SAIC MAXUS joins hands with LINE FRIENDS Adventures in Magic City Parade goes smoothly

On this summer weekend, SAIC MAXUS RV and LINE FRIENDS joined hands again to explode Shanghai, the magical city. Not long ago, on June 1st, SAIC MAXUS RV and LINE FRIENDS, an international cartoon image brand, made their C debut together. The customized LINE FRIENDS special RV became the most dazzling star, and also showed the charm of IP linkage for all friends, big and small. And just this past weekend, the lovely LINE FRIENDS and RV Lifestyle Home went to Shanghai’s four major business districts to hold flash mob activities, respectively in Jing’an Darong City, Wujiaochang Wanda, Huaihai 755, Shanghai Vientiane City and other places. Friends who love RVs and LINE FRIENDS experience the wonderful RV life in different scenarios together. Not only can you take photos with Brown Bear for free, but you can also visit the Sally-themed caravan, which satisfies everyone’s imagination of caravans and childlike fun.

SAIC MAXUS joins hands with LINE FRIENDS Adventures in Magic City Parade goes smoothly

    What will happen when the Internet celebrity cartoon image meets the Internet celebrity RV? SAIC Maxus RV is continuing to tell us the answer with a series of activities. LINE FRIENDS is a cartoon emoticon in the chat software “LINE”. It is popular among young people for its cute and unique image design (such as Brown Bear, Connie Rabbit, Sally, James, Mantouren, etc.), and it is an IP consumer product. typical representative. SAIC MAXUS RV has always been known as the No. 1 brand of RV in China. It not only has excellent original quality products and warm travel services, but also achieves the ultimate in cross-border marketing. On the basis of unanimous praise from the previous June 1 cross-border activities, this time SAIC MAXUS RV teamed up with LINE FRIENDS again to present a feast of love and joy to all friends in Shanghai.    

SAIC MAXUS joins hands with LINE FRIENDS Adventures in Magic City Parade goes smoothly

       In addition to cooperating with LINE FRIENDS to launch a flash mob event, this parade also added a Shanghai landmark building check-in session. SAIC Maxus RV set up a number of landmark scenes that best represent Shanghai, making this event truly a cross-border circle. The classic of layer marketing. You can imagine to your heart’s content the scene where you check in with the RV at various landmarks in Shanghai. By the Huangpu River on the Bund, you drive a childlike RV and feel the summer breeze; under the Oriental Pearl Tower, take a photo with the RV for I have left enough photos for my memory; at the entrance of the China Pavilion, feel the touch of red with the caravan; in the legendary Peace Hotel, feel the precipitation of years and history with the caravan. Every landmark is a story with the caravan, and it is a scene that best reflects the state of life.

SAIC MAXUS joins hands with LINE FRIENDS Adventures in Magic City Parade goes smoothly

    On the road of scene and experience, SAIC MAXUS RV has taken a completely different path from the traditional automobile industry, especially the social cross-border linkage, which has played a variety of different ways. From implanting the popular film and television drama “A Journey to Meet Love” to co-shaping music culture with Midi, from spring RV flying house travel to summer RV adventures, SAIC MAXUS RV has integrated marketing and music integration marketing in TV dramas , Four Seasons and cross-circle marketing have achieved certain results. For SAIC MAXUS RV, crossover has become an inevitable action, and leading the trend through crossover has become another label. It is a new attempt of SAIC MAXUS RV to shape the RV into a socialized and scene-oriented IP, and through the expression of a variety of new lifestyles, to make the vision of “bring home and set off for a better life” within reach. With an inclusive and open mind, and with innovative means and methods, multiple marketing activities have been built into a comprehensive cultural concept integrating tourism, parent-child, entertainment, food and other elements, and the operation of “IP” continues to It has become an important direction for the development of SAIC MAXUS to make more people contact, understand and love RVs.

SAIC MAXUS joins hands with LINE FRIENDS Adventures in Magic City Parade goes smoothly

   Of course, the innovative ways of multi-scenario linkage, well-known IP cooperation, and online and offline marketing integration are only one aspect of the development of SAIC MAXUS RVs. With the cooperation of more and more brands, the RV development vision of “bringing home and starting for the better” will be used. Presenting in a way that consumers can experience is the ultimate goal of SAIC MAXUS RV. Therefore, SAIC MAXUS RV welcomes brands with ideas and creativity to work together to maximize crossover. (Contact email for brands interested in cooperation: [email protected])