Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

He is a photographer who is curious about life culture and unknown fields,

So he has been working hard to record some cultures and traditions that are almost forgotten.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence

Photographer & Director

Joey Lawrence was born in Canada and lives in Brooklyn, New York. He started his photography career at the age of 18, and has taken many moving works for Lavavazza, national geographic channel, US army, Canon, Summit Entertainment, Dubai government, etc.

Joey Lawrence specializes in portrait photography, and his style is full of realism and humanistic records. Because he loves to explore unknown areas and different traditional cultures, he has been committed to documenting some traditions and cultures that are about to disappear.

《Holy Men》

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

“The series “Holy Men” was filmed by Joey Lawrence in Varanasi, India in 2011; Varanasi is a holy city of Hinduism, and the town is home to a group of Aghori, who are Hindu ascetics who worship Shiva. It is also the subject of the “Holy men” series. “Holy men” records this group of practitioners who dedicate their lives to religion, and presents their spiritual life and cultural connotations.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Aghori’s smearing of ash on the body became an ascetic ritual on the body, representing sin, death and rebirth.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Magesh previously had a well-paying job as an IT computer consultant. Years later, he finds that he has not been seduced by his past life.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

《The Mosul Corridor》

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Oil wells burning in Qayyarah

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Nadaq Aziz and Karim Ali

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Children play next to a burning oil well in Qayyarah

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Zaal Ibrahim, 8, poses on a burning oil field with a homemade toy rifle.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Hana Kakra, 37, stands with her children in a house destroyed by the war.

《Guerrilla Fighters of Kurdistan》

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Kudi Sered, commander of frontline operations of the PKK armed faction – People’s Defense Forces (HPG)

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

In an abandoned ISIS base, Silava and Berivan laugh together.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Well, YPG’s soldiers.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) guerrillas pose for a photo at the Makhmour Trench positions.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Didar, YPJ Commander.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Amude and Meme, children of the Kobane school learning Kurdish for the first time.

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Locals in Al Hishah celebrate as they drive home after being rescued from ISIS by the SDF.


Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography

Joey Lawrence I Emotional Portrait Photography