Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

[E Group Overseas Report] Before today, energy conservation and environmental protection were obviously irrelevant topics to the Jeep Wrangler. Even if it was related, the role played by the Jeep Wrangler must be a counterexample. However, with the exposure of the road test spy photos of this Jeep Wrangler today, environmental protection really has a positive connection with the Jeep Wrangler. Because, the long-rumored plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler has exposed road test spy photos.

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

From the appearance point of view, the plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler has not changed much from the normal version. Even the tires are still all-terrain tires that have little to do with energy saving. The only difference is that the test car has black camouflage covering part of the fender, which is supposed to be the charging port of the plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler.

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

As for the power information of the plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler, there are still more details exposed. According to foreign media reports, the internal combustion engine power plant of the plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler is still a 3.6L V6 naturally aspirated engine, while a series of electrification equipment such as batteries will be arranged in the area between the exhaust pipe and the transmission shaft, and Specially set up protective devices. As for the layout of the motor, from the perspective of the structure of the Wrangler, it is expected that the new car will adopt a P2 structure configuration, that is, the motor is placed inside the gearbox.

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

It is worth noting that the taillights of the test car are those of the European version of the Wrangler. It can be inferred that the plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler will be the first to be introduced to the European market. Taking into account China’s requirements for average fuel consumption and some cities’ support for new energy vehicles, it is expected that the new plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler will also enter the Chinese market later.

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

Jeep Wrangler will also get a green card plug-in hybrid version road test spy photos exposure

Regarding the fact that an off-road vehicle such as the Wrangler provides a plug-in hybrid version, let’s not discuss whether it can meet the needs of wild driving. But what is certain is that for those consumers who have no off-road appeal and just want to find such an off-road vehicle feeling, this will be a very reasonable choice. For Jeep, the introduction of a plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler will also help it transition smoothly under increasingly stringent emissions regulations.

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