Release back to where the dream began

In early spring, under the blue sky, there is an endless desert.

On the way, a fleet of all-terrain vehicles is heading off into the distance. On the speeding car, there are restless hearts and longing for the vast desert. They are heading for the paradise that should belong to them.

The whining windmill was left behind, and the sand hills in the distance gradually became clear. Everyone’s heart slowly became agitated, and the beast trapped in the chest for a long time was struggling more and more.

Release back to where the dream began

The desert under the blue sky is so lonely that one’s heart trembles, except for the gentle sound of the wind, there is nothing to say. At this time, the hormones in everyone’s body are slowly rising under the scorching sun, and the air is filled with monotonous emotions. Perhaps only monotony is an opportunity, because this is about to kick off the prelude to burning.

Release back to where the dream began

The sun shines on the sand dunes one after another. From a distance, the flowing lines are like flowing musical notes. When we are in this golden sand sea, we seem to feel the beautiful melody between heaven and earth, which is as beautiful as a ribbon lingering in our hearts.

Release back to where the dream began

How lonely and desolate the vast desert would be if there were no beating notes. It is just because of our arrival that it becomes gorgeous.

With the order to start, excitement replaced the trembling, the blood was surging rapidly, the roar of the engine, and the scream of excitement turned the desert into an all-terrain vehicle’s Garden of Eden in an instant. The yellow sand dancing in the air seems to be cheering and cheering. At this moment, everyone seems to fully open themselves. Men are no longer reserved, women are no longer ladies, everyone is enjoying the burst of pleasure and sharing the excitement brought about by the surge of adrenaline. Trembling, burning blood makes the body and mind more wild.

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Driving in the vast desert is a game for the brave, and the desert is the paradise for the brave. As long as there is a road under the blue sky, no matter whether it is OFFROAD or not, then the brave must go far away, looking for dreams, looking for different worlds, and looking for the vitality of life that we have been imprisoned in the city for a long time in the unknown world.

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Release back to where the dream began

Life should bloom on the road! ——To the brothers who walk on the cross-country road