Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line is the abbreviation of a cross-country road from Lugu Lake to Daocheng Yading, with a total length of about 280 kilometers. Due to the poor traffic capacity, currently only hard-core off-road vehicles can pass. It is another high-risk crossing route that many off-roaders are willing to challenge after Bingchacha. Knowledgeable outdoor people will know the weight of these three words as soon as they hear it, it is the famous off-road road that is frightening. It connects the lake at one end and the mountains at the other end, the scenery of Lugu Lake with profound cultural and historical background at one end, and the famous scenery of Daocheng at the other end. 

The Luya Line passes through the deep Mengzi Grand Canyon and also through the vast virgin forest, ethereal and silent. The crossing of the Luya Line can basically be completed in one day, but travel should avoid the rainy season, and it is impossible for non-hardcore four-wheel drive off-road vehicles to complete the crossing alone under the current road conditions. If you are going to take the Luya Line, you must be prepared before you go, because whether you ask the locals in Aden or Lugu Lake, most of them will tell you that this line cannot be taken yet.

The long-awaited Luya Line, I didn’t expect to be alone before, but I actually want to be alone, because I don’t want to be restricted and depressed in my bones, and I am free and unrestrained, and I can arrange, plan, itinerary, and change as I like! (Do you wonder if you are primitive?)

Get straight to the point, first introduce the planned itinerary! As shown in the picture: only five days can be arranged, starting from Chengdu and ending in Yibin! The original plan was to start from Yibin (I am from Yibin and work in Yibin) and end in Chengdu. As a result, I would go to Chengdu to attend a wedding on the weekend, so it was reversed. Facts have proved that God is nostalgic, and in turn, the weather just happens to be bursting! (The Liu Xiang in the plan is not that Liu Xiang. My good brother, a hospital laboratory doctor, will show up later! Responding to the government’s call, go to the Yajiang County Hospital in Ganzi Prefecture for technical assistance! The bird in Xichang behind is not that bird either, He is also my good brother. His original name is: Jibu Xiaoying, a fellow student of the Yi nationality in college. When he was in college, he felt that he was not like an eagle, but as gentle as a bird, so he got his name! Originally engaged in photography in Chengdu, in order to have children, It has been more than a year since I left Chengdu, I miss it very much, and I will show my face later!)

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

The first day: Chengdu – Yajiang County (6.5 hours, more than just walking and playing! High-speed Canadian roads are in excellent condition!)

The car, the V93 manufactured in September 2016, is durable and has a complex, so I won’t introduce much! Anyway, it is a stable! Make you feel safe! When I joined Sichuan University, it was called a selection number. I saw 2035 and it was so familiar. My two precious sons sang TF’s “I have an appointment with 2035” all day long. The kindergarten teacher taught it! Suitable! Take it!

Go to Chengya after breakfast, the first two hours are gloomy, let’s drive…the weather is cloudy!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

A single person on a bicycle, five days, and only these luggage! The third row of seats is taken out, and there is a large space under the cushion, jack, air pump, tow rope, tire patch first aid kit, all kinds of tools are in it! I hope not to use it, but if there is a car that needs help, it can also be used!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Streamer settings… a bit of a pick-me-up! Also a little dizzy!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Five-star red flag, you are my pride… Unconsciously hum this song

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

After passing through the Erlangshan Tunnel, a surprise is coming! ! ! The blue sky is sunny, there are no white clouds, the sky is as pure as a child… This kind of weather accompanied me all the way! Isn’t it that her personality has exploded… I’m in a good mood!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Kangding didn’t stay here, I’ve been here twice and lived here! The first time I went to Yading, the second time I went to Lhasa. I just remembered that there was a good barbecue in Moxi Xiaojie after crossing the small bridge… After leaving the county town, I was going to climb the mountains, so I had to fill up the oil just in case. The scorpion fetuses are four brand new ones, they were replaced just one day before going out, and the lanugo is still there, also for the Luya line!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Thank you for Huawei’s powerful AI… The Nikon SLR at home, whoever wants it, take it~!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

The scenery along the way, the backhand is a desktop!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

As soon as he came out, his character exploded! A sign near Xindu Bridge, 10 yuan to go up, see? The King of Shu Mountains – Gongga Mountain! The relative altitude is the first in the world, reaching 6200 meters (the highest mountain from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain). As the boss said, it is not easy to see the main peak… so lucky! I said it was okay… I was secretly happy!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

It started at 8 o’clock, after noon, I was a little tired. The artifact is here! Treat all kinds of travel problems! Lynx belongs to hard-core off-road, but it also has a gentle side. The co-pilot’s headrest is removed, the seat adjustment is the most forward, the backrest is the lowest, and the backrests of the second row can be lowered back. (If you need the second row, I prefer Half lying down and squinting for a while!) A proper Chivas sofa! Zzzzzzz……

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

After waking up, we continued to walk towards the Yajiang River. There was a forest on the side of the road, and it was plunged into it at one end. It should be beautiful here in autumn…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Arriving in Yajiang County, Grandpa Sun is on his way home. A county town located in a canyon feels very steep! Book the best hotel in the area, 320 per night including breakfast. It has not been a year since it opened. The boss is from Huayang. It just so happens that my ID card address is also from Huayang. The sister at the front desk joked that you and our boss are both from Huayang, obviously I became more enthusiastic, and the processing speed was very fast. I put down my luggage and went to find that Liu Xiang!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

I really recommend this barbecue. The boss is from the Bai nationality. He said that this is their traditional flavor, and it tastes right after eating it! Liu Xiang appeared on the screen… Thank you brother for the hospitality, I have to correct my drinking attitude to truly express my gratitude! My younger brother drank liquor with me, one bottle of Deng Gongye was not enough to add another bottle of crooked mouth, there are routines in punching, I win more and lose less, but my brother’s alcohol capacity is limited, I help him drink a little, and it’s over! Take him away with ease! Take me downstairs to the hotel, you must be hi! Get in the car and leave a souvenir~~~ Brother take care! Good support! See you back in Yibin…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Day 2: Yajiang—Shangri-La Town (6 hours, it’s not necessary to walk while playing! The scenery along this road is very good, and there are various photos! Various constructions! The whole national road is in excellent condition!)

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

The highest display is 5100, and the road is about 4700… It’s okay, the reaction is not big, and I feel comfortable…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

After passing Litang, leave 318, heading towards Aden, various landforms, various scenery…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

This place does not hesitate to drive off the roadbed…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Two-wheel drive can handle the road, never four-wheel drive…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Haizi has turned into an ice surface, the blue sky, white clouds and snow scene are really intoxicating…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

I recorded a video when I came back, haha, standard Yibin dialect

When I was approaching Daocheng, I saw an off-road experience area, I had to go and see it…haha! rush

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

After the off-road base was built, the interior of the car was already dusty, and the oil was draining quickly! Daocheng refueling! Continue to Shangri-La Town…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

When I was about to arrive in Shangri-La Town, I found a large piece of prayer flags, under the curb. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a good place to take a panoramic view, so I could only take a commemorative photo…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Arrived at Gongjin Lianri Hotel, the reservation was made, the name is a bit confusing! Parking is convenient, there is a big parking lot in the backyard! Sunshine fills the room, very cozy! The front desk learned that I was the only one staying in the hotel tonight, so I reserved it! Gradually the setting sun has faded away, and the light of a small temple outside the window is also on. I am a little lonely, but my heart is very quiet. This feeling is not bad. I will take a break from watching TV for a while, and enter the Luya line tomorrow.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Day 3: Shangri-La Town – Lugu Lake (Cross the Luya Line for 8 hours! It’s not necessary to play while walking! Most of the road conditions are OK! Hard-core cross-country passes without pressure! See Xiangtu!) Departure at 6:00! I really can’t sleep, I’m so excited all the way!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Branch roads from here to each card, in fact, all the way to Eya is a cement road, occasionally there are bad roads, mainly because there is ice on the Echu Mountain, so slow down is OK.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Net Red Waterfall, check in!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

When I met the railing, I thought the road was closed, but it turned out to be a fire protection registration. Because there is a primeval forest below, my buddy is very polite. I specially prepared a pack of cigarettes for piling. I need to ask questions about routes and traffic along the way. No wonder there are so many people! It took more than half an hour for the forklift to deliver oil to the excavator below.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

It was originally heading towards Lijiang, that is, Lugu Lake, but there is an internet celebrity attraction in Russia and Asia, which is 4 kilometers away, so you must go and see it. Eya Dazhai is a bit like Seda! Check in, go back to the fork and continue towards Lijiang.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Just climb slowly from here, climb over mountains, over mountains…

It didn’t take long to reach the cable bridge! It is also a popular spot on the Luya Line! check in…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

After passing the cable bridge is the real beginning… One side of the cliff, one side of the cliff, people and cars can drive and take pictures together! Safety first!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

It’s kind of scary! insert a short video

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

According to the satellite display, the opposite is the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

There are roadbeds all the way, but there are many gravels. Road tires can only rely on walking, otherwise they will suffer. AT tires are much better.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

The primeval forest has some taste, and the water flowing down from the mountain has completely frozen.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

It’s almost here, and it’s already past three o’clock in the afternoon.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

This canyon is a bit like a venue for a costume blockbuster.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

It took more than nine hours, and there was no signal for half of the time. The moment I saw Lugu Lake, I was so happy…

In fact, our biggest enemy is ourselves, conquering ourselves is more difficult than anything else…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Nizhai Village under Goddess Mountain, Fuyun Hotel, it’s off-season now, don’t worry at all, check in directly, a small courtyard room, just outside the courtyard… The room has complete facilities, just this bathtub is placed in front of the coffee table, I’m thinking about it Compensation~~~~~ It was cloudy just now, and the sun came out after a while. I have a hunch that tomorrow will be an open day.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Lover Tree under the Goddess Mountain, check in! A plate of boiled fish, where can I find a bosom friend…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Day 4: Lugu Lake—Xichang (6 hours! It’s not necessary to walk and play! The road conditions are all national and provincial, excellent! The birds are about to appear in the photo!) Woke up and found that there was a sunrise, turned over and got up, the goddess has not yet Lifting the veil, quiet and mysterious…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Waiting, waiting…quietly…no one, just me on this slope, very peaceful.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Dazzling, quickly pull out your sunglasses, all good things start with the sunrise.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Still in need of touch-ups this day?

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Lake water, blue sky, another wave of tabletops in the forehand…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Let’s go, the beautiful Lugu Lake… Take the small gift from the hotel and head to Xichang.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

The road to Xichang is pretty good. It passes through two larger towns. The main reason is that some mountain roads have too many bends and are urgent. Pay attention to safety and be careful of falling rocks. This road is indeed a bit dangerous during the rainy season. The falling rocks seem to be about to fall at any time.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Once the bridge is over, you will arrive at Xichang through two more tunnels…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Bird out of the country! Like bandits, colleges used to be engaged in art!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Friend: Guy from the Yi nationality—Samatoche! Niao Niao called to accompany me, fortunately I have enough! Fly with ease.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Yi meals are all hard dishes, potato lumps dipped in chili noodles, full marks!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Looking at Niao Niao’s posture, you know that you have been taken away…

Stay in the hotel on the last day, clean up the equipment, and go home tomorrow.

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Day 5: Xichang-Yibin (full expressway, more than 7 hours) The sunshine in Xichang really makes people reluctant to leave…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

I forgot which service area I ate a pot of yellow beef, it was comfortable!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

After passing through the Mud Mountain Tunnel, it turned into this scene when we came out, cold and cold, slowly…

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Yibin, who arrived at night, was already tired, and got up the next day to wash the car. The fuel consumption is a new low, generally around 14.5, acceptable!

Luya Line Journey——Bicycle Solo Debut

Sunshine accompanied me all the way, and now that I am back in Yibin, I am reluctant to part with Sunshine, and it seems to be reluctant to part with me, following me all the way to my hometown. It is said that it has been raining in Yibin for more than a week!

In the early morning, through the window of the office, I saw this sunny scene, and I couldn’t help but take a picture. My journey alone is over, and I’m back to reality. I need to work hard, my friends need my help, and my family needs my protection! With this travelogue, I record my first show in this life, and I wish all those who are grateful and kind-hearted, all the best in 2019!