Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Before coming here, I almost never heard its name, let alone understand its beauty,

After coming here, I am often shocked by its beauty and vastness,

I met the love story of Tsangyang Gyatso and Maggie Ami here,

I also met here the poor but infinitely pure Tibetan children,

This is Ganzi,

It is Ganzi on the cloud that cleanses and sublimates the soul.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

The tourle family Gnie south line extreme crossing team consisting of 28 vehicles and more than 60 people,

Starting from Chengdu,

Passing through Ya’an, Luding, Kangding, Yajiang, Litang,

Finally arrived in Batang,

Not only experienced the fun of extreme crossing on the way,

Witnessing the true face of Genie Snow Mountain,

Also completed the “Love in the Plateau” public welfare education aid action of Tule Family in Genie Primary School,

Everyone in the team works together,

Completed this extraordinary cross-country trip together.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Time: 2018.4.21

Itinerary: Chengdu – Yajiang County

Route: Depart from Chengdu, go to Luding via Chengya Expressway and Yakang Expressway, and arrive at Kangding on National Highway 318 for lunch. After lunch, follow the direction of Yala Township, pass Mugecuo, Honghaizi, Kangding Airport, return to National Highway 318, and pass by the photographer Tiantangxin Duqiao, and then through the Gaoer Temple tunnel to Yajiang County, where you can stay in Tibetan dwellings at the foot of Jianziwan Mountain.

Day accommodation altitude: 3300m

In the early morning of April 21, 2018, the convoy gathered at the New Imperial City Hotel and set off for today’s destination, the Buzhu residence at the foot of Jianziwan Mountain in Yajiang County.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

The further you go west, the altitude tends to rise in a straight line. The motorcade stopped and walked along the way, which not only allowed everyone to slowly adapt to the gradually rising altitude, but also allowed enough time to enjoy the ultimate beauty along the 318 route.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Every time you walk to a viewing platform, everyone is shocked by the magnificent scenery unfolding in front of you. The mountains here are mysterious, and the water is holy. Every time you look at it, you feel a little sublimated.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

At around 6:00 p.m., the convoy arrived at the Buzhu residence at the foot of Jianziwan Mountain. Xiaole, the leader of the Sichuan Column of Tule Family, went to the battle to arrange accommodation in person. Dingban also reminded everyone of some precautions.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

After eating the simple meal, everyone may be tired or have a slight high fever, and the temperature is very low, so they all went back to the room to rest. The little giant and I chatted with the riders who rode the Sichuan-Tibet line. On the road, you can always meet some interesting people and hear some interesting stories. Perhaps this is the charm of being on the road.

On the first day after we hit the road, we were both excited and full of expectations, and we fell asleep with a smile.

Time: 2018.4.22

Itinerary: Yajiang County – Litang County (Litang Sightseeing)

Route: Climb Jianziwan Mountain and Kazila Mountain, arrive at King Gesar Square in Litang County in the morning to attend the welcome ceremony, then walk to Renkang Old Street, visit Renkang Ancient House, and encounter the love story of Cangyang Gyatso and Maggie Ami.

Day accommodation altitude: 4100 meters

                            Pure white crane, please lend me a pair of wings, don’t fly far away, only come back when you reach Litang.

                                                                                                                                    —— Tsangyang Gyatso

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

On April 22, 2018, we set off early in the morning, crossed the Jianziwan Mountain and Kazila Mountain, and came to Litang, which used to be the highest county in the world.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

The Tibetan name of Jianziwan Mountain is “Jamanaza”, which means Yangzi Mountain Pass. The mountain pass is 4,659 meters above sea level, and it is one of the highest mountain passes on the 318 National Highway passing through the Kangba area.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Kazila Mountain, 4718 meters above sea level. Looking at the mountains here, there are many mountains and mountains, one layer is farther away than the next layer, and the color is lighter than the next layer, reaching to the sky, like walking on the “heavenly road”.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

After arriving in Litang, the relevant government leaders of Litang County held a welcome ceremony for the car fans of the Tourle family at the King Gesar Square. They were Tang Pengfei, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Litang County, the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the chairman of the State-owned Assets Corporation. Zhang Xi, Xue Song, deputy director of the Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting, Ding Zhen, general manager of Litang County Tourism Investment Development Co., Ltd., and Yan Jie, deputy manager of Genie Company.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

From left to right: Yan Jie, Manager of Ge Nie Company, Zhang Xi, Deputy Director of SASAC and Chairman of State-owned Assets Corporation, Xue Song, Deputy Director of Culture and Broadcasting Bureau, Ding Zhen, General Manager of Travel Investment Company, Nail, Moderator of Tourle Family, Litang Tang Pengfei, Deputy Director of the County Propaganda Department

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Nail, the moderator of Tule Family, explained to everyone the original intention and significance of the “Love in the Plateau” public welfare education aid action. People who love off-roading love to go to some places that few people go to. However, behind the beautiful scenery is often the lack of material and information. When they see all these, they will always have some feelings from the bottom of their hearts. On the off-road road, helping those in need and bringing some real help to the materially and spiritually impoverished Tibetan children is the simplest original intention of all the riders of the Tourle family.

After the welcome ceremony, Ding Zhenjiangcuo, the general manager of the travel investment company, arranged for the reception staff to lead everyone to Renkang Old Street, visit the Renkang Ancient House, and prepared authentic Tibetan lunch and cultural performances for everyone in Cangyang Manor.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

After lunch, the convoy went to Changqingqinger Temple and Zhaga Mountain to visit.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Changqingchun Keer Temple, also known as Litang Temple, was founded in 1580 by the third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso. It is the oldest and largest Tibetan Buddhist Yellow Sect temple in Kham. Changchun Keer is a transliteration of Tibetan, “Changqing” means Maitreya Buddha (that is, the future Buddha), “Chun Keer” means Falun, and “Changqing Keer” means Maitreya Dharma Wheel (marking that the Falun often turns, the wonderful Truth lasts forever).

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Zhaga Sacred Mountain is located in Maoya Benge Township, Litang County, with an altitude of 4135 meters and 18 kilometers away from the county seat. It is one of the five most worshiped sacred mountains by the masses. Zhaga Holy Mountain stands on the top of the mountains, and half of the mountain is covered with green-brown rocks. The six-character mantras of different sizes are naturally displayed on the rocks of the sacred mountain: Om, Ma, Ne, Bai, Mi, Moo, and Muyanghe. There are also natural karst caves with a radius of tens of feet on the mountain. The caves are sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, and there are stalagmites, stone pillars and stone figures shaped like Buddha statues in different shapes.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

After the visit, we set up camp at the Cordyceps Hotel. The altitude here is about 4100. For some people, this will be a difficult night. Fortunately, the hotel has installed an oxygen inhalation device for each room, which can be regarded as a kind of psychological comfort.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Time: 2018.4.23

Itinerary: Litang County——Ganzi Primary School (Tule Family’s “Love in the Plateau” public welfare education aid action)

Route: Cross Genie Scenic Area, pass Tiejiang Mountain Pass, Xinhu Lake, Lamaya Township, Yilaka Pass, and cabins. Lunch is a road meal. After lunch, pass Ranrika Hot Spring and Eye of Genie to Hupi Dam Camping, visiting Xinlangu Temple, and finally arrived at Zeba Village at the foot of Genie Shenshan Mountain, where the team carried out the “Love in the Plateau” public welfare education aid activity at Genie Primary School.

Day accommodation altitude: 3900m

Today, we will officially start crossing the “Genie South Line”. There is a person who set off with us, he is Ge Naizepi from Litang Ge Nie Scenic Area Development Co., Ltd., and he is also our guide for the next few days. We all call him “Gene”.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Along the way, Ge Nai introduced us to every scenic spot we passed in his hidden Mandarin. Of course, the most impressive thing to me is the mysterious Ge Nie Mountain. We can also be regarded as a great outbreak of character, and we saw the whole picture of Ge Nie Shenshan (the main peak is 6204m above sea level).

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Mount Genie is one of the main peaks of the Shaluli Mountains, a branch of the Hengduan Mountains. It is called Karma Ripa in Tibetan. It is the 13th goddess among the 24 sacred mountains of Tibetan Buddhism in my country. The total area of ​​Mount Genie is 7,168 square kilometers, and the core scenic area is 1,498 square kilometers. Mount Genie is the third highest peak in Sichuan and the first snow mountain in southern Kangan. It is also one of the eight Holy Lands of Shengle Vajra. In Tibet, the holy places of Shengle Vajra are only the Himalayas and the holy mountain of Ghenie. It is said that in the records of Tibetan culture “Red History” and “Qing History”, Mount Genie is also called “Gangbo Gongga” or “Gangboza”, which means a good place that dazzles the eyes and dazzles the eyes in Tibetan.

Genie Scenic Spot is centered on Genie, surrounded by mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, virgin forests, grasslands, lakes, hot springs, temples, Tibetan customs, etc., forming a charming nature reserve. It is the destination of all beautiful ideals. It is a paradise, an ideal pure land, and a pure land hidden deep in the snow-capped mountains.

At the beginning of the last century, when the fifth generation Jia Muyang practiced in Genie and built Daqing Temple, he expressed his love for Genie in this way: “If I had 10,000 meters of white silk, I would wrap Gangbo Gongga. In 1877, When foreign traveler William Gill came to Ghenie, he praised Ghenie like this: “I don’t have any words to describe this tall mountain. Any traveler here can feel the mood of Tibetans, and they can’t help calling it a holy mountain.” .

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

At noon, we arrived at Lamaya Township. Lama—the term generally refers to monks of Tibetan Buddhism, and Ya means good in Tibetan; around the time of the Qing Dynasty, officials stayed here, and local religious figures, farmers and herdsmen received them very warmly and hospitablely; Local religious figures and farmers and herdsmen said: Lamaya! It means that religious people are very simple and kind; Lamaya is also named after this, and it is also an important stop on the Ancient Tea Horse Road.

We first came to Lamaya Township Hospital. The only doctor in the hospital took the blood pressure and pulse of the Gaofan students to make sure everyone was fine. One of the sisters in the team was troubled by Gao Fan from the first day of departure, and she cried aggrievedly when she saw the doctor.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

After seeing the doctor, we took the doctor with us, and we set off again, arrived at a flat area, and tasted the roadside picnic prepared for us by the employees of Litang Genie Scenic Area Development Co., Ltd. Although the conditions are simple, the taste is very good, especially facing the blue sky, white clouds and brown mountains, it is simply beautiful and delicious.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

After eating a delicious roadside picnic, everyone went to the wild hot spring not far away to soak their feet in twos and threes to get rid of the fatigue of the day. This kind of wild hot spring is called carbonate spring, which is produced by the circulation of surface water infiltration. Rainwater penetrates into the ground and becomes groundwater. The groundwater is affected by the heat in the crust and becomes hot water. When the temperature of the hot water As it rises, it will emerge from the ground to form hot springs. Carbonated springs can improve symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis, and cold hands and feet.

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing

Walking into Ganzi on the Cloud and meeting Maji Ami——Gene South Line Extreme Crossing