The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

Pazhongju is the home of Pajero owners and off-road vehicle enthusiasts across the country. Since its inception, it has attracted off-road enthusiasts with a clear off-road concept. Pazhongju is the nickname of the Pajero (China) club. Pazhongju has always respected every rider and united all forces that can be gathered with an open, converging, and inclusive attitude to provide more information and communication services for riders across the country. platform. In activities and the daily life of riders, Pa Zhongju advocates a healthy life for people and cars, is keen on social welfare, and delivers positive energy. Advocate mild off-roading and share happiness. Guide car users across the country to participate in activities such as public welfare and environmental protection, love support, and concern for socially disadvantaged groups.

Shaanxi has a strong off-road culture. The first annual meeting of PA Zhongju since its establishment was also launched in Shaanxi. After that, it spread all over the country with a prairie fire and became one of the most influential car clubs in the country.

In late December 2018, the Shaanxi Brigade of Pazhongju ushered in the third annual meeting—Shangluo Annual Meeting.  

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

Shangluo City is located at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province and is one of the birthplaces of Chu culture. Wei Yang defeated Wei, and Qin named Shang Yu (sound Wo), called Shang Jun. It is the birthplace of the Luohe River and the Danjiang River. It is adjacent to the ancient capital Xi’an in the west, overlooks the Nanyang Basin in the east, connects with Qinchuan for 800 miles in the north, and takes the Jianghan Plain in the south.

It is a fortress in the south of Guanzhong, known as “the mountain separates the Qin and Chu borders, and the sound of water flows through the Han and Tang Dynasties”.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

Early route planning.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

Traverse route selection.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

Site survey.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

After a comprehensive comparison of several hotels, the party venue was finally placed in the Shangluo International Conference Center. ,

After the venue route was selected, specific preparations began. All the work was done in an orderly manner, and it took about 10 days for everything to be in place.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The success of each annual meeting is inseparable from the full support of sponsors. Among them are old friends Xi’an Chengcheng Yulang Trading Co., Ltd., Xi’an Jiabo Auto Repair, GAC Mitsubishi/Imported Mitsubishi Yuexiang 4S Store, Xixian Lingyue 4S Store, and our local enterprises in Shangluo, Shangluo Tangdu Auto Service and Shangluo San. Sheep decorations add bricks and tiles to the annual meeting. In addition, the CEO of Irvine Xinlu Company, a parallel import distribution company, and the marketing specialist in charge of Pajero sales, who came here from Tianjin, please allow us to insert a hard advertisement for them.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The day before the annual meeting, team members Xiaojing, Qiwu, and Mr. Wanan came to help and pack things.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

All is ready except for the opportunity! On the 20th, all work was completed, and more than 70 registered vehicles had been registered. The details of the annual meeting on the 21st were notified to each team member. Tian Shuai, Shepherd, Niu Yidao, Zhao Bin and other members of the Shangluo team made the last field survey on the route of the annual meeting due to weather changes.

There are nearly a hundred vehicles for this annual meeting, and there are many participants. In order to organize more effectively, the event has set up three gathering places. Report to the hotel, local traffic management, and relevant departments the day before to ensure the smooth progress of the annual meeting.

On the morning of the 22nd, the staff arrived at the assembly place ahead of schedule. Among them, the Northern Shaanxi Squadron drove more than 700 kilometers the day before to arrive at Lantian, the second assembly place ahead of schedule.

Every departure starts with a bowl of Hu spicy soup.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The team members signed in, signed the waiver agreement, and received gifts, car stickers and other items according to the usual practice.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The hotel will also vacate the parking lot according to the reserved parking spaces, and the participating vehicles will be parked together.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Pazhong Ju Shaanxi Brigade