How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rat and the subsequent epidemic period, Xiao Hui made a warm return visit to thousands of Hui friends. In addition to expressing concern and condolences during special times, it also interacted with some issues of general interest to everyone. Among them, self-driving travel must be the most favorite activity of the majority of Hui friends. In this round of exchanges, many Hui friends mentioned to us the most beautiful self-driving roads that they have been to or have always dreamed of. The highest rate is the following 8. Now share it with everyone, and you can also take a look, whether this is also the most beautiful road in your mind, or you are planning to visit one of them at a certain time this year.

The 8 most beautiful self-driving routes in the eyes of Hui friends (in no particular order), must go once in this life.

1.214 National Highway

National Highway 214 (or “National Highway 214”, “G214 Line”) is a national highway in China, starting from Xining, Qinghai, and ending at Jinghong, Yunnan, with a total distance of 3,256 kilometers. The terrain along the route is complex and the climate is extremely cold, which is regarded as dangerous and daunting.

The advantage of National Highway 214 from other national highways is that the entire road presents rare biodiversity, geological diversity, and landscape diversity, rich nature and historical culture, and unique religious and ethnic minority customs.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Xining → Huangyuan → Gonghe → Maduo → Yushu → Nangqian → Leiwuqi → Qamdo → Zuogong → Mangkang → Deqin → Shangri-La → Lijiang → Jianchuan → Dali → Midu → Nanjian → Yunxian → Lincang→Shuangjiang→Lancang→Jinghong

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

2. G7 Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway

TA was officially opened at 12:00 noon on July 15, 2017. On the land with high sky and wide land, a jade belt-like sky road stretches from the long yellow sand and barren Gobi to the sky. The longest expressway in the desert – Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway.

 In Inner Mongolia, there are nearly 500 kilometers of basically no-man’s land. No water, no electricity, no signal, no smoke. The builders built this road in the Badain Jaran Desert, the most beautiful desert in China. It has to be said that it is really a great construction! The unique scenery is comparable to Route 66 in the United States. You will gallop all the way in the vast world, pass through the mysterious desert, the inhabited area, and meet the Milky Way starry sky on the desert highway.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Beijing → Zhangjiakou → Jining → Hohhot → Linhe → Ejina Banner → Jiuquan (Mazong Mountain) → Hami → Yiwu → Balikun → Qitai → Urumqi

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

3. Sichuan-Yunnan Grand Ring Road

After the Lining Highway was opened to traffic, the total length of the route was shortened from 200 kilometers to 119.5 kilometers. According to the speed of the secondary road of 40-80km/h, it only takes two hours to travel from Lijiang to Lugu Lake!

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Kunming→Chuxiong→Dali→Lijiang→Ninglang→Panzhihua, Sichuan→Yuanmou→Wuding→Kunming

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

4. Xinzang Line

It may be difficult for many drivers to take the Xinzang line once in their life. Most people have only heard of his name but don’t know how desolate and beautiful this place is.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Urumqi → Kuitun → Kuqa → Aksu → Kashi → Yecheng → Ali → Gaize → Nima → Nagqu → Lhasa

Safety Tips: This route is very difficult to enter Tibet, you must be well prepared before entering, and it is best to go with you.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

5. Mankun International Highway (China Section)

The Kunming-Bangkok Road has a total length of 1880 kilometers, starting from the Kunming toll station at the entrance of the Kunming (Ming) Yu (Xi) Expressway in the east and ending in Bangkok, Thailand. The whole line consists of sections in China, Laos and Thailand. It was officially opened to traffic in December 2008. On December 11, 2013, the Huixay Bridge connecting Laos and Chiang Khong in Thailand was officially completed. So far, starting from Kunming, Yunnan, and finally arriving in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, the three countries are connected along the way: China, Laos, and Thailand ~ connecting trade and folk contacts. The journey from Kunming to Bangkok can be said to be as short as 20 hours.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Kunming – Yuxi – Pu’er – Jinghong – Mohan – Huishai – Chiang Khong – Chiang Rai – Chiang Mai – Ayutthaya – Bangkok

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

6. Prairie Sky Road

Grassland Sky Road, with a total length of 132.7 kilometers, is like a dragon, entrenched on the top of the mountains, with twists and turns, ups and downs, and stretches for more than 100 kilometers. The blue sky connects with it, and the white clouds echo it. Walking on the Tianlu is like walking on the clouds, so it is named “Tianlu”.

This is the edge of the Xilin Gol Prairie, with an average altitude of 1,400 meters and an average annual temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius. It is known as “the thirteen provinces in the world are no colder than Huapi Ridge”. Strong wind, abundant sunshine and no obvious summer have become the most significant climate features. This road connects three prairie roads in China: Zhangbei Grassland Road, Zhangcheng Expressway, and Dada Line. The galloping free soul can always be seen on the vast grassland.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Beijing (Beijing-Tibet Expressway) → Zhangjiakou → Yehuling Grassland Tianlu → Huapiling Zhangcheng Expressway → Guyuan (Zhangcheng Expressway) → Fengning → Chengde → Weichang Saihanba → Ulan Butong → Duolun → Zhenglan Banner → Xilinhot → Ashatu → Dada Line → Dali Lake → Chifeng (Danxi Expressway)

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

7. Yunnan-Tibet Peerless Line

There is no direct passenger car on the Yunnan-Tibet Highway, and several transfers are required along the way, and there is no passenger car from Deqin to Mangkang, so you can only go there by truck. The total length of the Yunnan-Tibet Highway is 1,930 kilometers, and the ups and downs are not too large. There are 39 kilometers of sections above 4,000 meters above sea level; 239 miles of sections at 3,000-4,000 meters. And Tibet is the home of soul belief. From Yunnan to Tibet, there is so much beautiful tranquility hidden.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Lijiang→Meili Snow Mountain→Ranwu Lake→Gala Peach Blossom Village→Midui Glacier→Tibet Nyingchi Peach Blossom→Nanga Bawa Peak→Basongcuo→Lhasa

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

8. The Silk Road (Chinese section)

This is a perfect loop that combines the natural scenery of the Northwest with the cultural landscape of the Silk Road. The Silk Road “Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor Road Network” has a total length of 5,000 kilometers, disconnecting the ancient Silk Road with a total length of more than 8,000 kilometers, and ending it in the Qihe area of ​​​​Central Asia, involving a total of 33 application sites in three countries , China has a total of 22 application sites in 4 provinces, including imperial capitals, palace complexes, Buddhist cave temples, etc.

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?

Route: Xi’an→Baoji→Tianshui→Lanzhou→Wuwei→Zhangye→Jiayuguan→Guazhou→Dunhuang→Liuyuan→Hami→Turpan→Urumqi→Aksu→Kashgar

After reading these 8 routes, are you as excited and yearning as Xiao Hui? We are willing to accompany you on the most beautiful self-driving route; we can also provide professional, considerate and efficient consignment services for your car, and escort your long-distance travel.

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Carry a way of life

How many of the most beautiful self-driving roads have you been to?