Popular Plus, Skoda injects new impetus into development

With the effective prevention and control of the epidemic, domestic economic activities are showing a clear trend of recovery. The May Day holiday, various local shopping festivals, and the introduction of favorable policies for the industry have effectively driven the recovery of consumption in various markets.

Popular Plus, Skoda injects new impetus into development

Recently, Skoda launched a series of heavy policies to help consumption pick up with real discounts. On April 22, SAIC Skoda announced the latest suggested retail price range of 77,900 to 247,900 yuan for all series of products, which aroused enthusiastic responses. At the end of the week, Skoda’s order customers increased by 65%, among which the attention and order intention of SUV series models were high.

Popular Plus, Skoda injects new impetus into development

In addition, with online functions such as car viewing, test drive, insurance, and finance all opened up, SAIC Skoda has gradually shifted from focusing on offline to focusing on both online and offline, and combining online and offline. From the headquarters to the dealerships, SAIC Skoda has brought a variety of online live broadcast activities, in addition to online 3D car viewing, video lectures, and live car sales, it also brings a zero-interest consumer credit financial policy covering all models, and Greater support for second-hand car replacement. At present, more than 450 dealers and more than 3,500 sales consultants have released more than 30,000 short videos and more than 15,000 live broadcasts on Douyin and Kuaishou, attracting more than 10,000 customers to stay.

SAIC Skoda is also making efforts offline. Since April, the average daily passenger flow of SAIC Skoda dealer showrooms has increased by nearly 30% month-on-month, and the number of expected customers has increased by nearly 20% month-on-month, showing a significant upward trend. In conjunction with the May Day holiday and shopping festivals around the world, Skoda has also strengthened face-to-face communication with consumers. At the beginning of May, during the “May 5th Shopping Festival” in Shanghai, SAIC Motor launched a car carnival named “Have an appointment with SAIC”. Skoda actively responded to the call and brought its popular models to the carnival at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from May 1st to 10th. From May 1st to May 5th, Skoda’s cumulative number of interested customers in Shanghai increased by more than 70% year-on-year, and the number of orders it received doubled year-on-year. In addition, Skoda will also bring the sub-venues of the shopping festival to Shanghai’s popular business districts such as Zhonghuan Bailian to further expand contacts with consumers.

Popular Plus, Skoda injects new impetus into development

Looking at the auto industry, the China Automobile Dealers Association stated that April is the traditional off-season for consumption. Under the influence of multiple factors such as dealers’ price reductions and policy stimulus, the auto market has further recovered, but the passenger flow still has not reached the level of the same period last year. The overall auto market is gradually recovering, promotions are increasing, and favorable policies are being introduced, and it is expected to reach the level of the same period last year in May.

Skoda Auto is one of the oldest car manufacturers in the world. This year coincides with the 125th anniversary of Skoda’s founding and the 15th anniversary of the brand’s entry into China. Skoda has launched an annual marketing campaign in the Chinese market, including a brand new price system, consumer credit and financial policies, new retail models, product and service experience, etc. Inject new impetus into development.

Popular Plus, Skoda injects new impetus into development