How to leave behind the beauty of travel (Part 1)

When traveling, you will encounter a variety of weather and scenery. Different photographers will have different creative methods, and many scenery will also have obvious personal styles. Let’s take a look at how photographer @Thomas sees the world These beauties, and the creative ideas of these works. All pictures in this article are from photographer Thomas Seeing the World 

Chillon Castle in Switzerland looks very bleak under the rainy weather. Rainy days may not be everyone’s favorite photography weather, but in fact this kind of weather also has a unique beauty. Because the rainy day itself will make the air cleaner, use a 1000x neutral density (ND) filter and a tripod to try to use long exposures to further eliminate redundant details on the sky and water.

How to leave behind the beauty of travel (Part 1)

However, the sky and water surface without details seemed a bit monotonous, so I explored around the castle in the picture and found this different angle.

The branches above and the rocks below enrich the picture, and the framed composition also retains the main role of the castle, and the selection of the foreground increases the layering of the photo. The yellow leaves on the trees and the fallen leaves on the rocks well reflect the late autumn season, and the fallen leaves and the gloom of the rain add a little sense of decline to the castle.

How to leave behind the beauty of travel (Part 1)

This photo was taken early in the morning at a campsite in an uninhabited area in the southern fjords of Greenland. There is no human inhabitation in a radius of about 30 kilometers. When shooting, there were few clouds in the sky, the calm water reflected the reflection of the glacier, and the earth was almost in the blue shadow of the morning, which made the whole picture extraordinarily silent.

So, I placed the Nikon D750 on the tripod, set up the timer shooting in the camera, and then quickly moved to the big rock in the distance. At this time, I also became a part of this quiet world.

The photo below is a hill about 5 kilometers away from the city of Ortisei, Italy. The thick advection fog covered the lights of the town below the mountain, and the starry sky above the clouds became bright. When shooting, because it involves the shooting of the starry sky, the camera parameters are set: aperture f/2.8, shutter speed 20 seconds, sensitivity ISO3200. Then, due to the needs of ground creativity, another 10 photos were taken continuously for post-processing of average value stacking. From the picture below, it can be seen that the clouds and fog behind the stack are smoother, and the noise of the picture on the ground is also greatly reduced.

How to leave behind the beauty of travel (Part 1)

This picture is a very dreamy night I encountered during my 2-month hiking exploration in Greenland.

During the trip, there will be many accidental situations. After 2 consecutive days of rain, the clouds suddenly cleared and the fog cleared. The rock walls of the giant peaks in the distance were all covered with snow, shining brightly in the moonlight.

How to leave behind the beauty of travel (Part 1)

The shooting lasted nearly 4 hours. In this harsh weather, people felt cold and tired. Just when they were about to return to the camp to rest, the sky changed again. The aurora all over the sky began to dance and burst out instantly, and countless “green arch bridges” stretched from the northeast to the southwest of the sky. At this time, due to the large size of the scene, we can only use the method of splicing. In order to get a better image effect, we still use the matrix splicing method when using a 14mm wide-angle lens for vertical shooting. Zhang took the shot, and it was only through post-production that such an extremely shocking scene was created.

Every time I travel to the Alps, I will be attracted by the natural ecology there. Villages, pastures, churches, and snow-capped mountains, forests, and rivers blend together without any violation, as if they have truly entered the world of fairy tales.

How to leave behind the beauty of travel (Part 1)

On the way, we often find unexpected beautiful scenery. This photo is the “mysterious” scenery discovered during the journey. This is an unknown town passing by on the road, and suddenly found the church on the hillside in the distance, combined with the surrounding golden woods in autumn and the silhouette of the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance, the architecture and nature are well integrated.

At this time, I took this beautiful scene with Nikon D750 and AF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm f/4G EDVR lens. Because the sun was strong at noon when shooting, a polarizing filter was used to eliminate the reflection of vegetation in the early stage, and the color tone was made into a blue-orange tone in the later stage to highlight a dreamy feeling under the sun.

Shooting good works often comes from the understanding of the scenery and the control of photography skills. It is not only necessary to understand how to set up the camera, but also to highlight the shooting intention. Only the combination of the two can complete wonderful photographic works. This is the content of the first half of this issue, and the next issue will bring more exciting sharing.