Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

On April 17, the Tongren Wild Wolf Group braved the rain and crossed the Yelang Gorge. Because it was raining lightly, there were not many pictures and videos.

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

ready to enter the canyon

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

The leader’s horse is responsible for opening the way

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

open new paths

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

This picture depends on the “highlight”. I use party spirit to guarantee that I have never had a P!

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

The original ecology……

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

sorry for my pedals

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain


Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

work together

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain


Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Everyone do it

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain


Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

45 degree mud slope

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Bingbing’s shortcoming has gone…

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

Tongren Wild Wolves Crossing Yelang Gorge in the Rain

[The content comes from the off-road e family community]

Author: Chen Laohei
