medical resources are important factors to enhance the population agglomeration capacity of characteristic towns. It is necessary to promote the transformation of public services from allocation according to administrative levels to allocation according to the size of the permanent population. According to the growth trend and spatial distribution of the urban permanent population, coordinate the layout and construction of public service facilities such as schools, medical and health institutions, cultural and sports venues, and vigorously improve education, health and other public services. The quality and level of services enable residents to enjoy higher quality public services such as education and medical care.

5. Financial service facilities

Development banks have increased their credit support for franchising and government purchase of services, especially by exploring various types of PPP models, introducing large-scale enterprises to participate in investment, and guiding social capital to participate extensively. Give full play to the development bank’s comprehensive service function and role of “investment, loan, bond, leasing, securities, fund”, and provide financial consulting services in the establishment of funds, bond issuance, asset securitization, etc.

6. Municipal public facilities

Public infrastructure construction such as water network, power grid, road network, information network, gas supply, heating supply, and underground comprehensive pipe gallery; environmental facility construction and ecological restoration such as sewage treatment, garbage treatment, landscaping, water ecosystem and water environment governance project.

Build high-speed, smooth, high-quality, low-cost, and convenient broadband network infrastructure and service facilities, promote people-oriented information to benefit the people, strengthen the construction of information infrastructure in characteristic towns, accelerate the process of fiber optic access, and build smart cultural tourism towns.

(2) Commercial supporting construction

1. Catering

Develop themed catering according to local cultural characteristics, and create special catering, such as Wenlv Farmhouse.

2. Hotel

Promote the construction of high-end star hotels, express hotels, B&B hotels, theme hotels, etc. according to the needs of cultural tourism towns.

3. Business

Department stores, small bazaars, agricultural products trading markets, living supermarkets, pharmacies, shops and other convenient commercial facilities.

(3) Leisure supporting construction

Promote the construction of facilities such as business halls, teahouses, cafes, badminton halls, billiard halls, fitness centers, chess and card rooms, KTV, and health care halls.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

Cultural Construction of Cultural Tourism Town——Looking for DNA

Culture is the DNA of a cultural tourism town, the core characteristic of a cultural tourism town, and the fundamental difference between other cultural tourism towns. The nature, ecology, culture, landscape, folk customs and other resources of the cultural tourism town are unique. Even if there are similar ones, their characteristics are unique. However, in the planning and construction of the cultural tourism town, in-depth excavation is required Only in this way can we really find the characteristics that distinguish it from other cultural tourism towns, so as to avoid homogeneous competition with the development of surrounding tourism projects.

The cultural construction of cultural tourism towns can be strengthened through themed activities, cultural activities, and cultural promotion.

(1) Theme activities

By holding themed activities, on the one hand, it can expand the brand awareness of the cultural tourism town, and on the other hand, it can expand its influence in the society and attract enterprises, businesses, and individuals from all over the world to actively participate.

Theme activities include the in-depth theme planning of the existing activities in the cultural tourism town to further expand the scale and influence of the activities; the planning and holding of large-scale performances; the planning and holding of large-scale festivals; the planning and holding of major international and domestic events, etc. Wait.

(2) Cultural activities

Carry out cultural and characteristic education in cultural tourism towns, improve residents’ satisfaction with urban construction, strive to achieve “all people are tour guides”, and cultivate a social atmosphere that loves hometown culture, thereby improving the cultural quality of the old city.

Carry out community cultural exchange activities to promote the construction of harmonious culture in cultural tourism towns.

(3) Cultural promotion

Use various cultural propaganda to enhance the cultural quality of the cultural tourism town. Such as shooting cultural tourism promotional videos to attract tourists to understand and understand Zhenhai’s cultural characteristics and historical heritage. Shoot a cultural promotional feature film to fully demonstrate the cultural characteristics and heritage of the cultural tourism town. Establish an official self-media to promote the culture of the cultural tourism town in a three-dimensional manner.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

Brand building of cultural and tourism towns – shaping the image

A good cultural tourism town needs to have a good brand image and a resounding brand name throughout the country. The brand building of the cultural tourism town, in a sense, is to make up stories, tell stories, and pass on stories for the cultural tourism town, so as to spread the brand of the cultural tourism town through stories and become a brand that everyone is paying attention to and discussing .

(1) Brand building

First of all, establish the brand system of the cultural tourism town. Including the brand name of the cultural tourism town, brand logo, standard font, architectural style, architectural concept, outdoor display and other elements.

Use various channels to promote the brand and image of the cultural tourism town.

(2) Brand promotion

1. Brand advertising

An excellent brand advertisement can quickly raise the brand awareness of the cultural tourism town. A brand advertisement with connotation can make the brand of Wenlv Town make people talk about it.

2. Charity marketing publicity

Through the all-round publicity of large-scale social public welfare marketing activities, the purpose of publicizing the brand image of the cultural tourism town and building brand awareness is achieved.

3. Hot marketing promotion

Through the hot events of national and even global concern, and with the help of the public’s attention to hot events, focus on the brand promotion of the cultural tourism town.

4. Use the opportunity to promote marketing

Ingeniously integrate various activities that are distinctive, influential, and can generate social sensations, and take advantage of the opportunity to promote the brand promotion of the cultural tourism town.

5. Cultural marketing promotion

Throughout the culture of the cultural tourism town, with the help of the influence of cultural marketing activities, through the organic combination of outdoor, car body, promotional materials, souvenirs, small gifts, etc., the brand of the cultural tourism town is spread.

6. Self-media brand promotion

Make use of the publicity power of self-media, such as official self-media, celebrity self-media, self-media circles, etc. to promote the brand of cultural tourism town.

Exploration: The overall construction model of the cultural tourism town

The cultural tourism town is to build a platform to realize the industry in a fully market-oriented space. On the one hand, it gathers various high-end elements such as capital, technology, and talents to support the innovation of new products, new models, and new formats, and form an innovative Oriented subdivision of emerging industries or upgrading of classic industries with cultural heritage, while innovating supply methods in the high integration of industry, culture, tourism, production, life, and ecology to accelerate regional industrial transformation and upgrading; on the other hand, combining characteristic industries The construction of the ecological system eliminates or migrates some “old” content that is difficult to adapt to environmental changes through the market mechanism, frees up new development space for characteristic industries, and further enhances the endogenous power of regional development. Through this process of “one increase and one decrease”, the renewal of regional excellent culture and the improvement of effective supply capacity will be realized.

Source: Yinuo Agricultural Tourism Planning

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