This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Summer is here, I can’t hold back my desire to go out and play!

But when I think of the crowds in the major tourist attractions, what I see is not the scenery but small heads;

So the editor found 10 places with few people! Jingmei! Also a cool place to travel!

Lvjiang Village, Liaoning

Looking around, it is a piece of green, and the low-lying area is overgrown with green grass, and there are countless colorful small wild flowers that cannot be named;

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

The sky is high and the clouds are clear, cattle and sheep are leisurely pacing in the green land, what a leisurely scene, backed by mountains, with water and fishing boats, what a harmonious pastoral scene;

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Lujiang Village is known to the world because of rapeseed flowers and waterless land. Fishermen throwing nets is a scene on the river, and the original ecology of blue sky, white clouds, green water and green mountains is the characteristic of this place.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Lujiang Village is the junction of China and North Korea. It not only has the majesty and magnificence of the mountains and rivers in the north, but also has the beauty and freshness of the mountains and rivers in the south.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Inner Mongolia Enhe

Enhe, belonging to Erguna City, is located in the northwest of Hulunbuir City, surrounded by mountains, very close to Russia, only separated by the Erguna River. This is a small town that makes people feel quiet and peaceful just by listening to the name.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Enhe is a well-known Russian ethnic township in my country. It is a gathering place for Chinese and Russian descendants. There are only a few hundred families living here, but most of them have Russian blood. They all have a high nose bridge and deep Eye sockets, exotic faces with eyeballs of other colors.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Enhe has pleasant scenery and the local residents are hospitable. Most of the relatively intact Russian culture and living customs are still preserved here, and you can enjoy exotic customs without going abroad.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

In the early summer, on the way to Enhe, there are large expanses of wild flowers, endless prairie paintings, and pastoral paintings of cattle and sheep grazing leisurely.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Guoliang Village, Henan

Located on the edge of a cliff 1,700 meters above the sky, 83 families live here, and everyone passing by is amazed by it!

The geographical location is unique here, the old village is relatively well preserved, and many film and television dramas were filmed in the village;

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

The black tile-roofed house is covered with moss, and the rainwater drips down the black tiles on the roof. It feels a bit like the south of the Yangtze River, except that in the south, an additional layer of reverse tiles will be laid on the edge of the two rows of tiles to speed up the diversion of rainwater.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Zhejiang Ming’ao

Ming’ao Terraced Fields are carved layers of water-storage terraced fields on the earth, like mirrors, rising from the dense forests, wisps of cooking smoke are misty, with suitable shades;

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Looking around, along with the mountain shape and slope, the stones are built step by step to level the soil, which is shaped like a ladder and half moon. It is a masterpiece carved by the ancestors relying on primitive tools.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

In the evening, standing on the top of the mountain in the ancient village, the setting sun dyed the terraced fields golden, like a bronze mirror engraved with threads. The smoke rising from the dense forest, the terraced fields with layers of water storage are like a bright mirror, and there are many mountains in the distance, and the mist is misty, which is really beautiful.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Fujian Zhangjiao Village

There are layers of stone-built houses, narrow and secluded stone alleys made of pebbles, and old vines wrapped around the stone walls add vicissitudes to the stone houses.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Only 40 to 50 kilometers away from the city, this small village is not very remote. It was not known to the public at first. Its name comes from a photo of “Oil Painting – Zhangjiao Village” which won the grand prize in the national photography competition. work.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

It turns out that such a beautiful scenery is hidden in the deep mountains and no one knows it. It is actually right in front of our eyes.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Guangdong Yanzhou Island

It is not far from Xunliao Bay, but little is known about it. Mangrove beaches, egrets flying across wild boats, basalt beaches, and a clean natural environment with few people make it a private place for many photography enthusiasts. Assembly point.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Yanzhou Island, named for its abundance of sea salt, is the only island town in Huizhou. This small island with a history of more than 400 years is warm and humid all year round, with verdant forests in all seasons, gentle sandy beaches with fine texture, and is a natural beach.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

On the coastline of the South China Sea, there are winding reef belts, jagged basalt rocks, ocher colors, and various shapes; stretching for more than ten kilometers, it is the best place for photographers to take pictures of the dream coast.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Sichuan Mosca

Surrounded by three sacred mountains, it is a collection of snow mountains, forests, grasslands, glaciers, and Haizi. The herdsmen living here live an isolated and poetic life along the most natural and ancient way of life of their ancestors.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

The natural scenery is exceptionally beautiful, making people feel like they are in a dreamlike world, so some people call it a “paradise lost”.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

The most interesting thing is that in Mosca, you can meet many elves on the prairie-marmots, which are also called “marmots”, and the locals call them “snow beads”. Since Mosca is often fed these groundhogs, they are relatively friendly when they see people.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Yunnan Yubeng

Yubeng Village is located at the foot of Meili Snow in Deqin County, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Surrounded by the surging Canglan River. The entire villa lives by the mountains, sparsely populated, and the scenery is very original, like a paradise.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

“There is heaven above, and rainbeng below”, because it is the last paradise. Hiking Yubeng may be something worth doing in everyone’s life.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

BY: wing cloud kiki

Zagana, Gansu

The steep mountains and beautiful scenery here are like a large-scale stone palace, and it is still a virgin land with original purity;

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Zhayana, located in Yiwa Township, more than 30 kilometers northwest of Diebu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, means “stone box” in Tibetan.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

Shimei Bay, Hainan

White sand, blue sea, blue sky and flowing clouds, this is an undisturbed bay where residents live comfortably.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!

The harbor is usually calm and calm. The coastal beach is about 7 kilometers long, and the water depth is less than 3 meters within a hundred meters.

This summer, leave these 10 travel destinations with few people and beautiful scenery!