The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Three years ago, I drove a Toyota LC79 through the no-man’s land in Qiangtang, Tibet. From Puogangri Glacier to Ngari, vastness, desolation, silence, loneliness… Feeling the pleasure of crossing the boundless wilderness, it seems to have the power to break free from everything. But I know that there are even more awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring mysteries to the north of Puuogang.

After two years, I was invited by the environmental and ecological assessment center of a “certain bureau” to guarantee the fleet, and finally I had the honor to set foot on the extremely yearning and awe-inspiring “life forbidden zone” Altun Mountain Reserve.

(PS: In the middle of 2017, the country issued the “Green Shield Action”, which means that since then, the protected area is prohibited from crossing. All riders who want to cross must have official documents or invitations. Uninvited entry will face a large amount of money. punishment or possible criminal detention.)

Numerous rivers and lakes nourish the vast alpine pastures of the Altun Mountains. The land is frozen and the riverbed is dry. Winter is the best season to enter Altun Mountain. (PS: I need to camp in the wild near -40°C at night, and beware of the sneak attacks of wild animals. I turned out the “polar capsule” that cost thousands of oceans back then, which is a super thick down sleeping bag. Who knows the first time? If I get up early the next day, others will find that I am frozen hard.) Before entering the no-man’s land, everyone signed the “Life and Death Agreement” and purchased personal accident insurance. Because after entering the no-man’s land, in addition to facing the common high reaction, the team will also face many unpredictable difficulties. Wild yaks that can knock over off-road vehicles at any time, snow, frostbite, broken cars and wild beast attacks, etc… There, the only ones who can rescue and protect are ourselves! So everyone named this guarantee activity “big work”, and there are more than 200 items in the list alone in the preparatory work. In terms of material supplies, camp equipment, rescue equipment, food, water, oil, etc., will be transported to Qinghai by the support team after purchasing and preparing enough in the nearest city in the no-man’s land. After everything was ready, we started the “big work” of the “Life Forbidden Zone” with longing and expectation, and full of passion.

Without further ado, here are the photos……

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Let’s take a satellite track map first, with this map, mother no longer has to worry about us getting lost

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The Toyota LC79 security vehicle nicknamed “Big Cow”, oil barrels, generators, refrigerators, basically all the big items are handled by it

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Another security car for this event is still the 100 model of the LC series of the Niutou family…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The big troops flew away with the experts on the plane, we could only drive hard on the ground and chase…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Jingxi’s “hand” Fu, my co-driver this time, is full of milk, and he looks like a rich kid, tsk tsk, it’s incomparable, the hats are all off-road luxury ARB.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

After drinking the milk, he told me that he should sleep for a while, the milk is a bit too much! In fact, I didn’t sleep with Niu’er last night, and I’m making up sleep with me!

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Just a fork in the road, why do you have so many cameras? “How expensive”…….

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Do you think it’s a coincidence? High-speed roads are closed, and I ran into a good buddy who went to Tibet and returned to Beijing by car on the national highway. Come, come, hand over the woman in the car, the food, and the oxygen.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

A group photo of two support vehicles when they set off from the Beijing Base

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Encountered the second wave by chance, at the high-speed gate, I met a good brother from Zhonghua Motors in Qingdao, Shandong, and picked up a 2045 magic car, and he is also a player of the LC7 series! There is nothing wrong with this hairstyle, fuck him, you must fuck him!

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

I have traveled all over the country’s expressways, and it was the first time I encountered a toll booth that charged me one yuan….

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The eyes are full of golden yellow, so beautiful that I forget the cold at all. Just stay there and enjoy the beauty in front of you.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Toyota bull head meets wild bull head, I think the two brothers should take a photo together

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

When you arrive in Qinghai, you must make a card by the Qinghai Lake, and the LC brothers come to take a group photo

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

LC brothers by the lakeside of Qinghai play a card

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

In fact, every time I travel, I like the feeling of being on the road, listening to music and enjoying it quietly

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Laji Mountain almost made me call it a “garbage mountain”. This is also the first small pass into Qinghai, with an altitude of 3,800 meters.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The temple at the top of the mountain is located in Huangzhong County, Qinghai, and it seems to be called Laji Temple.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Squeeze a random one and go to Golmud!

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Arriving at the Kumbum Monastery, I thought there were more illegal and public security cameras, but after a closer look, it turned out to be “Old Black”

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

In the early morning, someone has kowtowed to this place from Xi’an

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda and a stupa.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

There is a picture at the main entrance, I wish you all auspicious new year and all the best.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

After reporting the car number, I drove the car to the internal parking lot and found that there was basically no car

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

As they arrived earlier, the monks doing morning classes went to the Dajinwa Temple one after another. The Dajinwa Temple is the birthplace of Master Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, commonly known as the “Yellow Sect”. Growing, the Bodhi tree outside the temple is a derivative of its ancient branches. And I was also fortunate to be invited by the master to touch this pagoda with my forehead. The Kumbum Monastery also got its name because of this. There is a temple behind the existing tower, so it is named Kumbum Monastery.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

After several days of raiding, finally arrived at the meeting place, Golmud, Qinghai

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The whole team gathers, discusses the details of the inspection, and assigns support tasks…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

After eating and drinking enough, returning to the hotel is naturally a variety of charging… Drones, satellite phones, cameras, video cameras, handheld gimbals, camp lights, all kinds of wires and plugs, the plugs are really not enough, so I went downstairs to buy A wire board….. was able to solve it

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

When the lights are turned off at night…the room is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, I thought I was in Gongti…it was almost fake foreign wine

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

As soon as the collection was finished, I was notified to refuel collectively, and then ran to the gas station in a hurry. All the places in the car that could hold oil drums were full, and I was afraid that the oil would not be enough. There are two roll cages on each side of the Wrangler. Oil barrels, from the rear, this car seems to be running with its waist pinched…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Mr. Meng, who drove the Raptor, was happier. He said: I ran out of gas in the 800-liter Dora, so please come to me. Along the way, Boss Meng shared the burden for everyone. You should take more buddies like this when you go out.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

After he filled it up, the modified 400-liter large fuel tank, plus a small oil drum and a generator, I looked at the rear steel plate of the car, and it has changed from an upward bend to a downward bend…. When my car came over, I was given another 100 liters. I was wondering about the loading capacity of this new Raptor. To be honest, it is really not as good as the old one. Maybe it’s because of the lightweight!

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

I didn’t lie to everyone, it’s really a modified Raptor with 800 liters of fuel. After refueling, go back to the hotel and sleep.. Departure tomorrow morning

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

I woke up early the next morning and found one tire was flat. I had no choice but to find a nearby tire shop and replaced it with a set of General AT5. To be honest, I was not optimistic about this set of AT tires at the time. I thought that no man’s land was more suitable for ST or MT. tires, but what surprised me most about this support activity is that its fuel consumption has been greatly reduced. Because most of the no-man’s land is covered with ice and snow in winter, the grip in the snow is not inferior to that of ordinary snow tires. The sidewall was not protected, so a tire was scrapped in the last three days of rescue. The spare tire is gone, so be extra careful when you walk!

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

I get excited when I see non-paved roads. This may be a common problem of every off-roader. It is as friendly as when you see roads after walking on non-paved roads for several days. Let’s put it this way, if you don’t drive on paved roads, you will think of the asphalt road, but at the end of the asphalt road, you still have to get off the paved road.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

It is not easy to meet a reservoir in the vast Gobi

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Huge single wind ling stone. PS: The person next to me said that it would be nice to get this home.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Come, come, let me show you which car has space for you.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Officially started to enter the area without ruts… all follow the track points

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

access mine road

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The Kunlun Snow Mountain in the distance is majestic and majestic, and we have opened a new rut in the Gobi Desert.

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Blowing pillows for us at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters… such a buddy is worth paying, because they are blowing you with their lives… After blowing, it will be high back… Why don’t you use an electric snail…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Never mind what it is….disk it and it’s over….

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The chef is cooking, we are making the beds, electric mattresses, down sleeping bags, and we can’t resist the biting cold…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Everyone’s a humidifier…smoky as soon as you breathe….

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Because the grilled fish and hand-meat are too fragrant…forgot to take pictures, burn some hot water after drinking and eating…get under the bed…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

The first ray of sunshine in the morning in the vast Gobi…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Gold is sprinkled all over the Gobi Desert…the Golden Mountains get their name from here…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

keep on sprinkling…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

In order to shoot this sunrise… I got up at six o’clock, and I waited for several hours on the Gobi Desert… I don’t know if it’s cold or not, the camera is frozen anyway… Dear great photographers… …

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

In order to take a picture of the sunrise…My brother just waited quietly outside for a few hours…I asked him if it was cold…He said it was nothing compared to blockbuster movies…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

That’s right…there is a desert ahead…come here to deflate, plant the flagpole…the target agate ditch…hey, wait a minute, this is not Kubuqi…it’s here to guarantee…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

As the glacier approached noon, the river surged by more than 1 meter, so the road-finding vehicle became an icebreaker…

The Golden Mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level are frozen thousands of miles into the restricted area of ​​life! (one)

Rescue details will be explained in detail in the next update…

(to be continued)