How much do you know about the types of RVs?

As a new object, the RV is still in the impression of “high-end, atmospheric, and high-grade” by ordinary people. In fact, the RV life can also be rich and frugal. In the RV family, there are luxury cars worth tens of millions, and there are also simple RVs worth tens of thousands. Let’s take a look at the red, fat, green and thin RVs together.

RVs are divided into two categories: trailers and self-propelled. A trailer is a caravan that has no power of its own and can only be moved by the power of other vehicles. A self-propelled car is a caravan that has its own power and can run on its own power.

Trailer class:

Trailer-type A-type RV , also known as classic trailer. It is the most common type of caravan in the trailer, and it is officially called “central axle caravan” in China. Roughly divided into European models and American models, European RVs can be towed by ordinary cars, while American models require large-displacement SUVs or pickups to be towed.

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Trailer-type B-type RVs are more common in North America, also known as five-wheel trailers, goose trailers, etc. This type of RV is bulky and luxurious, and usually requires a pickup truck to tow it. Because the shape has a long neck, it is also called a goose caravan, and because the caravan usually has 4 wheels, plus a traction frame with a total of 5 runners, it is also called a “five-wheel” caravan.

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The trailer type C caravan is essentially a trailer tent. As an “entry-level” caravan, the price is only tens of thousands of yuan, but it has the basic functions of a caravan. First of all, it can be driven on the road, and secondly, it has family functions such as living, sleeping, kitchen and bathroom, and because of its small size and light weight, its passability is also very good. It can be regarded as the first choice product for entry-level RV.

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The trailer-type D-type RV is usually called a “backpack RV” in China. It is also a type of RV with strong North American attributes. This RV can only be used on a pickup truck. People who don’t know RVs are easy to confuse them with self-propelled C-type RVs with pickup truck chassis. The essential difference is that the trailer-type D-type RVs can be separated from the body.

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A camp RV , a big guy who can’t move at all, is also called a “park RV”. Although this product has wheels, it can only be moved simply, mainly to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by fixed buildings, which is also an important reason even in foreign countries. This thing is of little use to ordinary users and is usually rented out as a specialty hotel at campsites.

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self class:

A self-propelled A-type caravan , usually in the shape of a bus. This is the image of a caravan in most people’s minds. Because of its huge size, the interior has more room to play, and the interior decoration is usually dominated by luxury, or it is more appropriate to call it luxury.

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Self-propelled B-type RVs are mostly in the appearance of CMB. Common brands include Iveco, Chase, Ford, Jiangling, etc. Because it is difficult to distinguish from ordinary minibuses in appearance, it is also the most low-key one in the RV family.

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How much do you know about the types of RVs?

Self-propelled C-type RV , the RV that is most like a RV. Big belly, big forehead, plus the air-conditioning unit on the roof, solar panels and satellite dishes, as well as the bicycle rack and ladder behind the car, it’s hard not to recognize it.

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T-type RV , which is a classification of models that have only appeared in China in recent years, can be regarded as a branch of self-propelled C-type RV. I guess it may come from the English Trapeziod motorhome, translated as “trapeziod motorhome”, and later changed to “T-type motorhome”. Its appearance is basically the same as that of a common self-propelled C-type RV, but with a smaller or no forehead. (Usually the forehead of the C-type RV is the sleeping compartment.)

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Off-road RV , a type of self-propelled RV. There are B-type and C-type, most of which are modified and manufactured with off-road vehicles as the chassis, and the passing ability is not inferior to ordinary off-road vehicles. The most expensive German-made “UNICAT” caravan in my collection is this type, and the price is as high as 20 million RMB. (My dream car.)

How much do you know about the types of RVs?

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