Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Before I set off, I joked with my colleagues, saying that the Sichuan-Tibet line is the same as Schrödinger’s cat. Before going there, it was in a superposition state, whether you like it or not, you are not sure, you will never know just by looking at the photos. On the first day of the journey, the Sichuan-Tibet line actually appeared in front of your eyes, and the superposition state collapsed into a specific emotion, whether you like it or not, you will know it immediately.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

our planned itinerary,

Of course, going to the Sichuan-Tibet line, the plan will never keep up with the changes

Ya’an, the first stop of our Sichuan-Tibet survey line. After confirming the eyes, the Sichuan-Tibet line is the right person.

The Sichuan-Tibet line brought me a long-lost emotion, the kind of vague excitement and anticipation of the unknown, which is not available in other travels. My colleagues should have similar emotions, because when carrying large luggage and supplies on the car, everyone’s eyes and mouth corners are happy, which is really rare.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Colleagues smile honestly

If you didn’t explain it, you would think they were going to pick up the bride

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Check vehicle condition, accessories, tire suspension

And most importantly, paste the big LOGO of our off-road tribe

After a whole day of preparation, we set off from Ya’an to Kangding and officially set foot on the famous National Highway 318. Kangding is part of the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and is the capital of the autonomous prefecture. In the modern history of China, Ganzi played an important role. The tragic battle to capture the Luding Bridge and the reunion of the Red Army’s second and fourth armies all took place here. However, when people of our generation mention Ganzi and Kangding, the first word that pops up in their minds is probably “Kangding Love Song”.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

“Kangding Love Song” can’t be avoided anywhere,

The four big characters lean on the mountain and look down at all beings, as if they are asking if you can sing

What about the second word? For me, there is no doubt that it is the “infrastructure maniac”. Entering the Ganzi Tibetan area from the Chengdu Plain, there are various natural dangers and obstructions, but you just wanted to sing “Er, Erlang Mountain, so high, so high”, and the tunnels came, one after another, passing through this mountain Passed that ridge again. The Xinerlangshan Tunnel, which opened to traffic in 2017, is the longest expressway tunnel in high-altitude areas in my country. Tourists like us, who are just enjoying the benefits, can hardly imagine how those architects and construction workers overcome all kinds of difficulties and build bridges when encountering mountains and rivers.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

tunnel by tunnel

Let’s pay homage to our engineers and construction workers

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Luding Dadu River Bridge, today called Xingkang Bridge

Overlooking the Dadu River from the bridge, I thought to myself

If Shi Dakai of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom encountered this super project

It is not possible to be captured because of the failed crossing

The biggest test for us today is to climb Zheduo Mountain at an altitude of 4,700 meters. Ya’an, our starting point, is only 600 meters above sea level, and the altitude difference of more than 4,000 meters in one day is indeed a test of physical fitness. Fortunately, apart from some headaches, I have no other abnormalities. The members of the line survey team talked and laughed even more, and their appetite remained undiminished.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Zheduo Mountain

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

The canteen sells not only water but also oxygen

One side illustrates the natural conditions here

Zheduo Mountain is famous for its steepness, and the Panshan Highway is known as nine bends and eighteen bends. After passing Zheduo Mountain, it is the real Tibetan area. All the way along the 318 and hovering, the surrounding weather and scenery are constantly changing. It was still sunny at the foot of the mountain, but the top of the mountain was wrapped in billowing clouds and mist. In addition, the road here will freeze after September, and you have to make a detour if you want to enter Tibet. It is said that in May this year, Zheduo Mountain was still snowing, and the temporary traffic control made many drivers anxious.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

The top of Zheduo Mountain is always shrouded in clouds and mist, and the true face cannot be seen

Zheduoshan had a lot of cars on the way, but the off-road tribal team, which had just been beautiful before going on the road, definitely grabbed the C position. Every time we stop for a rest, curious passers-by come forward to say hello, take photos, or ask what kind of car we are driving, or what we are going to do on this road. Just in response to that sentence, when you take a picture of the scenery with a camera, you become a part of the scenery.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Take a look, take a picture, take a picture

Along the way, off-road tribal convoys are often watched

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

The guide of the off-road tribal line survey team: Brother Kangba

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Group photo at Zheduo Mountain Observation Deck

After getting off Zheduo Mountain, it is Xinduqiao Town. This is known as the first stop in the Tibetan area, and it is famous all over the world with the title of “Photographer’s Paradise”. Indeed, the town is full of strong Tibetan customs, including the hotel where we stayed, and it is also welcoming us with a Tibetan ceremony of presenting Hada. The environment of the hotel is good, and my colleagues joked that it is “there are flowers and beds, and I don’t want my old lady”. Nothing beats a good night’s sleep when you’re away from home.

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Now that you have come to the Dadu River, how can you not eat a bowl of yak meat?

Hey, what seems wrong?

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

A corner of Xindu Bridge and our hotel

Tomorrow, we will have the opportunity to look at Gongga Snow Mountain at an altitude of 7,514 meters. This is the highest peak in Sichuan and is known as the “King of Shu Mountains”. To be honest, when I heard the name “King of Shushan” very early, I always unconsciously associated it with “Legend of Heroes of Shushan”. I don’t know if there are any gods flying in the sky with sword energy on the top of this snow mountain?

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

Looking at Gongga Snow Mountain from Xindu Bridge is probably like this (network map),

Hoping for better weather tomorrow to get better photos

Cross-country Tribal Sichuan-Tibet Survey Line Chronicle (1): We take pictures of the scenery, tourists take pictures of us

And, the editor took a selfie

Let’s talk so much today, the line survey activities have just begun, and the excitement along the line has just begun. Off-road tribes are on the road, looking forward to your continued attention.