life is always a thing to celebrate

life is always a thing to celebrate

Wang Shuo once said: “I used to think that life would never end, and the future would be completely different. Now I stay in my own future. I haven’t found any real changes in myself. My dream is still like when I was a child. The only The difference is, I’m not going to make it happen.”

It’s another year in a blink of an eye, and at the end of each year, I use this sentence to start.

Time flies, if there is no record, you will even feel that every year of your life is like typing 2017 with the keyboard, then deleting it, and changing it to 2018 so quickly.

This year, I still stayed in the small town of Taxkorgan most of the time.

It is very precious and not easy for a person to choose and love the place where she lives.

I am extremely lucky.

This year, Sky Island received 61 guests, and I flew 24 times.

Between leaving and returning, Sky Island has become my home.

What is my dream, just hope that I can waste my life on good things.

The difference between me and Wang Shuo is that I strive to achieve it every year.


January,Travel with Mom

life is always a thing to celebrate

☀Yunnan Ximeng

“Traveling by car with Lan Ying, fleeing the smog, all the way to the south.

A 4,000-kilometer journey of warmth. “

life is always a thing to celebrate


“Every year, I will go to Ganzi with Danmeier and brother Cao, and visit Gele’s house.”

life is always a thing to celebrate


“This is the place we used to go to when we were in elementary school. It’s called the Li Bai Memorial Hall”


February,Thailand Trang

life is always a thing to celebrate

☀Trang, Thailand

“I have a really cool friend who loves tattoos, is vegan, and travels a lot.

When we lived in Thailand with her, we treated ourselves as locals, and we were directly spoken in Thai many times.

We are keen to walk the streets and alleys to experience the most authentic customs

The reason we can travel together is because we both like to be in places where there are fewer people. “


March,Apricot flowers in the valley

life is always a thing to celebrate

life is always a thing to celebrate


“I returned to Ta County in the spring when everything was just recovering,

Use a flower-seeking trip to feel the beauty beyond the desolation in the land I am familiar with. “

life is always a thing to celebrate

☀Inner Mongolia Kubuqi Desert

“No matter how many roads I have traveled and how many scenes I have seen, what I feel in my heart is the same emotion as entering the desert for the first time. It is a fascination with nature and a deeper understanding of brotherhood.”


April, friend comes from a distant place

life is always a thing to celebrate


“The person who said he would come to see me, the first thing he did after resigning was to come to me.

Then I drew pictures on the wall of the empty island with me, slumped in the sun room with nothing to do, and pretended to take selfies at the door.

Then when she left, she told me that she would come again. “


May,I fell in love with u watching casablancan

life is always a thing to celebrate

life is always a thing to celebrate


“Leaping 17 hours to the Sahara to witness a farce.

This also made me understand that the most difficult thing to understand in the world is love.

You are not Sanmao, and he is not Jose,

You are just you, in the cycle of the world, meeting and separating constantly. “

life is always a thing to celebrate


“It’s still the strangest trip I’ve ever been on, and I often feel like it’s a drama.

Can’t believe all that is true.

Because it subverted my three views and affected my life.

And I can only hide all this in the tiles of these Hui style buildings,

Not a word. “


Jane,In the desert

life is always a thing to celebrate

☂Sichuan·Shunan Bamboo Sea

“It seems that I have cultivated a fairy here, and no longer remember the love of the world.”

life is always a thing to celebrate

life is always a thing to celebrate

☀Inner Mongolia Kubuqi Desert

“I’ve seen torrential rain in the desert, walked through the desert at night, and smashed Erdan’s front windshield.

The next day after abandoning the car, he wandered into the desert again in the name of rescue. A shabu-shabu vomited two men.

I finally know why these old men love this desert so much.

Because the desert is poisonous. “

— To be continued —

To be continued