The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

On June 20, 2019, the “Wonderful Desert Tour, Ruidong Tengger” – a new generation of Tiggo 8 environmental protection public welfare activity was successfully concluded at the Tengger Dojing Lake Camp at the foot of Helan Mountain. Representatives of the first batch of new-generation Tiggo 8 owners from Chengdu, Yinchuan, Baiyin, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places went on this trip together with Chery Automobile to speak out for green environmental protection, do their part for environmental protection and public welfare, and call on more people to protect the desert environment .

Love and public welfare, we are always on the road

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

The desert is not a restricted area for life. When entering the desert for the first time, in order to ensure the safety of the expedition team members, the organizer Chery Owners Club explained the safety knowledge of the desert to the car owners.

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

The most beautiful scenery is to fulfill the covenant of public welfare with love

After a night of intense rest, the expedition finally set sail again. With excitement and the most sincere wish, the team members continued to march towards the destination — Doi Lake Camp.

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

The new generation of Tiggo 8 is heading to the depths of the desert!

At the departure ceremony, Ms. Zheng Guoping, Director of Customer Relations Department of Chery Marketing Company, delivered a green wish speech.

“We joined hands with Chery car fans to come to the northwest of the motherland, not only to build a green dream and witness the 40-year desert control miracle! We also hope that through this event, more car fans will be encouraged to invest in the green project of desert control Come and turn the desert into an oasis again!”

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

Have dreams and friends, a special birthday gift

Because of the same mission, we got together in Tengger. This must be the most special birthday gift that car owner Ruige has ever received! And today is also the birthday of Brother Rui, a member of the expedition team. All the entourage of Chery Automobile presented him with special birthday wishes. This unexpected and meaningful birthday made everyone feel the warmth of the big Chery family.

The new generation of Tiggo travels across the desert

From the Moke camp to the entrance of the Tujing Lake desert, the sky and the earth seem to be covered in yellow. Only one tree-like sandbar stands out in the desert.

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

As the exclusive car for this green and environmental protection public welfare trip, the new generation of Tiggo 8 has outstanding product advantages in power system, intelligent technology configuration, safe driving, etc., making the road of public welfare unimpeded, and has also won unanimous trust and praise from car owners.

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

We still firmly believe that by planting green saplings, hope will take root and sprout among more and more riders

Environmental protection and public welfare activities have come to an end temporarily, but the new generation of Tiggo 8’s public welfare and environmental protection journey has never stopped. We know that the road of public welfare has only a starting point and no end.

As an independent brand, Chery has been committed to public welfare undertakings and has achieved remarkable results. We believe that Chery Automobile will also escort public welfare undertakings through more and better products; more people will join the Chery family to carry out public welfare undertakings to the end!

In the past five years, Tengger desert control has pushed back nearly 20 kilometers of desert. There is no trace of the former yellow sand, only psammophytes of different heights are distributed among them, sticking to one side. The distance between the desert and Helan Mountain constitutes a barrier to prevent the desert from advancing.

From desert to oasis – it is because of such a group of people who plant trees in the most difficult desert that more and more greenery begins to appear here.

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

The strongest voice in the era of pursuing green dreams

“Sandstorms are powerful, but we are not afraid. Planting and repairing every year, sand control is fighting against the sky, and we must believe that man will conquer the sky.” The former Shapotou old secretary introduced Tengger’s 40-year sand control history to Chery owners.

If the sand retreats and the people advance, the people will conquer the sky! The old secretary is both a participant and a witness to history

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

Sowing is never just for reaping

“Add more soil!” “Buy the roots deeper.” As the rows of green saplings were buried in the dry sand, the faces of the riders covered with sweat finally showed a gratified smile.

The new generation of Tiggo 8 pays tribute to the desert heroes in its public welfare and environmental protection tour

We still firmly believe that by planting green saplings, hope will take root and sprout among more and more riders

Environmental protection and public welfare activities have come to an end temporarily, but the new generation of Tiggo 8’s public welfare and environmental protection journey has never stopped. We know that the road of public welfare has only a starting point and no end.

As an independent brand, Chery has been committed to public welfare undertakings and has achieved remarkable results. We believe that Chery Automobile will also escort public welfare undertakings through more and better products; more people will join the Chery family to carry out public welfare undertakings to the end!