The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

Since the 9th Silk Road Rally officially started in Irkutsk on July 6, three stages have been carried out, and the Russian stage, the first country in the “three countries”, has passed through.

Among them, Tao Yongming and Song Haitao, No. 248 car group of OP6.2 group from Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Race Wheel Team won the first place in the “first show” stage, and Zhao Xishan and Yang Rui of No. 247 car group won the group The second place, Hai Shuangzeng and Jing Kui of No. 246 car group won the fourth place in the group. At the same time, it won the top three in the T2.1 group in the Silk Road International Rally China Cross-Country Championship (International Section). All the tanks of the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Race Wheel Team ushered in a good start to this race!

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The competition is divided into trucks, cars, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles and other groups. 19 cars from various teams in China appeared in this rally, among which the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Tire Team even sent three Chinese mass-produced cars to participate. In the competition for the first stage from Irkutsk to Baikalsk, 5 of the top 10 drivers in the car group came from China.

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

On July 8th, bid farewell to the coniferous forest and enter Buryatia. The drivers ushered in the second stage, which is also the first long-distance stage of this event. The total length of the stage is 413.72 kilometers, of which the special stage is 207.67 kilometers. kilometer. Rugged gravel roads and muddy and slippery tracks are a big challenge for the tires at first. Secondly, the changing terrain such as mountains, coniferous forests and several bridges over the river is even more challenging for the drivers, and direction, rhythm and speed are indispensable.

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

Zhao Xishan, who has competed in domestic competitions for many years, was a veteran driver who participated in the competition in the T1 group. This year, he not only dedicated his international competition debut to the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara (parameter|picture) Sailun tire team, It is the first time to participate in the production group competition, which is very challenging for him.

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

Zhao Xishan said in an interview after the second stage, “Because I have been running in the T1 group in China, I didn’t get used to driving Navarra in the production group for the first time, but after two days of running-in and adaptation , I think it is very good that a mass-produced car can have such endurance and passability. I am also getting more and more adapted to the rhythm of the game. I believe that the following stages can adapt to the intensity of the game and achieve better results. .I will stick to it and enjoy the joy of the event.”

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

No. 246 Hai Shuangzeng, who also drove a mass-produced car for the first time to participate in an international competition, improved by two points in the second stage of the competition, and completed the second stage of the competition as the second place in the op6.2 group. As a 60-year-old veteran, he not only showed a high level of personal accomplishment, but also praised the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara racing car. He said: “Through these two days of competition, I feel that the quality of the car is still good, and the performance in the mass-produced car is also very stable, which allows us to be more calm on the muddy and slippery track.”

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

After the two-day competition, in the OP6.2 group, the three car groups of the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Tire Team still firmly occupy the leading position in the group, and won the first, second and fourth in the two groups , showing a high level of competition.

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

The 2019 Silk Road Rally Navarra team has a good start

On July 9th, the racers had set off for Mongolia. After the racers and the logistics support team inspected the vehicles and analyzed the race, they started their trip across the second country. Looking forward to more exciting performances from the Zhengzhou Nissan Navara Racing Team.