In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

March 8th is the second day of the second lunar month, which is said to be the day when the dragon raises its head. From March 8th to 10th, 2019, Beijing Haval H9 Brigade Tianqing No. 9 convened and organized a cross-country trip in the Wengniute Desert.

On March 8, 24 H9s arrived in Wudan, checked in, and checked into Quanning Hotel. On March 9, they went to the desert for a day. Some riders who participated in Duolun off-road activities also rushed over. Play in the desert on the other side of the lake.

I originally planned to play for half a day and go back in the afternoon. I didn’t want the desert to be more difficult to walk, and there were more car traps. I didn’t leave the desert until 18 o’clock. There were 27 cars in the desert off-road this time, half of which were novices entering the desert for the first time, and there were many car traps. There were many rescues, and many vehicles were injured. Everyone was in pain and joy.

Harvard H9 has good off-road performance. When the sand is not particularly soft, the sand mode is very good. The sand mode is characterized by fast speed and light action; but the sand is soft, the ground is planed, and the slope is large, so you need to use a low speed. In the four-wheel drive mode, if you want to play in the desert, you can either install a competitive bar or remove the front plastic bar, and the rest will be fine.

The managers (core backbone) of the Haval H9 team were very responsible, and the rescue was very hard, which made all riders feel at ease and at ease, and everyone realized the off-road spirit of “no brothers, no off-roading”.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

At 11 o’clock on March 8, I drove to Tongzhou District to pick up Lao Zhang, and had dinner nearby. The sesame seed cakes were filled with meat, and each sesame seed cake was added with 2 taels of stewed meat. It was very delicious.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

At 12:20 we took the Sixth Ring Road from Tongzhou, transferred to Beijing-Chengdu Expressway, and arrived at the Miyun service area at 13:30 to assemble. We gathered more than 20 H9s one after another.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

Tianqing No. 9, the management (core backbone) of the Beijing Hongjiu Brigade, is a caring person who designed and produced the “Wengniute” badge for this event.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

At 14:05, we set off from the Miyun service area to Chengde Chifeng, and stopped at the Shuangfeng Temple service area at 15:35 to release water.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

We continued to take G45 and turned to G16 at Chifeng. We all arrived in Wudan at 18:35 and went to the gas station to refuel. My car filled 55.18 liters and drove 566 kilometers all day (at a speed of 100-120 kilometers per hour), with an average fuel consumption of 9.7 liters. We stayed at Quanning Hotel.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

Quanning Hotel was booked on Tianqing 9th. Everyone signed in, got the room card, and took the luggage upstairs. At 19:40, we ate at the restaurant on the second floor. We sat at three tables, mostly meat dishes, liquor and beer. enough.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

On March 9, it snowed in the morning, and the outdoor temperature was 0 degrees. The snow fell on the artificial ground and melted into water. After breakfast at the hotel in the morning, start the car and get ready.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

At 9:10, we set off in formation to the 27-kilometer off-road point, and drove 30 kilometers down the road. Before entering the desert, we deflated the vehicles and planted flags.

It snows, and the sand surface will become hard when it is wet. Based on the tire pressure of my car (Goodyear Explorer AT tires are relatively soft) and the air pressure was set at 0.8 for two laps, this time I put the tire pressure at about 1.1.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

Get ready, follow Tianqing No. 9 into the desert, cross from northwest to southeast, and soon the team of more than 20 vehicles will be separated due to vehicle traps, and vehicles will be trapped everywhere, and rescues will be everywhere.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

Get ready, follow Tianqing No. 9 into the desert, cross from northwest to southeast, and soon the team of more than 20 vehicles will be separated due to vehicle traps, and vehicles will be trapped everywhere, and rescues will be everywhere.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

Everyone continued to follow the team and came to a big sand beam. This sand beam was steeper. We went down the big sand beam one by one to play on the big sand slope.

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip

In February, Erlong raised its head and blasted the ninth brigade, Wengniute desert cross-country trip