Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)


Horror and Rave may only be two hours apart.

Hunza -Gilgit

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Chartered car to gilgit, all the way is full of autumn villages, they stand in an open place in the mountains, some seem to be villages growing out of the mountains, standing there straight, surrounded by various trees, But the surrounding area is full of barrenness.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

How lovely and unrelenting is the tiny power of human beings in nature.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The canyon is still unfathomable, as if every road that goes in will meet a fairy, and the snow on the top of the mountain may be the residence of a certain fairy.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The weather is still gloomy, the golden color of the trees is the only light in the barren mountains, all the scenery is running back, but they all remain in my heart.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The driver specially stopped us at the road sign of the Silk Road. We saw the narrow and dangerous ancient road in the mountains and lamented the difficulty of traveling in ancient times.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I arrived at the Gilgit Hotel and was very happy to learn that there was a wedding in the evening. I asked about the time and went out for a stroll.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

For example, two days and one night ago, the strike was still going on, and almost no shops were open on the street. I found a problem. I saw almost only men on the street, and the only girls I saw were students who had just finished school and packed tightly.

As one of the few women, Lan Xin and I received the baptism of various eyes.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Lao Yu separated from us shortly after taking pictures, and Lan Xin and I decided to go back to the hotel first. We were warmly greeted all the way, and we would also give us a variety of small things to taste when we passed by the snack shop.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

We declined various invitations until a local taxi stopped in front of us.

Because I have always wanted to experience the feeling of a trailer, and wanted to feel it. So I got into the car with Lan Xin.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The driver showed off that he pulled two Chinese girls in the car. When he got excited, he stepped on the accelerator and pulled us past. After a while we didn’t know where we were going.

To communicate with drivers and passengers, the tragedy is that none of them can speak English. Only one person said back.

Thinking they would pull us back to where we were in a moment, we let our guard down.

Sure enough, after everyone got out of the car, the driver turned around.

Made an effort to use body language to say where we were going.

After the driver understood, he kicked the gas again, and we didn’t know where we were going.

Seeing that he was getting further and further away, he felt unsafe about unfamiliar places, and the communication barriers made his face full of worry.

We were chatting and laughing at the beginning, seeing that it was getting late, we started to get nervous.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The car almost passed through the entire urban area, and it was about to leave the city. I had several exchanges with the driver but failed.

So I stepped out of the car with one foot and forced the driver to stop.

The driver slammed on the brakes, and we were parked in a wilderness.

It was getting dark slowly, and Lan Xin and I got out of the car in a hurry. We saw a boy on a motorcycle by the side of the road, and we went over to ask for help. Thankfully, there was a savior who could speak English.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The boy was in high school, with a righteous look on his brows. After telling him our situation, he was very calm. First, he communicated with the driver. It turned out that the driver misunderstood where we were going and wanted to send us to another place.

I told him I couldn’t take this car anymore because there was no way to communicate and I was scared, so he flagged another car for us, told the driver where we were going, and double-checked before letting us in.

After getting in the car, I realized that the car just went in the wrong direction, and finally returned to the hotel smoothly.

Although we can’t be sure of the intention of the previous driver, we are still in shock. If we don’t come back after dark, we can’t tell what danger will be.

Fortunately, there is no danger, we are all safe and sound.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Back at the hotel, I found that the food for the wedding had already started to be prepared. Looking at the golden grilled chicken on the grill, my frightened heart was replaced by a hungry stomach, and I hurried to find something to eat.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

At 7pm, the hotel manager came to invite us to the wedding.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

First, I went to the groom’s side and found that there was no woman. I asked and learned that the wedding here is separate for men and women.

The women are all in the other house. So he went to the woman’s side.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

As soon as I entered, I was stunned. It seems that all the women in gilgit are here.

The bride sat right in front, taking selfies with everyone. I walked over to say hello, and was stopped as soon as I raised my camera, telling me that taking pictures is not allowed here. ok, respect the customs.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

But the strange thing is that they are keen to take selfies with us, but as long as we use our mobile phones to take pictures, they will be stopped.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

There seems to be no ceremony in this wedding. Everyone takes selfies and chats together.

A woman came up to me and asked me, do you like it here.

I said it was fine.

She then asked what was the best thing about you.

I replied, seeing so many women. You know, I didn’t see a single woman in the street today.

She laughed. She said that because in their place, it is very shameful for women to go to the streets.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

Finally, I was allowed to take a photo with the bride.

Sitting and sitting suddenly everyone stood up, it turned out that dinner was served. The whole scene is like the scene of a large buffet.

After dinner, we left, thinking that the wedding here was over.

When I returned to the room, I heard a burst of music and cheers. It was so lively that I had to go and see it.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

It turns out that the bride’s side is over, and the groom’s side is singing and dancing, and it’s just time for fun.

The men formed a circle, and there were two people dancing in the middle. There were four musicians on the stage, two played suona and two played drums.

I thought the dance here would be the same as Tajik, beautiful and soothing, until the rhythm of the music started to speed up, and the dance became crazy.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

The dancers kept twisting and spinning, like two free birds. And the dance here is completely free to play as you want, and everyone’s movements are different.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

This feeling is even more pronounced when a group of people dance together.

They seem to be out of order, but they are having fun.

This is a dance of freedom, a dance of the heart.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

When a good dancer comes on stage, the people in the audience will prepare money to put in his hat. After the dance, he will give all the money in the hat to the band on stage.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

What’s more interesting is that it’s not the band controlling the dancers here, but the dancers controlling the band. They will jump in front of the band and use body language to tell the band that he needs more intense music, so the band speeds up the tempo, and he will follow along. After turning in circles, the audience in the audience will clap their hands in response. The faster the clapping rhythm, the better the dancer dances.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (3)

A shock caused by communication and a sudden wedding made me experience the thrill and carnival of gilgit.

There may be only two hours between them.