Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

D16 Lhasa

Go to Zaki Temple today. Zaki Temple is also called the God of Wealth Temple (it is estimated that it originated from the mainland), and it is a very important temple in Lhasa.

The “God of Wealth” of Zaki Temple is called “Zaki Ram” in Tibetan. It is said that this is the secular incarnation of the guardian deity of Lhasa, “Auspicious Heavenly Mother”. He was originally in Han, and came to Lhasa with a master of Sera Monastery who went to Han (it is also said that he went to Tibet with Princess Wencheng). Enshrined in Zaki Temple. He also said that the God of Wealth Bodhisattva in Zaki Temple is the most efficacious in Tibet, and those who seek wealth come here to worship “Zaki Ram”. Therefore, Zaki Temple is regarded as the only God of Wealth Temple in Tibet.

     The statue of Zakiram is located in a niche in the main hall of the temple. People holding wine bottles and khata lined up several meters in front of Zakiram’s statue. In front of the altar, a monk opened the wine bottle handed by believers and poured liquor into the wine tank. “I have been in business for several years, and I will come to pay respects to Zakiram every once in a while. She can bring me good luck.” Tashi Dorje said and handed the liquor in his hand to the monk.

      It is said that at first this temple was specially set up for outsiders to pray for safety, but most of the outsiders are businessmen, and they are especially spiritual after worshiping the gods in Zaki Temple. As a result, it gradually became what everyone calls the Temple of the God of Wealth. The goddess Zaki enshrined in the side hall of the temple is said to come from the mainland and is very effective. Therefore, unlike other temples in Tibet, this temple has many believers from the mainland or Han people worship, and the divination of the temple is also very famous in Tibet.

According to the legend, the goddess Zaki belongs to the guardian god of the world (Tibetan Buddhism classifies the guardian gods of the world. “God” is a small number of gods in the pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism. For example, the goddess of auspiciousness and Yamantaka belong to the guardian deity of the world, which means that they have escaped the suffering of reincarnation and belong to high-level gods. There is still a relationship with all living beings, so many times they will change into human form and contact with all living beings. Goddess Zaki belongs to this kind of deity, and she is very effective. The reason why Zaki Temple’s incense is strong has an important relationship with believers’ devout belief in this goddess.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

The large incense burner outside Zaki Temple, everyone spends 10 yuan to buy an incense set (a handful of pine branches, a bottle of white wine, and a pack of powdered incense) at the street vendor at the entrance, and put the pine branches and the pack of incense into the incense burner , Then enter the Zaki Temple and offer the wine to the Lama.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

The God of Wealth in Zaki Temple is particularly addicted to alcohol. During worship, you can buy a bottle of liquor and a few bundles of wormwood and pine leaves in the small shop at the entrance of the temple. If it is convenient, bring your own hada and ghee (bring a small spoon), and exchange Good change enters the shrine.

Look, so many empty wine bottles are offered by incense worshipers.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

The hotel I stayed in was in an alley, so it was very inconvenient to get in and out of the car. I am afraid that there will be no place to park when I go back late. In the afternoon, we moved to the Xianzu Island Ecological Community with convenient parking. This is a small island in the Lhasa River. It has been developed into a high-end community. There are many villas converted into inns in the community. And the prices are similar, but you don’t have to worry about parking.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

clean and bright

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Greenery and vegetables grown in the yard

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Inadvertently walked into the Internet celebrity shop at noon, ordered butter tea

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

     There are not many such bright and clean Tibetan restaurants in Lhasa

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

10 yuan a pot of butter tea, just fill 4 cups

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

This potato curry is so delicious

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

D17 Lhasa

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

I specially went to the vegetable market to have a look. There are many kinds of vegetables, and the prices are not much more expensive than those in the mainland.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

This big piece is ghee, which is used to make ghee lamps

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

nepal silver jewelry

Go to the Jokhang Temple to offer lanterns

   The meaning of offering lamps: lamps are a symbol of wisdom and light; lighting lamps for Buddha is one of the important offerings in Buddhism. I hope that through the explanation and meaning of burning the lamp, the self-nature lamp in your heart can be ignited. Lighting a lamp in front of the Buddha is used to mark the wisdom of the Buddha.

The ” Infinite Life Sutra” says: To be the light of the world is the most wonderful field of blessings in the world.
It is also said in the “Bodhisattva Tibetan Sutra”: Hundreds of thousands of lamps are bright and repent of sins. Therefore, lighting lamps in front of the Buddha is to use the light emitted by the lamp of Buddha’s wisdom to illuminate our ignorance, so that our hearts can be enlightened and achieved. Our wisdom jackfruit.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)


Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

In the afternoon, I came to Barkhor Street to buy things~ I encountered a thunderstorm with a big diamond knot.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

The largest is 100, the middle is 15, and the smallest is 10 yuan

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

I don’t know what this dzi bead is……

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

   At the most critical time, the mobile phone has a problem, and it can only record video but not take pictures

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Whenever you come to Barkhor Street, you can see all kinds of people turning the street to worship. Some are alone, and some are with families.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Take your daughter and son to visit the Jokhang Temple

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

A five or six-year-old girl is very serious about making big gifts

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

He took two children by himself, and I felt a little sad when I saw someone donating money. I also gave some, so I should buy candy for the children.

What he holds in his hands is too professional and worth promoting

 In the evening, I went to the Potala Palace Square again.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (4)

(to be continued)